These remarkable teeth belong to extinct marine creatures called conodonts. Tiny, jaw-like structures the size of a grain of sand, these"cone-teeth" were the first cellular bone ever to be deposited in ocean sediments laid down during the Paleozoic era about 250 to 500 million years ago, first appearing long before land animals, fish or other creatures with backbones. (Dinosaurs became extinct about 65 million years ago.) Conodonts may have been ancestral to modern vertebrates, and their teeth were complex structures that were clearly specialized for many different lifestyles, with durable chemical composition that allowed them to pass this tremendous span of time almost unchanged. Although complete fossils of the complete animal are quite rare, poorly preserved imprints suggest an eel-like creature with up to 7 different kinds of tooth element clustered together in the head to form a bizarre feeding apparatus unrelated to modern jaws. Conodonts may have been minnow-sized, with two large eyes, with chevron-shaped markings along the body suggesting muscle blocks found only in chordates. Although some researchers think conodonts may have been related to the hagfish or "slime eel," these creatures were quite different from anything alive today, and conodonts are still a major mystery to paleontologists.
One thing is certain -- conodonts lived on a very different kind of world. During the Ordovician era 450 million years ago when most of Nashville's sediments were deposited, the Earth's rotation was faster. The air had a different pressure and composition. The continents were arranged differently, with vast shallow oceans filled with a bewildering variety of strange organisms - thousands of species of filter-feeding, clam-like brachiopods amid crumbling islands of sponges and coral-like bryzoans. In other areas dense "flower gardens" of armored crinoids swayed gracefully in the currents. Bottom sediment was inhabited by burrowing worms, snail-like cephalopods and early segmented animals such as the extinct trilobites. The land would have been a barren, almost lifeless environment with very primitive mosses inhabiting low swampy regions. The wide variety in conodont teeth suggest that even at this early stage in the evolution of life, they were part of a complex ecosystem of predator and prey, although most of the creatures that made up their diet probably had soft bodies that left no fossils. Whatever their origins, these small, beautiful objects offer tantalizing clues about a world that seems as remote as an alien planet, yet is as close to us as the sand below our feet.
Rock that has large fossils will probably find microfossils in it too. Productive residue should also contain other microfossils, such as tiny gastropods or shell fragments. Several small samples are best -- if you find just barren rock, go on to another sample. Locate productive areas and then return for larger samples later.
I have had success simply scooping up samples of crumbling soil and limestone from old road cuts -- materials that are often rich in heavy conodonts that remain when lightweight clays have been washed away. Once you have obtained enough residue or sediment, it is time to pan for conodonts. You will need two screens - a wide 20 mesh and fine 80 mesh filters to sieve out the conodonts. You can buy suitable sieves (telephone the Carolina Biological Supply Company at 1800 334-5551 and ask for BA-GEO9310 for $28.00) but true-blue do-it-yourselfers can try using a fine mosquito screen as your coarse screen, and fabric from an old pair of women's nylon stockings as your fine screen. Stretch the fabrics over a couple of crochet loops, stack them together with the fine filter underneath and wash the sediment through the two filters using a gentle stream of water. (Be sure to do this outside so that you won't destroy your plumbing.) The evenly graded sandy material trapped between the two filters may contain conodonts. Collect about 50 grams of this material, dump it into a flask and and carefully flush off any organic material by repeatedly swirling and pouring. Clean and sterilize your sediment by boiling the residue for a few minutes in a flask with a few grams of dishwashing soap. Wash the material again by pouring the sediment over your fine filter and rinsing off the soap and clay. Then allow the remaining sandy material to dry.
Serious researchers can further concentrate their conodonts several fold by using heavy non-toxic liquids such as Sodium Metatungstate (About $230/kilogram from SOMETU-US at telephone number 1818 786-7838) to float off the lighter parts of the sediment inside a separation funnel. When you are ready to look for conodonts, sprinkle the dried material into a thin layer on a card, and scan it under the microscope. You will get best results with a binocular dissecting microscope that allows you to inspect large areas of sediment, brightly lit from above. Improve your efficiency by sticking a piece of graph paper to the card so you can scan systematically. If you have picked productive rock, you should find an interesting assortment of tiny snails, bits of bryzoan, silica micro fossils and small bits of inorganic sand. If conodonts are present, you should begin finding them within 15 to 20 minutes. A spoonful of material can contain hundreds of conodont elements -- but similar looking rock only inches away can be barren of specimens. A good way to file your collection is by using paleontological micro-slides, which are available from the address below:
Hugh Courtright & Co LTD.
26200 S. Whiting Way
Monee Il 60449
Phone 708-534-8400
Ask for:
Item 28-60 Lakeside Micromount 28 ply slides
$27.75 per 100
Item 28-A Lakeside Aluminum slide holders for
28 ply slides 42.75 per 100
Use a fine, slightly moistened paintbrush to pick up the conodonts, and touch the brush to small cardboard slides lightly coated with diluted white glue. Like snowflakes, each conodont is a unique and fascinating sight. You are looking at the teeth of an animal that roamed the warm seas a half billion years ago!
Other Links of Interest:
The Pander Society
of Life: Euconodonta
Life in
the Paleozoic Era
Model of Conodont
Apparatus by Mark Purnell and Phil Donoghue
to a Conodont Newsgroup
Nashville Fossils
The Hidden World
of Conodonta
Andrew MacRae's
Research Project on 3-D projections of Apparatus
A review of Shark Teeth
Fossils In The Toquima Range, Nevada
Berkeley Museum
Of Paleontology Ordovician Page
A commercial
conodont laboratory
James Barrick talks
about Conodonts
McClung Museum in
Some useful links to buy equipment:
A good source of industrial
acetic acid
LabX is a place to buy good
used microscopes
You can also buy used microscopes
from E-Bay!
Carolina Biological Supply Company