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By Wesley H. Bateman

Extraterrestrials have been visiting the Earth for thousands of years. During the reign of Thutmoses III (ruler of Egypt about 1500 B.C.) his scribes wrote: " In the year 22 and the third month of winter a circle of fire came out of the sky. Later it was joined by other circles of fire. When the pharaoh ordered his army to assemble around him, the circles flew skyward and disappeared." This account is found in what is called the Tulli Papyrus, which is reproduced below.

During the time of the Roman Empire and later during the Middle Ages a great number of U.F.O. sightings were documented.
In today's technology we have devices that could be used to map and totally analyze a distant planet in one 5 day mission - that is, if we had a spacecraft that could carry all the required instruments to that planet. But we don't.

The question is: If these strange objects are in reality extraterrestrial spacecraft, why have their operators been coming to the Earth again and again for centuries? They are certainly long finished with mapping and analyzing this planet. The answer to this question is obvious: They are observing something that is constantly changing, something that the majority of we on Earth have been totally unaware of (until now).


In the mid -1940's and early 50's U.F.O.s were often spotted at locations where we were testing our nuclear bombs and guided missiles. Theories arose suggesting that the extraterrestrials were concerned about our nuclear testing and / or our development of nuclear weapons. Extraterrestrials are interested in nuclear bomb tests only because those detonations produce effects similar to those produced by a natural phenomenon that they have been observing long before nuclear bombs ever existed. This natural phenomenon is of course earthquakes .

Earthquakes and U.F.O.s

In the year 224 B.C. the Roman historian Pliny wrote that there were fiery chariots and shining shields that were seen in the sky during the destruction of the Colossus of Rhodes by a great earthquake. The Colossus, which is listed as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, was a large statute of the Greek sun god Helios. The statute, which took 12 years to build, is said to have stood in the harbor of Rhodes in such a way that ships of the time sailed between its legs.

Earthquakes occur when energy builds up in rock layers that compose an earthquake fault. Eventually the energy creates heavy stress in the rock layers and causes them to break, and therefore generate waves of energy that radiate out in every direction from the epicenter. Some of these waves move straight out from the earthquake's epicenter. Others move in the same direction but also side to side like a crawling serpent. These waves are called, respectively, push and shear waves(sometimes primary and secondary waves, or simply P and S waves).

Most push and shear waves penetrate the Earth. Some bounce (deflect) off the planet's molten core and retain most of their strength. Others pass through the core and become somewhat weaken in the process:

The strongest push and shear waves emerge about 7,000 miles surface distance from the epicenter of any of the following type of seismic event: earthquake, volcanic eruption or nuclear detonation.

U.F.O.s are generally sighted at the points on the globe where the strongest type of push and shear waves pass through the planet's surface. The illustration above contains a number of actual push and shear wave producing events that occurred over several past decades, and the locations of U.F.O. sightings that respectively corresponded to those events.

On March 20, 21 and 22. 1966, the Los Angeles Herald Examiner newspaper carried double headlines proclaiming the occurrence of massive earthquakes in China and U.F.O. sightings that took place at Ann Arbor and Hillsdale, Michigan.
In October 1989 a devastating earthquake occurred in San Francisco, California. Several days prior to this quake newspapers, radio and television reported a U.F.O. sighting and landing at Voronezh, a city about 300 miles south of Moscow.
In the fall of 1968 a Fort Lauderdale, newspaper carried articles side by side on the same page titled: "Fiery Objects Seen in New York Skies' and "Philadelphia Shaken By Quake."On October 4 , 1973, the Orange County, California Register carried the headline " Hugh Dixie UFO: Lawmen Discribe Sighting"

Then on the following day (October 5, 1973) the Long Beach, California Independent carried the headline: "Hugh Chile Quake."

Over several days prior to the Chilean quake mentioned above the southwestern United States was blanketed with U.F.O. activity. During this activity then-Governor of the state of Georgia, Jimmy Carter, and 10 others reported seeing a U.F.O. in the skies over Leary ,Georgia.

Most of the U.F.O. sightings of October 1973 took place in the vicinity of the New Madrid fault line. A moderate earthquake did occur as the saucers winged about. This earthquake took place on a part of the fault that seismologists previously thought was inactive. This of course, means that the extraterrestrials can predict when and where an earthquake is going to take place. This is confirmed by the following account as well.

A series of phenomenal U.F.O. pictures were taken by Agusto Arranda at Yungay, Peru, in the late 1960s. Within a year of this U.F.O. activity at Yungay, the town was wiped off of the face of the map by a tremendous earthquake and mud slide. The Yungay disaster is considered the greatest natural catastrophe ever to occur in the Western Hemisphere and is in the top 10 of of all natural disasters that ever occurred in the world.

