ÖÖThe universe in dimensionless perspective
One now looks at the mechanical structure of the universe in a dimensionless perspective. Table 5-3 only uses Planck's Constant, h, and c as functions of the dimensionless mass pt radius ratio G/R. Gravity field entities named in the table are comprised of one or more nested mass pt Two-Sets of radius G and R. The speed of mass pt rotation or translation and the speed of the immersing dark matter as it circulates about the maximum density center of gravity (MDCOG) are given by v; also a variable without dimensions because Universal Harmony (UH), says that v = Ö(R/3G). Maximum density means that G/R = h and that v = Ö(1/3h) = vmax. c is vmax measured as the linear speed along the centerline of a helix; that is, c is the speed of a variable radius helical wave as that wave moves along a centerline path of forward progress.
The term "maximum density" may also be defined from a dimensionless perspective; by regarding mass, M, as pure number. Mass is thus is the number of G-size mass pts that it takes to form the spherical outer shell of the R-size mass pt. When M = 1/(h-squared), the surface density of the R-size mass pt is said to be maximum and both mass pts of the Two-Set are said to be maximally spun at v
max or c as measured. When the G-size mass pt moves from one adjacent R-size mass pt to another, it is here called a Higgs particle after Leon Lederman's "The God Particle". As G-size mass pt, the Higgs particle is the smallest energy building block in that 1/h of them are required to form a "quantum-ring" of the R-size outer shell. A quantum-ring is a ring that has one quantum, h, of energy circulating in it.Dimensionless mass pt radius ratios, G/R and R/G at maximum density are (1) minimum energy "pulse" quantum, h, and (2) quantum-ring number of Higgs particles, 1/h. Because Table 5-3 is a 3-D mechanistic model, one gives absolute mechanical meaning to Planck's Constant, h, as both minimum energy quantum and its inverse as quantum-ring Higgs particle count. Helical path radiation circulating in the shell quantum-ring of the R-size mass pt is comprised of translating Higgs particles. The number of Higgs particles per turn of the helix is 1/h = 3(v-squared) = R/G. One Higgs particle has a mass of 3(h-cubed) so that (1/h)[3(h-cubed)] = 3(h-squared) for the total ring mass. At an along-helix speed of v
max = Ö(1/3h), the kinetic energy per turn or wavelength of the helix is 3(h-squared)(1/3h) = h.Speed as measured is along the centerline of the helix wave so vmax appears as c. The helix width is defined by the carrier visible mass pt of variable radius R. MOE = Moment of Energy for the given gravity field = rv2 = GM is also dimensionless. The G-size Higgs particle is called an embedded object(EO) as it defines and serves as 3-D surface density scalar-index; as depth of the shell of the R-size mass pt and of the dark matter concentric shells around the MDCOG, and of the beads that form a ring or closed loop line of the shell. The new math forbids the use of the infinitesimal concept and the mass pt must be synonymous with mass pt. Physical reality is discrete mass pts in constant rotational, vibration, and translational motion.
The word "motion" in dimensionless terms means the translational movement of dark matter Higgs particles whose radii are without dimensional limit in the direction of small as dark matter. Of course, when perception results in dimensions, there is a biggest and smallest perceptible Higgs particle, which is all one ever needs for precision modeling and prediction. The absolute motion of Higgs particle dark matter is causally stirred by the MDCOG and the resulting growth spiral gradient of mass pt size and spin speed defines the field. The fluid of space is Higgs particle movement that spherically structures every gravity field as percieved by humans and puts a force on every mass pt it immerses; as a function of location, r, just as Newton suggested but did not formulate. As perceived by any cognizance, Higgs particle movement is a transfer of (radiation) energy. The final meaning of motion is therefore "energy transfer".
Table 5-3: Eq.(3) & Universal Relational Harmony Using h and c
a) Dark Matter Structure for given gravity field
Shell #, i |
Shell Radius r in |
Shell Depth Rin |
Mass pt Two-Set Rotation Speed,vin |
0 |
r 0n = Originn |
R on = r0nh |
von = Ö (r0n/sr0nh) |
1 |
r1n = r0n(1+h) |
R1n = r1nh |
v1n = Ö(r0n/sr1nh) |
2 |
r2n = r1n(1+h) |
R2n = r2nh |
v2n = Ö(r0n/sr2nh) |
· |
· |
· |
· (s = # of axes) |
n |
rin = r(i-1)n(1+h) = r0n(1+h)i |
Rin = rinh |
vin = Ö(ron/srinh) |
b) Nested Structure of gravity field
Nesting Level, n |
R 0n NETÖÖ [h8-n] MDCOG EO |
MDCOG radius ÖÖ [h4-n] |
MOE R 0n/h2 |
Radius r for v=c |
Radius r for v= Öc |
8 Supercos |
Unity! |
1/h |
1/h 2 |
1/h 2c2 |
1/h 2c |
7 Cosmos |
ÖÖ h |
ÖÖ h/h |
ÖÖ h/h2 |
ÖÖ h/h2c2 |
ÖÖ h/h2c |
6 Galaxy |
Ö h |
Ö h/h |
Ö h/h2 |
Ö h/h2c2 |
Ö h/h2c |
5 Sun |
ÖÖ h3 |
ÖÖ h3/h |
ÖÖ h3/h2 |
ÖÖ h3/h2c2 |
ÖÖ h3/h2c |
4 Solar S. |
h |
Unity! |
1/h |
1/hc 2 |
1/hc |
3 Earth |
ÖÖ h5 |
ÖÖ h5/h |
ÖÖ h5/h2 |
ÖÖ h5/h2c2 |
ÖÖ h5/h2c |
2 Atom |
ÖÖ h6 |
ÖÖ h6/h |
ÖÖ h6/h2 |
ÖÖ h6/h2c2 |
Field outer boundary, r, is defined by v = c. See Left |
1 Molecule |
ÖÖ h7 |
ÖÖ h7/h |
ÖÖ h7/h2 |
ÖÖ h7/h2c2 |
0 Super-molecule |
h 2 |
h |
Unity! |
1/c 2 |
Substituting R
0n = ÖÖ[h(8-n)] for Gx in Eq.(3) leads to,r
x = [h-n/4]/v2, rv=c = [h-n/4]/c2, rv=Öc = [h-n/4]/c, as shown.Definitions: 8 of 16 qualities describe a dynamic spacetime location with respect to a selected MDCOG as origin; x,y,z,G,t, f
x',fy',fz', namely: the position of the dark mass pt = math pt, its radius, time of observation, and rotational frequencies. The molecule as nesting level 1 has an average radius on the order of ten to the minus 6 cm.The Supermolecule of nesting level zero has a structure that includes multiple nesting level one molecules, and has a typical radius on the order of ten to the minus 4 cm. One will show later that the Earth's replacement sphere surface, its mass-holding boundary, is comprised of mass pts that have the Supermolecule radius. Since this mass pt radius represents the natural vibration displacement for visible matter at the Earth's surface, fine grain measurements of motion involving the exact replacement sphere boundary position of ordinary matter are likely to have this level of variation show up in the data. One has shown elsewhere that actual temperature versus the standard Earth surface temperature reflects a modulation of this natural vibration level.
