25th World Congress of Internal Medicine, Cancún, Mexico

June 4 - 9, 2000

Importance of Heart Rate and Pulse×Mass Index

for the assessment of Cardiovascular Risk

Enrique Sánchez-Delgado*, Asociación Nicaragüense de Medicina Interna,

and Heinz Liechti, Laboratorios Solka, Managua, Nicaragua

* Member of ACP-ASIM and ISIM

INTRODUCTION: The importance of resting heart rate as a cardiovascular risk factor has been increasingly recognized since the studies of Framingham and Göteborg, reinforced by the success of Betablockers in coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure and perioperative mortality in high risk patients. Recently, heart rate variability, chronotropic incompetence and heart rate recovery after exercise, have demonstrated to be predictors of mortality. In all mammals, the slower the pulse, the longer the lifespan, and viceversa.

At the other hand, obesity is already recognized as a major cardiovascular risk factor. Years ago, we observed an apparent relation of 3:1 (72:24) between resting heart rate and body mass index. Then we developed the Pulse×Mass Index and compared it both with the studies on obesity and mortality and with the calculation of the global cardiovascular risk according to Framingham. [1]

The Pulse×Mass Index reflects overweight, stress, sympathetic stimulation, oxidative metabolic rate, hyperinsulinemia, inflammatory activity, physical fitness and side effects of drugs like water retention, potent vasodilation and tachycardia. The therapeutic interventions or lifestyle modifications, should improve the treated cardiovascular risk factor without increasing, or better reducing Pulse×Mass Index, while, if possible, improving chronotropic incompetence and heart rate recovery.

Based on our investigations, a Pulse×Mass Index of 0.7-1.0 would be ideal.

Pulse×Mass Index = Resting Heart Rate ×Body Mass Index 1730 [or 72 × 24]

METHODS: In a pilot group of 34 patients, we compared Pulse×Mass Index [percent in excess over 1.0, e.g. 1.30 = 30% in excess] with the calculation of the global cardiovascular risk according to Framingham (known tabulation based on age, sex, smoking, diabetes, left ventricular hypertrophy, systolic blood pressure, total and HDL cholesterol: a global risk of 30% of events in 10 years is very significant). We also compared Pulse×Mass Index with the real, empirically observed mortality in several studies with obese, respectively physically fit patients. If both resting heart rate and body mass index were given, we calculated the real Pulse×Mass Index. If only body mass index was given, we assumed a 3:1 relation between resting heart rate and body mass index and calculated a theoretical Pulse×Mass Index, then compared it with the mortality.

RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: After comparing the pulse×mass index with the global cardiovascular risk according to Framingham, we found a highly significant correlation (r=0.95; n=34; p<0.05), especially in patients over 40 years, despite the pulse×mass index being more sensitive for younger patients. (see figure).

When we calculated and compared pulse×mass index with the real observed mortality in the study by Erikssen et al. (Norway, 1998), who followed about 2000 physically fit patients for 22 years, we found a surprisingly similar result, applying their own data:

for an increase of 1 S.D. in resting heart rate (10.1 bpm) plus an increase of 1 S.D. in body mass index (2.7 kg/m2), they had a combined mortality of 1.28 (28% in excess).

The real calculated pulse×mass index is 1.27=[(72+10.1=82.1)×(24+2.7=26.7)÷1730] suggesting that pulse×mass index can be predictive of mortality. [2]

Moreover we also observed, analyzing studies on obesity and mortality, that if the relation of 3:1 between pulse and body mass index was maintained proportional as body mass index increases, then the enlarged mortality becomes predictable -e.g., for a body mass index of 33 and a theoretically corresponding pulse of 99 (1/3), the pulse×mass index (33×99÷1730) is 1·9 or almost two-fold, corresponding with the known doubling of mortality by this body mass index. The same tendency is found for every increase of body mass index and pulse, although, as suspected, the mortality tend to be higher in younger obese men. [3]

Interestingly, in a recent study, the group of Cole and Lauer found an increased mortality in the patients with abnormal heart rate recovery after excercise. When we calculated, using their own data, the pulse×mass index of this patients, it resulted to be 1.28, which corresponds to a high risk group. Moreover, the real relation of resting heart rate to body mass index was about 3 to 1, in both, the normal and abnormal groups. [4]

In other recent studies on obesity and mortality from Calle et al. in USA (over one million patients observed during 14 years), and Bender et al. in Germany (over 6000 obese patients observed during 15 years, average body mass index [BMI] of 36.6 and age 40 years), if we calculate the theoretical pulse×mass index, assuming a relation of 3:1 between resting heart rate and body mass index, we find similar results: [5], [6]

Bender: BMI = 36.6, real mortality increased to = 2.0 [ theoretical pulse×mass index = 2.3 ]

Calle: male, BMI 35, real mortality increased to = 2.0 [ theoretical pulse×mass index = 2.1 ]

male, BMI 40, real mortality increased to = 2.7 [ theoretical pulse×mass index = 2.8 ]

Thus, pulse×mass index, a widely accessible index of physical signs, appears to be predictive of both cardiovascular risk and mortality, and can contribute together with the known risk factors, to a more complete assessment of cardiovascular risk. It should be done routinely in every patient.


  1. Sánchez-Delgado E and Liechti H. Lifetime risk of developing coronary heart disease. Lancet 1999;353:924-925
  2. Erikssen G, et. al., Changes in physical fitness and changes in mortality. Lancet. 1998;352:759-62
  3. Stevens J, et al., The effects of age on the association between body-mass index and mortality. N Engl J Med. 1998;338:1-7
  4. Cole C R, Foody JA M, Blackstone E H and Lauer M S. Heart Rate Recovery after Submaximal Exercise Testing as a Predictor of Mortality in a Cardiovascularly Healthy Cohort. Ann Intern Med. 2000;132:552-555
  5. Calle E E, et al., Body-mass index and mortality in a Prospective Cohorte of U.S. Adults. N Engl J Med. 1999;341:1097-105
  6. Bender R, et al., Effect of Age on Excess Mortality in Obesity. JAMA 1999;281:1498-1504

Dr. Enrique Sánchez-Delgado, and Heinz Liechti, M.Sc.

Laboratorios Solka S.A., P.O. Box A-02, Managua, Nicaragua,

Tel. 00505-278-1031; Fax. 00505-270-3819 and 279-9653

E-mail: solka@ibw.com.ni