The extraterrestrials are also interested in volcanic eruptions, as they also generate push and shear waves.

On different days just prior to the most recent eruption of Mount St. Helens, triangular -shaped U.F.O.s were spotted and reported only a few miles west of the mountain. Mount St. Helens, Mount Hood, and Mount Rainier are all volcanoes that are in the same mountain range. It was in the vicinity of Mount Rainier where pilot Kenneth Arnold saw a fleet of 9 circular shape aircraft in June of 1947. Mr. Arnold's description of the shape and flight characteristics of these objects caused a reporter to coin the name "Flying Saucers."


On Wednesday, February 3, 1993 The Arizona Republic (published in Phoenix) carried two articles titled " UFO Sightings are Raising Eyebrows in Wisconsin" and "Volcano Erupts, 25 Perish." Basically, the UFO article described sightings of UFOs near Waukesha, Wisconsin , both on the evenings of 1-31-93 and 2-1-1993 (Sunday and Monday). The second article described the volcanic eruption of Mount Mayon located slightly north of Legaspi in the Philippines. It is reported that the eruption took place at 10:10 p.m., Monday Arizona time. This would be 11:10 Wisconsin time (one hour later). This means that the U.F.O. sightings and the eruption of Mount Mayon took place relatively at the same time.

During the 1960s the United States Science Foundation research ship, the El Tannin was specially designed and built for the foundation's Antarctic research program. While conducting underwater photography 1,000 miles west of Cape Horn along a major fault line that circles the Earth a picture was taken of a strange device resting next to the fault at a depth of 13,000 feet. The device had an antenna with crossbars similar to a telemetry antenna. The scientists aboard the El Tannin were puzzled as to what function the device had, and who on Earth produced the technology to build such a device that could withstand the crushing pressures that exist at those depths. It apparently did not occur to the El Tannin scientists that they had accidentally taken a picture of an extraterrestrial seismographic device.
There are two questions that are most commonly asked:
Why do the Extraterrestrials read the strongest type of push and shear waves?
Answer to question 1 is
Waves of energy pass through material that is closely packed , and pass slower through material that is not closely packed, or has open spaces (gaps) in it. There are presently gaps or open spaces that exist in between certain of the Earth's "Key Strata Layers." By measuring the strength and speed of push and shear waves as they pass through the key strata layers of the planet the extraterrestrials can determine if the earthquake, volcanic eruption, or nuclear explosion caused the fractures in the key strata layers to close to any degree, or become wider to any degree.

Why are they interested in the push and shear wave phenomenon in the first place?

The answer to question 2 is slightly more complex and will be described in a future article that is titled: The "Frequency Barrier."


The extraterrestrials had to take nuclear bomb detonations into account since the mid -1940s if they were to continue with there ages-old studies of push and shear waves as they pass through our planet.

In the 1960s the United States conducted high-yield underground nuclear bomb detonations at Jackass Flats, Nevada. These tests produced push and shear waves that resurfaced in the vicinity of Tashkent, a city located in the Usbek region of what was then the Soviet Union. These waves gradually contributed energy to a fault line in the area that gave way under the strain, to in turn produce a series of massive earthquakes that devastated the city.

Soviet tests of the same time in Siberia contributed energy to fault lines in Turkey, Armenia, and Afghanistan. The faults in these areas need very little unnatural encouragement to quake, as they are naturally very active.

In 1968 a nuclear device was set off at Farmington, New Mexico. The project was called "Gas Buggy." It was officially described as an attempt to exploit a natural gas pocket in the area. Within few minutes of the detonation at Farmington, the push and shear waves from the blast triggered an earthquake in India that killed 200 people.

It has long been realized that underground nuclear tests were really a failed attempt to develop a weapon system that would have employed push and shear waves as a means of destruction. Theoretically a high-yield nuclear device detonated underground at a strategic spot on the planet could produce push and shear waves strong enough to lift a city 7,000 miles away a foot in to the air only to have it violently resettle and crumble in to ruins. The devastated country of the enemy could be immediately occupied by troops, as there would be no hazardous radio-activity present at the target sites. Such a weapon system would not require costly intercontinental missiles to deliver its destruction. The development of the weapon system most likely failed because the means required to precisely aim and control the destructive waves was lacking. Thank God.

Copyright 1987 and 1998 by Wesley H. Bateman. All Rights Reserved.

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