The G-size mass pt changes radius in synch with R-size visible mass pt who surface it defines, so that R/G = 3(v-squared), where v is the speed of absolute motion of the G-size Higgs dark matter particles, and the mass pt Two-Set rotational speed. r is the radius of the dark matter concentric shell whose 3-D surface is defined by the R-size mass pt. Remember that both mass pts must precisely vary radius to mark ambient energy density by definition of the mass pt as an indivisible math pt location in physical spacetime for "event" measurement purposes. The term "event" being the pulse of energy transfer whose numerical value is h, and is what happens at that mass pt = math pt location or unique spacetime address to give it both formal(measurable) and informal (not measured or intuitive) physical meaning.
Radiation at the individual pulse and the light ray or photon level is thus effectively modeled as kinetic energy that is pumped through an interactive fluid as that dark-matter-level mass pt fluid immerses visible matter mass pts and flows around them in a helical path. Atoms represent a spherical, concentric array of R-size mass pts as shells that can be populated with electrons as closed loop radiation that serve to bind the shells of the atom. The atom is the source and sink of all radiation as measured.
New models for atom, molecule and the electron
Atoms each possess a unique and finite black hole MDCOG as described in Figure 5-1 that absorbs and re-radiates 1/h quantum-rings as a minimum energy packet = an electron-ring with an energy of hf = h(v-squared) where maximum v is vmax » 236c, with a corresponding f equal to 1/h at the MDCOG.
The molecule and especially the supermolecule are relatively loosely bound into various non spherical shapes by electron closed loop energy flow; their more complex structure is deferred for later discussion in connection with a re-structuring of the Periodic Table of the Elements.
Inside the atom's MDCOG, the maximum numerical value of the electron as radiation energy turns out to be Unity and its mass is h, regardless of the system of units used! That means that all electrons outside the MDCOG must have a measured energy that is a fraction of Unity. For electron mechanical and electrical energy to be the same everywhere outside the atom, the unit of distance and the wavelength must be coordinated or in sync. The variable radius R-size mass point = math pt does just that by always exactly filling the center of the helix in adjusting to ambient energy density. This can be mechanically visualized in the sense of a dynamic pregeometry, but it cannot be precisely modeled or measured used existing math tools and instrumentation made of atoms. One is not talking about the Uncertainty Principle here; just plain old not being able to physically do something.
The line (and constant mass property) integrity of the electron as a ray of light is in the count of G-size mass pts that make up a wavelength. That count is 1/h in the MDCOG and it remains that way everywhere outside the MDCOG but the size of the individual mass pt = math point adjusts as direct function of distance from the MDCOG per G = rh, where r is the distance of the R-size visible mass pt from the MDCOG, and G is the Higgs particle size of the dark matter defining the surface of the R-size mass pt. The change in size of the mass pt = math pt means the projection of a pulse or wavelength of energy onto the infinitesimal line width called the centerline is longer or shorter as r gets longer or shorter.
As wavelength gets longer the apparent frequency of the pulse gets lower, and vice versa; one calls it redshift and blueshift resulting from the spreading out or bunching up (and associated size and spin speed changing of the dark matter Higgs particles). Frequency, f, is helix centerline projected wave length pulses per second; the wave length being the projected diameter of the R-size mass pt. The R-size mass pt is of course changing radius and spin speed to mark ambient energy density as the electron or radiation packet proceeds along its perceived linear path.
Speed, v, is distance per unit time. The changing of distance is not a "continuous", "independent variable" nor "differentiable process" in the Einstein geometrically defined sense or otherwise. Distance, r, from the maximum density center of gravity (MDCOG) rather increments discretely as shown in Table 5-3, per Planck's Constant at the mass pt = math pt level and per Universal harmony (UH) expressed as a fractal. We are also not at math tool liberty to define reference frames, "suitably invariant" 4x4 tensor transformations. We are also not free to arbitrarily assign units of time and distance that are not compatible with each other. They are coupled tightly but not in the way Einstein supposed. Mixing second with meter or kilometer may lead to consistent measurement but not numerically determined relational truth; because it assumes flatness where there is actually an accelerating or decelerating curvature of space and time coordinates.
Time and distance are coupled so that the speed of light of the electron energy as a photon is measured as c outside the atom no matter what the measured frequency. Hf then does not equal h(c-squared) and we are mechanically (wave and particle) boggled because we cannot see how this can be unless we let the mass, h, of the electron-ring-energy-as-photon change also to precisely compensate for the constancy of c. That is, as was defined in the first few pages of this book, frequency and mass are coupled and synchronous to give us what we variously perceive as entropy or negentropy, redshift and blueshift depending on motion and scalar perspectives. Both the formal and intuitive answers needed are simple enough, but slippery in a conventional math and mechanical visualization sense, because the math point = mass pt will not hold still, and neither can we or our instrumentation in any absolute sense.
The actual speed of the dark matter G-size mass pts as Higgs particles is a constant, vmax, so it projects onto the centerline as a constant. Because we keep the electron as particle mass constant, the kinetic energy is constant. But the R-size mass pts are not constant in radius and project as a variable half wave length and thus frequency and photon energy level varies per hf. The G-size mass pt Higgs particles also vary radius but they do not project onto the centerline in a linear way! A certain number of them are projection-hidden at any given instant of time and that number manages to be such that the count of those moving at c along the centerline is precisely equal to (c-squared)! So the apparent Higgs particles vary in number to mark ambient energy density, and so the electron-as-photon mass varies up and down with frequency as measured always outside the atom! Using the proper variable mass, one can then get hf to equal me(c-squared)!
One is reminded here of the very best we are currently able to do with atomic size measurement. IBM's Microelectromechanical systems (MEMs) technique using the Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM) that brought the first real world picture of the atom, is yet another experimentally vivid proof of the fluid space model, and of the critical limitations of our current math modeling. The tunneling electronic current encounters and reacts to the limited number of electrons whose orbiting of the atomic nucleus brings them to the c-boundary shell surface of the atom as its light-tangible envelope.
The published STM results greatly aid the visualization one here describes. As explained in detail elsewhere, the small number of internal binding energy electrons that regularly visit the atoms outer surface are what is reacting with the tunneling electron currents to allow a topological plot of that surface. The real time modulations of that surface pattern and the resulting dynamics of the plots, will hopefully someday reveal and precisely calibrate the energy states and ionization potentials of each particular atom; as recorded in modern versions of the Periodic Table of the Elements.
We not only do not and cannot yet measure the right kinetic speed of the transporting Higgs particles, we do not and cannot yet measure their size or pulse frequency as actually happens in continuously spreading or shrinking 3-D space. Fortunately the dimensionless relationships we are interested in are coupled tightly by universal harmony (UH) so that we are able to stumble and grope with excellent consistency. We should not then be greatly impressed with ourselves in making logically ridiculous models work for experimental prediction purposes. This is why the author keeps saying our math as well as our physics fundamentals must change and why he keeps repeating mass pt = math pt; as such things have valid mechanical meaning outside Plato's Cave.
It is elementary, fundamental and unavoidable that both relative and absolute reference frames and coordinate systems are built-in; as a dynamic pregeometry involving the math pt notion as indelibly embedded in our math tools.
