-- AZ1HF04
The electron micrograph above shows a well developed example of this
element reproduces from page 265 from "Fossils of Ohio" Bulletin
70 Division of Geological Survey. This is an S-Region element of
Phragmodus undulatus from the Ordovician of Ohio
AZ1HF05 --
-- AZ1HF06
AZ1HF07 --
-- AZ1HF08
AZ1HF09 --
-- AZ1HF10
AZ1HF011 --
-- AZ1HF12
AZ1HF13 --
-- AZ1HF14
AZ1HF15 --
-- AZ1HF16
AZ1HF17X1 --
-- AZ1HF18X1
Page established 12-8-2000, updated 12-15-2000 -- copyright Jim Davison
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