A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the earth blocks the sun's light from the moon.Read up first for the details of UMBRA and PENUMBRA found on my Solar Eclipse Page.
Before the moon enters the umbra in either total or partial eclipse,it is within the penumbra and the surface becomes visibly darker.The portion that enters the umbra seems almost black,but during a total lunar eclipse,the lunar disk is not completely dark;(I've seen it myself!!)it is faintly illuminated with a orange to red light refracted by the earth's atmosphere,which filters out the blue rays.
A total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes completely into the umbra.At its best,it can be viewed for about two hours. A partial lunar eclipse happens when only a part of the moon enters the umbra,mind you this can be a long event.
A LUNAR ECLIPSE from September of 1996 is seen above.