The origin of any practical reference frame properly put in place in physical reality, is always a "live", finite maximum mass, spinning black hole and MDCOG. Such origins are also "floating radius pt-mass and pt-energy entities", as measurement-functional mass pts = math pts whose location specific finite radius provides the unique fractal scaling factor and causal stirring paddle for the given gravity field structure. It is vital to both formal and intuitive understanding here that one sees the application of Eq.(3) GM = r(v-squared), as always referencing an orbital "plane" that has a varying depth that gets smaller as the distance, r, to the origin MDCOG gets smaller. The necessary scalar jumping off place for atom made matter and cognizance is the G-size embedded object and Higgs particle that defines the outer surface of the visible matter ultimate origin, the atomic Inner Grain (IG). The IG is the smallest visible matter object and mass pt and is here called the Universal Particle and ZEO (capable of becoming the atom's "core" nucleus, and is uniformly distributed everywhere in perceptible space); it is surface-defined by the smallest G-size dark matter, Higgs particle.
In dimensionless terms, the smallest Higgs particle has a radius of precisely h-squared/2
pvmax » the square of the Planck Length or about ten to the minus sixty six centimeters! The new math one uses here in defining the Universal Fractal and in the application of Eq.(3) is still crippled and incomplete as a dynamic math model, but it is far superior to the hopelessly static math tools we are using now.Proper universe modeling from Atom to Cosmos
The atom as universal source and sink can absorb and re-radiate the electron-ring event singly or, theoretically, in a sequence of all 1/h electron-rings of the MDCOG shell. Singly the electron-ring of the MDCOG shell releases one unit of energy that is measured as a redshifted photon = standard electron in open space.
When all the electron-rings of an MDCOG shell are released in sequence, the energy release peal off process occurs at the absolute maximum rotation speed. That rotation speed results in the frequency of revolution of the MDCOG outer shell surface of f = 1/h. So that each second [(1/h)(h)f] = 1/h units of energy, or electron-rings, are released per second. This unit amount of energy is the equivalent of one unit of standard mass being converted per second. The repeated notion of unity one encounters simply means that physical reality is indeed a dimensionless and very dynamic process.
Of course, if a critical mass of 1/h atoms are releasing just one electron-ring of energy to the space surrounding them in parallel at an average rhythmic rate of one emission per second, one would still get the unit of mass released as radiation energy each second. Then if all of the 1/h critical mass atoms (very roughly one Earth-equivalent of mass) were to release all 1/h electron-rings of its outermost MDCOG shell in maximum frequency chained sequence, then one would measure at the boundary of the critical mass of Earth-equivalence a total released energy per second of E = M(c-squared), where M is the number of atom/MDCOGs = 1/h and c-squared is the along-helix-centerline speed of the Higgs particle wavelength packet. Note that one is still dimensionless here in applying E = M(c-squared).
Once h is given dimensions and number, it applies only to the given cognizance. Cognizance made of something other than atoms and located elsewhere, must replace our Sun, atom and Solar System with their equivalents. Table 5-3 relationships do not change for the non-atom-made cognizance, but Planck's Constant is a different number. Since space is contiguously filled with mass pts, the model as an ultimate absolute does not include antimatter or charged particles for any intelligent cognizance (sorry particle physicists and QED experts; but please realize that your very considerable expertise is going to be needed for a long time!).
Universal Harmony (UH) permits all fundamental parameters to be derived from h, so it may be logically called prime causal and absolute for all possible rational cognizance.
Fundamental, tightly coupled variables that reveal the order of the universe for both gravity and electromagnetism, are dimensionless as they indelibly and dynamically structure it independent of our observation. Table 5-3 captures the steady state, dimensionless gravitational structure of both the visible and dark matter gravity field in that limited scalar range which is pertinent to human existence. The steadiness of universal structure as shown is mechanical-visual proof that the Standard Model is not only wrong but prima facie silly.
Having honestly used the word "silly" as it was actually felt, the author admits that his "formal, math expressed" model is also an abstraction and as such is necessarily incomplete. The essential distinction between abstract models is whether one versus another can both better predict and be fully understood by a larger number of those seeking commonly held truth. Fully understood here means felt as well as seen with a spiritual or purely intuitive but profound sense of "knowing". A knowing that forever goes far beyond where the formal model can take us; while guiding model development without end.
As long as all our functioning as a collective of intelligent humans is best understood in the mechanistic and social (spiritual) ways that it is now, that sense of feeling and knowing means model abstraction must be firmly anchored by both our mind's and body's mechanical way of visualizing and simulating a physical process. Only then do we understand the process enough for an adequate balance of feeling and thought. Only then can we intelligently experiment, and be individually and collectively successful in the daily application and learning that comes with, and results from, a broadly shared and ever growing base of knowledge and experience.
In presenting the Plain Language Model of the Universe, one views Table 5-3 as a dimensionless formulation of Max Planck's Principle using h and c, as he once suggested; further proof that h is quantum gravity as well as quantum electromagnetism. The resulting long suspected synchronicity between Maxwell's and Einstein's metric fields now becomes both clear and real as a Supergravity. One has a better grasp of Einstein's motivation to unify and why he did not succeed.
Perhaps the most difficult to grasp aspect of Table 5-3 is the values of unity that occur. The author excitedly found this Unity as the instant host of all true understanding. In the final upshot it was absolute proof that any easy to use and understand scale must begin with something other than zero. The real world coordinate axis must begin and end with positive nested infinity in the direction small ,+
¥n®S, and positive nested infinity in the direction of large, +¥ n® L. Then the standard ruler used in our schools should have stamped clearly on the flat edges of the ends, the symbols just given for positive nested infinity in the direction of small; as a constant reminder that sharp ends as we see them do not tell the whole story. The Lesson of The Ruler says at the start of formal education, as cultural axiom, that we intuitively and scientifically prima facie know that the universe is without end in the direction of small as well as large, period!Since reality is without ends and is all about dimensionless relationships, each mark on the scale above unity is an integral multiple of that unity, whatever we are choosing to call that unity as of today.
The child in first grade should be taught that the symbols on the ends of the ruler also mean that the orbiting electrons that define the end of the ruler and the ends of their fingers as they vividly see those sharp ends, are invisibly interacting (exchanging energy) with the electrons defining the molecules of the air and of the paper, pencil and desk one uses. And they should be taught that energy exchange is life and that it happens in absolute minimum increments, with one increment equal to Planck's Constant, h. No matter how effectively we can use and manipulate them, all sharp ends are an illusion caused by our necessary and benevolent but extremely limited ability to see with just our eyes. At the level of each living cell, we are all swimming with synchronicity in an ethereal, integrating, ideal fluid at the speed of light!
Constantly re-enforced feelings of indelible and unique separateness, and the endless selfish motivations effusing therefrom, might then have earlier benevolent mitigation. The natural inclination to believe only in what one can see in front of them, results in easy selfishness. The message of the ruler accelerates the mental maturation process whereby one comes to feel and think themselves to be an integral part of an infinity of larger wholes; the largest of which offers explicit contact with an infinite wisdom. By such contact, even momentarily, one can glimpse that singularity comes from mentally playing with oneself by taking excessive and egocentric presumptive freedoms. One may then cement the glimpse to their mind's eye by classifying external reality as a seamless integral order. Proper labeling of rulers could be a subliminally installed giant first step to such maturation.
When we choose a means of easy comparison of one thing versus another, we make some one of a general set of like-things have a certain measurable property equal to one or unity and then relate everything else in the set to either be a multiple or a fraction of the standard. Of course, one avoids fractions when one can, so the simplest approach to such standards is to choose the minimum something that will allow everything else in the set to be a simple multiple. Planck's Constant as minimum energy quantum for our form of existence is precisely that.
