~FOSSIL SITES on GeoCities~
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The Paleontological Society

PaleoNet's Home Page

Links offered by PaleoNet

The Palaeontological Association

Here's a Beautiful and Interesting PWP about Fossils

~Fossil Sites Web Club~
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United States ~Sites by State~
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A List of all the United States' State Fossils
Fossils For Sale or Trade by U.S. Companies

~United States National Park Service Sites~
Stonerose Interpretive Center - Washington Online Highways
National Park Service Fossil Parks (Its worth the waiting)
Park Paleontology Newsletter
WWW Fossil Sites ~Sites by Country~
Argentina * Australia * Austria * Belgian * Canada * China * Denmark * Finland * France * Germany * Ireland * Japan * Malaysia * Netherlands * New Zealand * Norway * Poland * Portugal * Russia * Sweden * Switzerland * United Kingdom * Venezuela
* Gobi Desert Fossils
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Fossils For Sale or Trade by Companies outside of United States
~A Guide to the Orders of Trilobites~
~Le Grenier aux Trilobites~
Trilobite homepage
The Semi-Compleat Trilobite
Per Hanssonīs trilobite gallery
Among My Trilobites
Jompaīs homepage: the trilobite box
~Museum Sites~
Blackwell Science, and the Natural History Museum, London
Dinosaur Valley Museum
The Royal Tyrrell Museum
The San Diego, CA Natural History Museum
The Grand River Museum
The Hunterian Museum
The World Wide Museum of Natural History
The Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
The Denver Museum of Natural History
National Speleological Society
The PaleoSection of the NSS
More Information and some things to Consider
Dating Techniques
Fossils becoming bones of contention;
Agencies try to balance access, protection from theft.

. . . more sites soon to come.

LINKS ALERT ~Pages Featuring Paleo Links
Zillions of Links. Here's an excellent site by Simon Biggs. A valuable resource.
Zillions More Links. Jack Mount's Paleo Links. A 'must' stop on a "fossilized" web sites hunt.
Actual Sizes

The picture on the left shows fairly accurately the size difference between a human skull and a large dino skull.

Fossil News
'Fossil News' Newsletter by Lynne M. Clos
Lynne M. Clos's Homepage
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