Welcome to Astro-Brico Last Update : 31/01/2005 |
Hi, my name is Axel Canicio, I'm 36 years old, I'm a computer systems analyst . I live in Alès, a little town in southern France. After 20 years of constrained observing in a 60mm refractor, I've decided to radically change my tools. A Meade Starfinder 16 inch F4/5 Dobsonian has been at my service for over five years now for sky hunting. Since I wasn't really expecting to do astrophotography, I simply chose the most luminous solution. I have since brought some improvements to this faboulous light bucket. The following pages thouroughly describe these improvements, and I hope, will give others some good ideas of how to get more out of their baby.
New !!! | ||
Any feedback is welcome, write to me : acanicio at astrosnap dot com
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