Handed to us on "a platter for the dynamics of all matter" is an absolute standard for energy and mass as intimately experienced by all; namely h as minimum energy and mass transfer quantum. Can we intelligently refuse to use it?
Since all directly observable material existence (visible matter) is experienced and measured as a quantity of energy that is relative to our existence as a constant pattern of energy, one can view Table 5-3 in its purest form as the most simple absolute-for-us way to represent physical reality. Any given nested fractal holism of the energy of physical reality is a factorial combination of powers and roots of h.
Table 5-3 reminds us of our absolute motion home base, and the very limited visible nesting in the directions of big and small; for measurement and scaling purposes, but not intuitively. We are free to believe ardently in infinities of ontological knowing that is scientifically based. That is, as knowing extrapolated via logical inference from a common and correctly formalized model.
Constraints on real-world imagining: Einstein's Legacy
Once h is assigned a number and dimensional units, it applies only to the observing cognizance type (e.g. human). Because of what and how we humans are made, sustained and function (as atomic matter) we observe and measure physical reality in a mechanically reflective way. The numerical-mechanical aspect of Planck's Constant is indelibly ingrained as root fundamental of our scalar-sensitive perception. One here calls it the Anthropic Principle of Perception. A new level of absoluteness is thereby implied by Table 5-3. While cognizance made of something other than atoms may change the set of entity names and use different scaling factors, UH says they must come up with the same notion of finite maximum density and mass pt Two-Set radius ratio, G/R in modeling their particular scalar-fractal scheme of material existence.
The notion of dimensions is only in the mind's eye and is therefore independently out there only as imagined; and not as experienced. Experience and measurement by any cognizant entity, including humans, is interdependent; both in here and out there. One fervently holds that tempering applied imagination with this critical thought is extremely important in experiment design and data analysis, and in understanding and building models. Though completely understandable, and perhaps essential from a trial and error evolutionary viewpoint, the scientist's tendency to assume too much has led to a lot of very fuzzy dogma.
Along with the serious limits on our imaginative presumptions about nature, there comes a much better understood fact; no one is entitled to pompous assertions about what nature is or is not for observers other than themselves. This seems to be the common failure of would-be-scientists who shun the lengthy hard work necessary to be heard or read by others; others seeking truth and/or to extend excellence in their chosen field. The Internet has uncovered for the author what the editors of journals have known for years; there is no shortage of crackpot want-to-be scientists who upon finding the slightest thing wrong with a working theory want fervently to tear it down before providing adequate replacement or even understanding it.
What really infuriates the author and has for a long time, is that science like politics, law and medicine has become shamefully self serving. One is increasingly finding that those who become famous, wealthy and "in charge" for whatever reason, then unconsciously or otherwise shut their mind's door to any thing new that is potentially threatening to their status. It is easy to do really, in the name of security and "having a life of one's own". They need to protect themselves by increased seclusion and it becomes a big factor in what the author is complaining about, and while the physical facts of it are understandable, the intellectual isolation is not. One can speak out against the mess and find ways to change it, while in vocational as well as private seclusion!
One shining example comes to mind in the present context. The author's recommendation about the problem involved in using zero, and in labeling the ends of all rulers with positive infinity in the direction of small, is the full equivalent of what the more elite in math today call "renormalization". The singularity scaling problems using the Standard Model (like falsely forcing energy to go to zero) led to very clever slight-of-head tricks with complicated math. All the other "complicated math club" members of course know that it is just a practical way of getting around a very pesky problem using an incomplete theory and inadequate set of math tools. Besides, there is always other compensating phony tools lying around, like the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the Feynman diagram that one can use as rationale and methodology for their groping in the dark at the process of UH. The dirty deed in terms of the search for truth is a brag within the "gang", especially since nobody outside the small group who claim to understand it all will ever know what is going on. So why not? It works!
To hell with truth and gut level understanding, publish and get credit for something that will get the job done, now. In this criticism, one is specifically referring to Standard Model developments in the area of quantum electrodynamics or QED. One quickly notes that Richard Feynman, in spite of all his frequent ego-enforced pomposity about why QED is "true", had both the courage and absolutely certain knowledge to tell it very lucidly like it is in Volume I of his phenomenal "Lecture Series on Physics", Introduction, the last paragraph, page 2-11 (paper back edition) where he writes, " This then, is the horrible condition of our physics today." Amen to that!
The rapidly converging upshot of all the self serving is that science is terribly served and in a very shameful mess overall. Very bright college students studying science are being routinely told to quit trying to understand and just learn how to use the Standard Model, because it works! That is a disgrace and should make everyone involved in bringing it about and promoting it thoroughly ashamed of themselves. One is here absolutely devoted to changing that status quo!
Most if not all of the wrong turns in science, it seems to this author, have been due to misinterpretation of experimental data due to unrestrained overly presumptive imagination
. In looking for natural order, the last thing one wants to find is serious restraints on fundamental assumptions. You know, like the size of a math pt and how to specify its location within what moving or stationary reference frames, with how many dimensional components along how many coordinate axes, using compatible measurement units. And then, once one realizes they must find a way to capture and analyze the more dynamic and smaller-scale phenomenon, worry about how many degrees of freedom and of non-linearity is enough, and how many knowns one must have to nail the unknowns.The author sees Einstein as missing the boat completely in ignoring dark matter. He therefore also ignored natural mechanical constraints on variable independence, and the need for a mechanical ether. But still, he was head and shoulders beyond everybody else.
One needs to stress here the concept of an ether arose in connection with its ability to transport energy in a mechanical way. Because he did not see the continuous nature of dark matter, and thought only in terms of discontinuous visible matter, he dismissed the idea that matter itself might serve as the required transmission "field". He was able to convince most everyone that one could define the energy transporting, abstract field concept as a real existence as long as they gave up trying to have matter be a part of it. His gravity field theory therefore wound up having the very matter said to be causing it appearing as singularities. He discovered, and never recovered from, the fact that you cannot remove matter from the field concept and still have it there in a causal sense too.
Einstein's ability to predict despite wrong presumptions was primarily due to his worried approach, from beginning to end, about exercising the freedom to presume and what reference frames and coordinate systems can one use and have natural order remain invariant as observed.
Most importantly, Einstein was the first to realize that gravity law was more fundamental than any other law and he correctly applied its rhythm as he saw it to a broad spectrum of physics. He used the amazing spherical and reflective symmetries and isomorphism of gravity and they led him to endless practical applications.With so much great success, Einstein's very perceptive intuitive Little Finger was unable to convince him that he had made a critical wrong turn in ignoring dark matter and in denying the mechanical ether
; the mechanism that had to be there by restraint of fundamental logic, to transport light energy from one matter location to another. In his general theory his purely abstract field as ether, very laboriously transported energy so as to work for the majority of practical applications, but it also fatally embraced singularity in the directions of both big and small.Einstein's geometrodynamics as given in "Gravitation" by Misner, Thorne and Wheeler is a monumental scientific effort; without which there would have been no possibility for the author to find his way. It is to this day as outstanding a recognition and revelation of Einstein's Legacy as he could have ever hoped for.
