Dear Parent:
I am Mr. R. Jacquet Acea and I will be your child’s Astronomy teacher. Astronomy is one of the classes offered under the “Exploratory Arts” program here at Madison. A rare subject taught in public school, astronomy has always been a passion of mine since early childhood when my second grade teacher taught the class about the planets of our solar system. This will be my ninth year as a full time teacher at Madison. I hold a Bachelor of Arts degree from the State University of New York at Oswego in Music with a Minor in Astronomy, and I also hold a Master of Science degree from Montana State University in Physical Education.
Course Description
Astronomy class allows the students to use many of the skills they
have learned in other classes. They will use math, calculators, computers,
art work, technical drawing, reading, writing, observational and research
skills to complete assignments. The students have an assignment due
every week. The various assignments include internet assignments
done at the school library, art projects, co-operative group projects,
homeworks, video tests, quizzes, essays and final exams. (See the “class
curriculum and assignment schedule” on page 3). Astronomy
contains a variety of topics to study and using all available resources,
I try my best to give them the whole 15 billion year history of the Universe
in one semester! We start out with a general study of our Solar System
during the first quarter, then explore a general study of the stars, galaxies
and the Universe during the second quarter. Sixth grade students
have astronomy for one quarter while seventh and eighth grade students
will take astronomy for a full semester. I have constructed a web
site for our astronomy class and you can visit the web site on the internet
to see what assignments are due and the topics we cover at:
Course Requirements
It will be expected that students bring pen/pencil, notebook and current
assignments to class each day. Students will be expected to
participate in daily class activities either as an individual or as part
of a group. Students will be expected to complete all assignments
such as tests, class assignments and homeworks as part of their academic
grade. Students are responsible for making up missed assignments
within the time allowed. (See the “class curriculum and assignment schedule”
on page 3). Students who miss class for various reasons must make
up missed assignments and turn them in whenever they return from an absence.
Absent students are responsible to get the missed information and worksheets
distributed in class. Students are allowed to complete assignments ahead
of time. Students who achieve an “A” grade on the weekly assignment
will be given a privilege pass for eating candy, chewing gum or drinking
soda/juice in class the following week.
The academic report card grade for the quarter and semester will be based on the average of the students BEST TEN grades of each quarter. If the student has achieved all A grades on their weekly assignments by the conclusion of the semester, (one quarter for 6th grade) the student will be awarded a “Galileo Award” certificate. There will be at least one optional “Challenge” project each quarter. An “H” designation (honors) is available to students who are receiving an “A” in the regular course work and have successfully completed the majority of the challenge activities. Any student earning a B, C, D, or an E in the regular coursework, may at the teacher’s discretion, receive a higher grade if that student has successfully completed the majority of the challenge work for the class.
Citizenship and Effort
Citizenship grades on report cards are directly associated with classroom
behavior. Episodes such as inappropriate talking or yelling, failure
to follow classroom rules or teacher’s directions, disrespecting the teacher
or students can result in the student receiving an un-cooperation mark
for the day. This can result in lowering the students citizenship
grade and place the student on the “Nay List”. Effort grades on report
cards are directly associated with the academic grade and will be based
on the student’s effort to participate in class activities as an individual
or group, getting assignments in on time and getting to class on time.
I hope the attached information about the course gives you a good understanding about what your child will be learning this year. Perhaps you can help out on the other end with checking up on your child by posting the assignment due date schedule on the kitchen refrigerator. (See the “class curriculum and assignment schedule” on page 3). If you ever have any questions please call me at Madison (252 9166), or email me ( I will be in the astronomy room (305) during periods 1, 2, 3, 5 & 6. Period 4 is my prep period (11:00 - 12:00) and is the best time to set up a conference with me or at 2:15pm when school is out.
I would appreciate you as well as the astronomy student, signing the form below so that I will know that each of you have read and understand the description of the course and requirements.
Thank you,
Please sign and return this bottom portion.
Dear Mr. Acea. I have read and understand the course description and requirements for ASTRONOMY CLASS.
Parent signature ______________________________________________ Date _____________
Student signature _____________________________________________ Grade____ Period____
Questions? __________________________________________________