I will be posting here photos of scale models made by the Experten at Luftwaffe_Aircraft mailing list.
Herr Hartmman's 109 by Patric Barois! The diorama depicts a Bf109 G14 in a battered winter squeme. The photos were taken by a digital camera.
Photos from Master Modeler Skitz Fijan. Although lighthing dind't help Mr. Skitz showing up to the world it's models, it still looks very impressive.
Me262 B1a/U1 along with a Me262 Projekt .Great paint job given to the NachtJager.
Group made of early Bf109s and a Bf108 Taifun .
Two diferent Komets, "Weisse10" and "Weisse13" .
A Blohm&Voss Bv141 .
A Dornier Do335 .
The Fw189 A "Uhu" .
Models by Kamarade in models, Sandy.
This is a Junkers Ju87 D, from a Italeri kit .
A Grumman F6F Hellcat depicting a crate from VF-17.
Dandy Bf109 E from a Tamya kit. 1/48 scale.
Same Bf109 E as above. The splinter camouflage looks great!
Australian Spitfire Mk.V , general view.
Same Australian Spitfire, front view.
Yet another view of the same Spitfire (!!!), this time a side view
Beaufighter MK21 from 93Sqn ,Australian A.F..
Scale models by Master Modeler José M. Paliza. Be shocked by this awsome collection of skillfuly crafted airplanes. Models at 1/48 scale.
Von Boremski´s 109F "Gelb 4" is a Hasegawa kit.
"Gelb 4" next to 109E "Rot4". The 109E is also a Hasegawa.
Bf109 G10 "Gelb 6" from Revell .
Now, a Bf109 G10 made by José's son which won a 2nd place in Junior class at the IPMS in Virginia Beach four years ago.
A 109 G6 in winter scheme, depicting the aircraft flown by the Experten "Buby" Hartman.
Dominican B-17G # 2301 1950, Monogram kit.
Dominican B-17G #2302 1950 from Monogram plus Revell Tanker.
Dominican P-51D Escuadron de Caza Ramfis, 1955, Hasegawa.
A Beaufighter in Dominican AF colors.
Yellow Fw 190 A3 plus a Spitfire IX marking a combat wich took place in July 43. The Spit piloted by Lt. Martell of the Alsace Squadron brought down the Fw.
Jens Gebhardt sent me this spectacular collection of photos showing some of his scale models. Both the models and photo composition are great!
A Do335 "Pfeil" .
Bf109 G6 as flown by J.Gr.50's Kommandeur, Hermann Graf.
Razorback Thunderbolt with Invasion stripes.
A Me262 B1a/U1 in a dandy Nachtjager camouflage.
"Pips" Priller Focke-Wulf 190.
JV44's "Papaguei Staffel" 190D.
Now, a late Stuka Doing wath it was supposed to!
Surely the last thing a T34's commander wanted to see.
Alex Methenitis sent me these pictures of his models. I got surprised by the super-detailing at this unsual scale, 1/32. Way to go Alex!
Bf109 G6 in a standart RLM 74/75/76 squeme.
Another Bf109 G6, again only the standart 74/75/76 camouflage was aplied to the model.
Ira Kepford's Corsair, in VF-17 "Blackburn's Irregulars" finnish.
Now, a nicely weathered Fw109 A4.
P51 belonguing to Captain William A. Shomo, holder of CMH, of the 71st TRG, 82nd TRS, 5th Air Force.
Godd detailing on a Ta 152.
I'll place here the model photos Fernando Rolandelli sent me. The Fw109 is an award winner.
This Focke-Wulf 190 is the Revell-Germany 1/72 kit, finished with a Squadron vac canopy and Aeromaster decals. It depicts Brestschneider's plane, from 5/III JG 300.
Now, a Bf109 from 2/LLv34 (Finnish A.F), flown by Tuominen.
This space is for friend Damir Fillen to place his photos as soon as they arrive.
Hurricane Mk I, from 56 Sq. RAF, 1940.
Focke-Wulf 109 D9 with Damir's personal insignia, Major Ritter Von Fillen from EAW's JG26.
Now a series of photos that were mailed to me by Armand Eschleman. The modeller's name is Don Evett From USA and he hand painted (yes you heard correctly!) the insignia on the aircraft. A truly amazing work!
This model is of Erich Hartmann's crate. Herr Hartmann was consulted on the color scheme to insure accuracy, there are no decals everything is hand painted.
A FW109 D9 depicting those colourfull machines used by JV44. Model at 1/32 scale.
Same airplane as above, just another view.
Now, an Emil from I/JG27, in 1/32 scale.
An Henschel Hs129 in 1/48 scale.
The next one is a 1/24 Bandai kit of the Fw109 A, all hand painted but the JG3 emblem.
Finaly I received a few photos of Master Modeler Jason Cormier. Here they go.
A German infantryman (a Warriors figure) with rations in France '43. He rebuilt the helmet completely, removing the bands and adding camo netting and a pack of cigarettes.
An SS grenadier with standard camo smock which got Jason a bronze at CAMS (note the scratchbuilt roadsign).You can see the bronze behind it.
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