Seeking the Cosmic Censor of Singularity: Mechanics Returns
In the manner that Roger Penrose mockingly suggested, Einstein's legacy is correctable with respect to its inherent general-relativistic singularity, by a properly constrained, well-imagined Cosmic Sensor who will simply not let it happen; as a matter of ethereal, underlying mechanical order. To find it, one merely returns to classical physics with a renewed sense of dynamics at the level of very small; as suggested with great philosophical as well as formal scientific insight in Gravitation and elsewhere by John Wheeler. The A-Implies-B-simplicity as a final answer lies in prima facie recognition that A PROPER CLASSICAL MASS PT CONTINUALLY ADJUSTS RADIUS AND SPIN TO MARK AMBIENT ENERGY DENSITY FOR THE SPACE OCCUPIED. AND THE SMALLEST PERCEPTIBLE R-SIZE MASS PT WHOSE SURFACE IS DEFINED BY THE SMALLEST HIGGS PARTICLE G-SIZE MASS PT, IS THE ZEO AND VERY REAL
COSMIC CENSOR; THE INNER GRAIN (IG) OF THE ATOM'S BLACK HOLE MDCOG.A dual-nesting of very dynamic mass pts must be defined as both very real as well as abstract; to mechanically and dynamically fill space in the manner of an energy-giving fluid that immerses and nurtures visible matter as we observe it. The single independent fundamental parameter for measurement purposes is the speed, v, of mass pt rotation, vibration and translation. That speed has an absolute limit for us, and for maximum density is a function of the dimensionless ratio given by Planck's Constant, h.
When v = c for the R-sized mass pt rotation about one axis, it is said to be resonant. Now one pictures radiation as kinetic energy in a mechanically compatible way. A resonant R-size mass pt is capable of having its equatorial ring of G-size mass pts peal off to move to the next R-size mass pt in line. As a process of re-radiation, one R-size mass pt peals off or emits its equatorial ring of G-size Higgs particles to the next R-size mass pt in line, simultaneously having that ring-quantum replaced from the mass pt on the other side.
In absolute space, the ring-peal forms one turn or wavelength of a helix. The smaller mass pt as Higgs particle of radius, G is therefore translating along the helix at speed v
max » 236c, which projects a speed of c along the helix centerline. This absolute maximum speed means absolute maximum helix-line density of G-size mass pts in open space. It also means that the dimensionless ratio G/R = h is the single mechanism of perturbation or energy exchange in the universe.Maximum density and h not only occur in the maximum density center of gravity (MDCOG) of each field as a surface density of G-size embedded objects (EOs) forming the shells, but outside the MDCOG in the helical lines of G-size Higgs particles moving at maximum speed. The resulting radiation pulses of h amount of energy each, are thus strung out to form sequences of maximum density photons as pumped through open space, around variable R-radius mass pts, by radiating atomic MDCOGs.
Much smaller dark matter mass pts adjacent to and immersing such radiating mass pt Two-Sets, intimately participate in the h-driven pulsing of energy transfer. Said again from larger perspective, the relative steady state gravity field, as mass pt energy-density-gradient structure, is thus continually perturbed at the level of h by the passage of radiation.
Seeing material existence as self-replicating fractal
From Table 5-3, a), one finds r
in/r0n = (1+h)i, so that by logarithm definition,log[1+h](r
in/r0n) = i = number of turns or shells, or planarrings around the MDCOG, each such ring and shell fully-packed-defined by mass pts of a given size, R
in. Please note that R as used in Table 5-3 is more generally referred to here as the G-size mass pt radius, or depth of the visible mass pt outer surface.Because of the spherical symmetry of dark matter Higgs particle field structure, one can view that structure in the special planar way of Eq.(3) and the 2-D growth spiral fractal. The simple math model in both cases is a polar-coordinate-like 2-D representation where one intuitively introduces a variable G-size mass pt = math pt shell depth per G = rh (the R
in of Table 5-3), where r is the distance to the center of a variable radius MDCOG. From a conventional math point of view, the 2-D fractal just does not do it of course, but from a new holistic math point of view, one gladly accepts the necessity of constant intuitive guidance by a higher law of logic. That is, there is precious insight offered by the simple fractal representation of reality if only one can accept the limitations of math-driven imagination that is not properly tempered in an automatic unconscious way by genetics and culture driven (gut-level-common) intuition.As we each continue to mature in an evolutionary sense as part of a global scientific culture, we have both immediate and universe-sized "family" holisms that we need to stay in close touch with; to stay on the proper, empirically driven growth curve that leads to quality survival as a species.
One cannot simply math-model dark matter dynamic behavior as it creates and maintains visible matter in real time; at least not in an acceptable way for the majority of those seeking truth. To be able to fully visualize, in common as a species, in a mechanical way, one must stop trying to see an infinitesimal depth of flatness or roundness; in a point, a line, or a plane. Instead, each of these things must be intuitively seen (without the need for repetitious and tedious conscious analysis) as an infinite dimensional holism, to which one must sublimely assign an extra mass pt Two-Set of math-hidden very dynamic dimensions that allow us to mechanical visualize in local way how things meaningfully-for-Us interact in a fluid space.
This intuitive aspect to the new math and physics enables one to "feel" as well as "consciously grasp with thought" the full meaning of Table 5-3. Only then does one easily "see" the constancy of material reality as we experience it as being nothing less nor more than an energy-pattern-constancy of self-replicating, continual, nested motion without limit.
One can already hear the young student of the 21st Century saying to his girl friend with dense scientific humor and a perfect Humphrey Bogart voice, "I really like your Fractal, Sweetheart!" That same pair of students also understands by intuition as deep Holistic Science, that when they gloriously exchange body fluids, they become One as an intimately fluid-coupled gravity field! They may then, if they choose, embrace and ever amplify through accelerated growth, their Unified Force Field to have manifest influence on whatever visits their combined dark matter aura!
The supermolecule and the supercosmos have very revealing entries of Unity at the bottom and top of Table 5-3. The MDCOG embedded object (EO) or G-size Higgs particle radius, like the MDCOG radius for the Solar System, is equal to unity. The supermolecule, which represents the R-size mass pt at the surface of the Earth where most of measurements take place, has a field identifying Moment of Energy (MOE) equal to unity. So the middle, top and bottom of our inherited scalar regime and scaling, ring with unity; indelibly telling us that reality is indeed dimensionless.
The upshot scalar meaning of the symmetry of Table 5-3 in using powers of h results from (1) our material makeup, and (2) our relative perspective of nested absolute motion. That is, the indelible scalar harmonics of our observing is from the nested perspective of the Planet Earth as it rotates around the dark matter center of the Solar System.
The Universe as forever symmetrically arrayed around our particular cognizance of it, is an infinite integral and dynamic paisley of radial-nested fractals as gravity fields. All nested elements of visible matter in those spherically symmetric fields of immersing dark matter (always in gravity-giving absolute motion about a causal, varying radius MDCOG), are re-generating in synchronicity at the speed of light in real time.
The non-arbitrary assignment of scalar dimensions
In giving dimensions to Table 5-3, the author found the simplest approach that allows unification of force lies in assigning a set of 8 quantifiable but tightly interdependent properties to a mass pt as an indivisible location; as given under definitions at the bottom of the table.
