Conodont Z1C08
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-- Z1C08M01
-- Z1C08S01
-- Z1C08S02
Nickname: Angelwing Top
Collected: Site Z, Constellaria
Bed of Cannon Limestone from Upper Ordovician Shale in Nashville,
Tennessee, USA. Recovered from thin silty shale between two limestone
beds from Upper Ordovician Shale in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
Estimated Age: about 450 million years old.
Comments: Scale Bar is 0.5 mm. Recovered from thin silty shale
between two limestone beds. Halogen lighting softened through wax
paper. Image Z1C08S02 after adding oil. Recovered from same
sample as Z1C11. Complementary elements?
Originally named by Branson and Mehl in 1951, this genus was reclassified
by Bergstrom and Sweet in 1966, (Bull
of Amer Pal. Vol 50, No 229, pp 388-392, 428). I have not yet
pinned down the exact species.
Page established 9-18-98, updated 2-12-2000 -- copyright Jim Davison
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