One also found that Universal Harmony (UH)provides a built-in reference frame and a set of closely interdependent coordinates for every gravity field. But please note that the discrete origin of each field has a specific radius. As a black hole maximum density center of gravity (MDCOG), that discrete coordinate system origin determines the numerical scaling of the field. This becomes lucidly clear when one sees the dark matter shell structure around an MDCOG as a Logarithmic Growth Spiral Fractal. The discrete steps, using powers of (1+h), by which the coordinates change value in harmony, are always multiplied by the radius of the origin as a field scaling factor.
The radius of a photon of energy as it spirals either outward or inward from shell to shell around the MDCOG, follows the spiral shell steps written in exponential form, with a scaling factor, R0, that varies with nesting level, n. For the atom, these electron shell steps are well known.
For a given nesting level, n, r
in = r0n(1+h)i, where i = numberof turns of the spiral and shell number. r
0n is scaling factor and MDCOG radius for the nth nesting level, and identifies the gravity field. Spherical symmetry applies. The R-size, or math pt growth per turn of the spiral, is viewable in any plane. A rotation of the spiral as a whole is the same as an increase or decrease in scale, and direction of rotation determines whether energy migrates inward or outward to/from the MDCOG.In addition to the eight variables defined in Table 5-3, eight additional are needed to fully characterize a solid visible matter (VM) object. By solid one means the mass pt outer surface is defined by next smaller nesting level mass pts. Such a VM object is said to occupy a "locality" of spacetime. Both the VM mass pt and its surface packing dark matter (DM) mass pt are spin maximized about either 1, 2, or 3 axes at the same time. The UH-coupled additional variables for specifying a spacetime locality occupied by a VM mass object are: r, v, R, T', M, f
px, fpy, fpz.The distance from the VM MDCOG used as origin is r. The average translation speed of the object is v. R is its average radius. T' is the temperature, M is its mass, and then the pulse frequencies about three internal axes.
The inevitable anthropic scaling is obvious when one uses the cgs system, because it was the system used to define the unit of mass. If one then views the Solar System maximum density center of gravity (MDCOG) size and orbit as defining the outer (EO) boundary of a meaningful-largest-for-us MDCOG, then that largest MDCOG must have an IG and surface defining EO whose radius is also Unity. Thirdly, the radiation energy that we live by has fixed minimum angular momentum of h as determined by Max Planck in 1900. Multiplying that minimum by the standard helical wavelength packet ring-quantum of Higgs particles as the moment of energy (MOE) of a heavy photon, yields unity again as scalar home base.
The gravity field structure as given by the logarithmic growth spiral, results from the incredibly simple principle that every measurement-indivisible location in spacetime is a living mass pt = math pt. How does it live as Cosmic Censor of singularity? Both individually and as ensemble without end, the mass pt lives to mark ambient energy density for the space it occupies. The contiguity of mass pts is thus a 3-D fluid contiguity of spacetime. In every conceivable spherically symmetric size from Supercosmos to the smallest discrete spacetime location imaginable, immeasurable infinity is inlaid. So the infinite inlay must be held by an intuitive-logical or ontological sense only. The largest and smallest imaginable mass pt holds on to that infinity without any possibility of singularity.
By radius, R, shrinkage and proportional increase in angular frequency of rotation, w, per Rw = v, with v
= vmax » 236c, the mass pt marks energy density and gravity gradient ambience. For any cognizant observer, the minimum energy, h, and the motional perspective by which one's experience is registered, makes available a scalar rhythm of visualization that is innately fixed. That visual, dynamic geometry of spacetime avoids singularity by definition of the physics of cognizance.If one cannot comprehend the observed in a visual-logical sense, the author believes the term "prima facie proof" correctly arises to classify the appearance of singularity as an "artifact" of any serious attempt to observe and model a universal order.
Now look at the scaling situation from another very different but related and extremely practical way. From all this non-arbitrariness and close interdependence that is evident in choosing parameters, systems of units, reference frames, and coordinates for measurement, how can one possibly rationalize singularity? Even it happens in some temporary, isolated way from some imagined perspective, it is not going to be scaled via Universal Harmony (UH). How can we presume the freedom?
In reading a 1965 Penrose Quote in "Gravitation", Chapter 34, on his Photo With Quotes Page, one got the very distinct impression that his "Cosmic Censor" was postulated in mock humor, as a way of dismissing, or making light of the discomforting idea of singularity. On the immediately following Photo With Quotes Page of Steven W. Hawking, there is a longer 1966 quote to the same effect. That is, a statement intended to make little of singularity fears in the possible predictions of Einstein's general theory. In retrospect, the statement shows high potential for circularity of thought. How can this be when one holds the greatest respect for the thinker?
The ability to error critically in thinking is likely proportional to one's ability to think critically. Perhaps the difficulty lies in trying to see disorder at the same absolute place and time where and when one and all are trying rather desperately to see order. That is a snake biting its tail if there ever was such. How does someone fall into to such circularity of thought? To the author, it is very simple since he has done it himself endless times. We become so locked into a beautifully closed loop of logical thought that we are unable to want much less see a way out. It is also partly due, perhaps, to the Master falling too much in love with his work.
In effect, Hawking had locked his thought pattern into a paradigm cocoon through the success of his famous 1966-1967 series of papers on singularity. Those papers led to his establishing that any plausible general-relativistic cosmology must be singular; which conclusion one here wholeheartedly agrees to. His unqualified belief in observation as the test of truth, and not the collective or objective intuitive-logical analysis of the best-possible meaning of observational data, was the crucial difference. Both Penrose and Hawking had unintentionally managed to formally establish for most of us that general relativity theory could never be considered correct or complete as a cosmology model, no matter how successful or many its predictions and practical applications.
The question of singularity in context is, "can disorder be initiated in a spherically symmetric way at any spatial level?" To the authors knowledge no one has reported that supernova data indicate a spherically symmetric disorder was the initiating cause. Such an initial causative disorder is not imaginable to this author. No one's analysis of experimental data can be said to be final until most of those thinking about the problem agree. Hopefully everyone thinking about this problem can agree that we cannot define order and disorder as having the same meaning at any one observed instance of spacetime. Spherically symmetric disorder = Supremely ordered disorder! So meaningful integration of observations over time and across multiple observers must routinely eliminate any spherically symmetric disorder that may appear.
Yes, one is here suggesting that Big Bang and Big Crunch are system level scientific artifacts; for the obvious reason that nobody, including Einstein, Wheeler, Penrose and Hawking, has anything but vague notions as to the integral upshot of all the "system" noise; violent noise that vividly appears in "Gravitation" when one begins to truly understand the theory as applied to the "local" level of physical reality.
Finding an indelible (non-inflatable and non-collapsible) structure of the universe is what we have been trying to observe is it not? It most certainly was for Early Einstein or this author would have never found his way. One can make an outstanding case that trying to observe and insist on the opposite is potentially fatal for the entire collective human consciousness; as Einstein's Finger correctly felt.
As spacetime pregeometry, Big Bang makes most of us ask without hope of answers- "how did we ever get here, last as long as we have, and how do we as a life form and consciousness, escape the ever-silly inevitable at the universe level - and what can "universe level" really mean to the species in such a context?" This book answers these questions and many more, in plain language that is understandable by nearly everyone. One will show in the next heading that Big Bang is the result of the mathematical abstraction of physical reality in a way that disconnects material existence from its underlying causality. The richness of the resulting abstraction then convinces the human Creators that materialism itself is meaningless.
The dimensionless symmetry presented above clearly demonstrates that a more indelible and much more benevolently structured model of the universe is available at last. The model answers existing experimental data with much broader and longer range prediction capabilities. Moreover, the model has the kind of features that the majority of us can and should want to quickly agree upon. The model says our spirituality is more real than formal science, and is its origin-anchor. As dynamic and finite origin for all science, human spirituality indeed belongs at the ever unfinished apex of the Pyramid of human knowledge.
Field Strucure Dynamics as proof of a non-singular cosmology
For a given visible matter field, the growth spiral fractal is capable of expressing both the static or apparent steady-state as well as its dynamic growth and decline. That is, it is capable of simultaneously expressing both the shrinking and expansion modes of a Supergravity in the orbital plane of dark matter as it rotates around the center of the spherically symmetric field. The key difference not yet expressed is the way that the maximum density center of gravity (MDCOG) changes its radius, r
0n, as discrete origin of the visible matter field.A most easily accepted feature of the reflective symmetry structuring of Universal Harmony (UH) is one that first Kepler then Newton unknowingly discovered. Kepler had of course been given the basic idea for UH by Pythagoras, but only when Newton saw the law of gravity in Keplers postulations, did a real meaningful piece of UH fall out; as the Universal Gravity Constant. As universal gravity constant in terms of R-size mass pt radius, the maximally spun atom is here identified as the Inner Grain (IG) of the cosmic MDCOG and therefore the size of its original discrete origin. When all of the 1/h shells around that IG are fully populated with electrons, the MDCOG, or R
0 of the field, has grown from ten to the minus eight to ten to the 19 centimeters. If the cosmic MDCOG is thusly matured and stable, the Hubble telescope should soon reveal such a large dark object; likely "seeing" it with light emanating from its event horizon at about ten to the twenty four centimeters.The rate and direction of r
0n change is a function of the amount of energy coming into and going out of the field. If r0n has reached its maximum size, continued excess energy input to the field must be re-radiated back outward. As long as r0n is less than its maximum size, the field as a whole is capable of taking in more energy than it radiates. Depending on field surroundings, it can reach maximum r0n size and then oscillate back and forth by some environment driven amount. One speculates the latter state of relative stability at the cosmic level, with nicely survivable degree of cyclic energy exchange, is what allows the development of life as we know it and tends to harbor it for a long time.Cosmic level "events" that seriously alter that relative stability of the field can obviously eliminate the possibility of life as we know it; in that cosmic field, and not everywhere in the infinite universe.
So in a "suitable" cosmic level supernova event, one can imagine a cosmic level life-cessation, but nothing like the Big Bang/Collapse scenario of the standard model. r
0n and the growth spiral just keep right on ticking with a different scale factor and direction of spinning and the universe is clearly of non-singular cosmology. The spherically symmetric dark matter field in shrinking mode gravity causing absolute motion around the center continues no matter what. The minimum size Inner Grain (IG) as nesting level original r0n exists as a discrete and indelible field origin for the given nesting level and dynamically acts as the Penrose Cosmic Sensor that forever forbids singularity.Remember that dark matter has no size limit in the direction of small and that every mass pt in existence, dark or visible, shrinks or expands automatically to mark ambient energy density for the space occupied. Remember also that measured energy transport to/from the MDCOG, or in captured orbit around it, travels on the back of a living line of Higgs particle mass pts in a helical path at the absolute maximum speed of v
max = Ö(1/3h).Simultaneous energy transport, inward, outward and in nuclear-binding orbits within the MDCOG is characteristic of visible matter fields from atom to supercosmos. Dark matter Mass pts rotating at speeds equal to or greater than
Öc, and being spun to maximum about 1, 2, or 3 axes periodically to re-radiate energy, are considered to be bound to a measurable degree by that radiation. Since the re-curing re-radiation event of the mass pt makes it visible, it is considered a part of visible matter. Dark matter mass pts are then defined here as having rotation speeds less than Öc and not capable of suddenly becoming maximally spun resonant about 1,2, or 3 axes.Within a given visible matter gravity field, dark matter mass pts are bound only in the sense of circularly polarized fine grain flow at that scalar regime which is a factor h below visible matter's outer surface defining embedded objects (EOs). The scalar regime of visible matter's G-size EOs is given by G = rh, where r is the radius of the R-size mass pt from the pertinent visible matter MDCOG. The pertinent G-size dark matter scale therefore begins at h times the atomic MDCOG radius, or at ten to the minus 40 cm. The scale of pertinent dark matter mass pts goes up from there to a value of unity when r = 1/h. This maximum size for pertinent dark matter works for all visible matter fields where the radius 1/h makes any potential sense at all; including Solar System or star system, galaxy, and cosmos.
Visible matter objects such as celestial bodies, radiating MDCOGs, atoms, molecules and Higgs particles may be treated as a mass pt = math pt indivisible locality of spacetime for a given measurement in a given field with the next larger nesting level visible matter field MDCOG acting as math pt origin.
The identified visible matter holisms have indelible scalar range characteristics as shown below in Table 5-4, using the growth spiral fractal or Eq.(3}, and h = 6.6260755 times ten to the minus 27 erg-sec. The ranges shown represent the metamorphic limits of each nesting level over an extremely long period of time relative to human existence. The ranges clearly overlap and therefore the concept of nesting level, n, as described in Table 5-4 does not apply in aggregate, or as a visible matter holism nested set as we observe it. That is, the entries in Table 5-4 must be taken strictly one at a time in isolation as though they exist as a still developing entity; within first one visible matter holism set then another until they became fully developed.
The dynamics here implied are such that Stars belonging to a galaxy can peal off as a piece of an overextended spiral arm and eventually become galaxies of their own. Or a galactic group at the outskirts of a given cosmos can break off to eventually become a new cosmos. Or a cloud of nascent ZEOs in open space can congeal around a maturing ZEO that has the most density of electrons in its immediately surrounding shells; to eventually give birth to a new star if surroundings are just right. On this last note, one turns to the promised proof that to promote a singular cosmology is to support the disconnection of existence from causality; a very dynamic as well as very stable causality as reflected in Tables 5-3 and 5-4. r is the radius of a shell's R-size mass pt.
Table 5-4: Scalar Ranges (cm) for Visible Matter Holisms
Gravity Field |
MDCOG Size; IG to 1/h shells |
Radius at v = c, rc |
Radius at v = Öc, rÖc |
Supercos |
1 < r08 < 1026 |
105 < r < 1031 |
1010 < r < 1036 |
Cosmos |
10 -7 < r07 < 1019 |
10-2 < r < 1024 |
103 < r < 1029 |
Galaxy |
10 -14 < r06 < 1012 |
10-9 < r < 1019 |
10-4 < r < 1022 |
Burning Star(Sun) |
10 -20 < r05 < 106 |
10-15 < r < 1011 |
10-10 < r < 1016 |
Solar Sys ( unity center) |
10 -27 < r04 < 1 |
10-21 < r < 105 |
10-16 < r < 1010 |
Earth |
10 -33 < r03 < 10-7 |
10 -27 < r < 1 |
10-22 < r < 104 |
Atom |
10-40 < r02< 10-14 |
10-34 < r < 10-8 |
Field Boundary is defined by dark matter absolute motion speed of v = c, as shown at left. |
Molecule |
10-46 < r01< 10-20 |
10-40 < r < 10-14 |
Supermol |
10-53 < r00< 10-27 |
10-48 < r < 10-22 |
All three columns have to do with average speed of the absolute motion of dark matter mass pts, the MDCOG column representing v = v
max. So gravity field gradient can be expressed in terms of the average speed of absolute motion at a given distance, r from the outer surface of the MDCOG of the larger field surrounding the subject field. For the Surpercosmos level shown here, one simply gives the next larger nesting level the name of Universe; and in the same breath knows that the next larger level is further nested and intuitively dividable but not measurably so, without end.Thought not shown in Table 5-4, the size range for the Higgs particle is directly related by a factor of h to the size of carrier visible mass pt. The Higgs particle maximum size for measurement purposes is hc or about ten to the minus 16, and corresponds to; (1) the radius of the helix when an electron-ring quantum circulates around the c-sized dark matter field in intergalactic space, (2) the G-size of the typical mass pt defining the c-boundary shell surface of the typical gas molecule at the Earth's surface. The Higgs particle, as G-size mass pt for radiation as it passes though dark intergalactic space and around the molecule at the surface of the Earth, shows up as the Hubble and Boltzmann constants when one accounts for the "laboratory medium" constraints on measurement.
The minimum size Higgs particle as indirectly measured is h
2/2pvmax, or about ten to the minus 66 cm, and defines the boundary of the atomic MDCOG Inner Grain (IG).The Higgs particle size of unity as the G-size mass pt defining the Supercosmos MDCOG outer surface must be intuitively held, since it cannot be measured directly. That an MDCOG whose radius is ten to the 26 cm is hidden from us at the center of our universe, while we are located near the outer boundary of its dark matter field at a radius of about ten to the 33 cm, simply tells us again: (1) the particular scalar sensitivity of our perception, and (2) its indelible start and stopping off places for a 3-D view of it in terms of numbers.
For a given measurable field, the MDCOG, as stirring paddle of dark matter absolute motion, is prime causal. But Universal Harmony (UH) lies in the fact that causality is inward and outward reversible in a spherically symmetric dark matter field.
With equal logic one declares that the MDCOG is the result of the energy density gradient formed by the mass pt's censorship of singularity by continually adjusting radius and spin to mark ambient energy density; MDCOG simply being the central mass pt.
Final truth is both A and B and much more without measurable end, because Universal Harmony makes it so.
For us as observers, there is a very scalar sensitive, built-in-by-atomic-matter, stopping off place for surface and line energy density in terms of mass pt population. That stopping off place is the ZEO particle of ten to the minus 40 cm radius that is the Inner Grain (IG) and outer surface defining embedded object (EO) of radius G that forms the black hole nucleus MDCOG of the atom. For our formal (math model) cognizance always outside the MDCOG, the ZEO is the place where radius shrinking and spin increase to mark ambient energy density stops; because that is where (scalar-wise) the fundamental building block our fractal (self-regenerating) existence begins and ends.
One assigns the cause of our existence to (1) v = v
max » 236c, (2) with the atomic MDCOG nucleus treated as a visible mass pt, R = 1/2pvmax = 10-14 cm and G = 10-40 cm,(3) our residence on a home planet that just happens to rotate at a distance r = 1013 cm from the center of the Solar System, (4) and which also rotates at a distance of about 1021 cm from the center of the Milky Way galaxy, (5) which rotates at a distance of about 1026 cm from the center of the Cosmos, and (6) rotates a distance from the center of the surpercosmos of about 1033 cm.The fact that our existence and all that we are capable of measuring is self-generating in a growth fractal sense says that material existence is comprised of 3-D Mandelbrot-like images. Those images formed by pixel-like but variable radius and spin mass pts are forever morphing spiritual as well as physical reality as we consistently experience them as individuals and as a collective consciousness.
The morphing of physical and spiritual reality in real time has a common-for-all, underlying, benevolent and ruling (causal) order, or Universal Harmony (UH), and a Rational God.
Out of peer-pressure-wanting to belong and/or out of pure ego, one can understandably learn to see and choose a singular cosmology; because it more quickly predicts within measurement accuracy than a harder-to-find and keep, highly volatile truth.
One's genetically installed little finger (or Vagus Nerve "gut feel" for this author) in the Early-Einstein sense, must be honored as the Kurt Gödel and neuroscience laboratory proven, intuitively held emotion that is prerequisite to all formal logic. One can then feel and see clearly that collective human consciousness over potentially immortal evolutionary time is the only final arbiter of a non-singular truth.
By intelligent collective choice through staying forever in touch with one's genes and ancestry, truth must indeed be seen as non-singular as species culturally-embedded instinct. Such feeling and seeing is then by an a priori Higher Law by which all of us who are matured manage to experience truth in full; as a matter of innate, integral, intimate and synchronous feeling and thought. And then that precious insight will by stealth beyond current belief, be forever instantly available by common possession of our genes; to arise at an ever earlier stage of maturation in an ever increasing life span.
By higher law we then know how to find singularity to be a matter of error-canceling statistics in accumulated experiment data. Otherwise we are inevitably exposed and pre-disposed in the long run, to rush to a self and small group indulgent conclusion. No one in full possession of their innate sense and guidance in terms of perfect logic of in-harmony mechanical feel and abstract thought, can accept singularity with its automatic penalty of disconnection from causality. Einstein and everyone else who buys a pure mathematical abstraction (a formal model and not a model that permits mechanical visualization without end) is going to be missing something extremely precious to most of us. The something precious is an unconsciously driven feeling of being connected as part of a scientifically held Unity or Synchronism.
One may feel free to have a mind's eye predisposition to eliminate the notion of singularity from the scientific vocabulary. There is no empirical need for "infinitely spread nothing" or "infinitely condensed something". Anyone who feels such a need and accepts the existence of singularities as part of the order of reality is buying a metric that is without rational mechanical causality; and therefore without meaningful connection to felt reality.
One and all can here "logically see" and "mechanically feel" a prima facie scalar sensitive pregeometry of causal logic that fully justifies the individual as well as collective choice we are offered. We can right here this minute choose to embrace that non-singular UH and Rational God or continue to deny and self-destruct as a species by following a singular and false cosmology. The key to acceptance is to fervently embrace, not deny, the tenuous but extraordinarily vivid temporal reality of one's existence, both physically and spiritually.
To know that a rock, a grain of sand and the Higgs level of mass pt as the motoring fluid of space is every bit as alive as we are in the sense of a self-replicating fractal, is temporarily unsettling but permanently fulfilling.
Jacob Bernoulli, the famous Swiss mathematician, was so impressed with the self-restoring constant properties of the growth spiral that he had the words "Eadem Mutata Resurgo" (though transformed, I will rise again unchanged) written on his gravestone.
To the author, the spiral as viewed in the plane represents the standard structure of the electro-gravity field as already given by Eq.(3). The MDCOG radius, as the math and mass pt of origin, is the indivisible center about which all turns begin (for expansion mode gravity or electromagnetism) or end (as for shrinking mode gravity). So the dynamics (inward and outward turning and the resulting change of radius of the MDCOG), and self-replicating features of the spiral bring to mind what one has here been calling the nested reflective symmetry of UH.
The very stable dimensionless look of Table 5-3, and the very dynamic dimensional look of Table 5-4 together reveal, as simple thought experiment proof, that the self-replicating, reflective, nested symmetry of the growth spiral constitutes the proper interdependent, fully integral and non-singular physical and spiritual order of reality.
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