Human Biology:

The Human Biology class at Francis Howell North High School is
usually divided into two semester classes.   Ms. Montgomery teaches the
Genetics section and another teacher teaches the Anatomy and Physiology
section.  For this school year, 2001-2002, Ms. Montgomery will teach
Genetics second semester and Mrs. Braile will teach Anatomy &
Physiology first semester.


Unit 1: Introduction to Genetics
Unit 2: The History and Structure of DNA
Unit 3: Protein Synthesis
Unit  4: Mendelian Genetics
Unit 5: Biotechnology
Unit 6: Bioethics
PowerPoint Project Information
Final Exam Review, Genetics
Anatomy and Physiology Page
Genetic Disease Research Page

Unit 1: Introduction to Genetics :

Unit One Study Guide (the same one you may have lost or misplaced)

Cell Biology studying cells, mitosis, meiosis, the cell cycle, prokaryotes, eukaryotes, &
viruses at  The Biology Project

Meiosis a lecture note guide from a botany class at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY

Web Karyotyping  Play the role of a cytogenetic technician andcomplete three
patient karyotypes, then evaluate and diagnose each patient at The Biology Project

New Methods in Karyotyping Learn about this exciting new technique for diagnosing
chromosomal abnormalities at The Biology Project

The Primate Cytogenics Network   is a rich resource for cytogenics information,
including digital karyotypes, ideograms, banding techniques, and primate karyotypes
(including humans).

A Gene Map of the Human Genome
Walk from chromosome to chromosome to learn what genes have been identified
by researchers worldwide. At each step you can learn more about the disease
associated with each gene. Sponsored by Science Magazine and the National Center
for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).

Crossing-over: Genetic Recombination An explanation of Crossing over

6000 BC - 1700 AD: Early Applications and Speculation A timeline of Early History

1750 - 1900: The Miracle of Life and Death Apppears Smaller . . . and Smaller
A timeline of a little later Early History

Unit 1 Review Questions  This is not an assignment.  This is just a series of
questions you should know before the TEST.

Unit 2: The History and
Structure of DNA

Unit 2 Study Guide:  The one given to you the first day of this unit.

Nucleic Acids  Learn the basics about nucleic acid, how they form base pairs, and undergo replication and translation

Structure of DNA  Graphic illustration of DNA

The Structure of the DNA Molecule  Written history of the structure of DNA

The Search for DNA - The Birth of Molecular Biology  History of the beginnings of DNA research

Dogma, DNA, and Enzymes  Central Dogma of DNA

1900 - 1953: Converging on DNA A timeline of DNA


DNA Molecule - Two Views

Milestones in DNA History

James Dewey Watson (1928 - )

Rosalind Elsie Franklin: Pioneer Molecular Biologist

Linus Pauling

Biographies Francis Crick Biography


A Visit With Dr. Francis Crick

Possible Models for DNA Replication

Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins - Biography

Rosalind Franklin (1920 - 1958)

DNA Replication Animated GIF Shows leading and lagging strands

January 13: Genome Structure and DNA replication  Also shows leading and lagging strands

The Hershey-Chase Blender Experiment

Proof that DNA is Genetic Material


Nucleotide - A More Detailed View

Life Cycle of a Bacteriophage

Hershey-Chase Blender Experiment

Griffith's Experiments

Hershey-Chase Experiment

DNA Replication Model

DNA Replication Forks

DNA Replication Drawing

DNA Replication Model

Discontinuous DNA Replication


Unit 3: Protein Synthesis

Unit 3 Study Guide:  Yes, this is the one given to you in class

Protein Synthesis Review Questions

Protein Synthesis - why you have DNA in the first place This is an animated cartoon explanation

Graphics are frequently used to explain Protein Synthesis, here are a few:
 RNA and DNA
Protein Synthesis
The Genetic Code
 RNA - A More Detailed View
mRNA (Messenger RNA)
Steps Leading from Gene to Protein

Protein synthesis lecture notes from a botany class at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY


   DNA and Protein Synthesis

 The Beauty of Mutations

The Structures and Functions of Proteins in Biological Systems
A Novel Educational Tool Developed by the Experimental Study Group;
Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
A hyper-text book from MIT.

Unit 4: Mendelian Genetics

Unit 4 Study Guide:  This should look familiar!

Mendel, Gregor. 1865. Experiments in plant hybridization. Verhandlungen

des naturforschenden Vereines in Brünn, Bd. IV für das Jahr 1865, Abhandlungen, 3-47.
In this remarkable paper, Mendel laid the groundwork for later became the science of genetics.

Gregor Mendel (1823-1884)  A biography

The March of Heredity Background on Mendelian Genetics

Mendel: Experiment 1 This drawing illustrates Mendel's "Experiment 1",  in which he
demonstrated his concept of heredity in the mating of pea plants.

Mendel Smiles ITHACA, N.Y. (9/4/97)- One of the genes first studied by Gregor Mendel
in his famous experiments with pea plants has now been cloned by plant biologists.

Human Genetics Apply your knowledge of Mendelian Genetics to humans, and learn
about  constructing pedigrees, mapping chromosomes, and genetic disorders
and much more at The Biology Project

Blood Types Learn about the inheritance of blood types and Rh factors while
attempting to answer real questions received from people who had concerns about
the blood types of their parents or about the father of their child or grandchild at
The Biology Project

Mendelian Genetics monohybrid cross, dihybrid cross, sex-linked inheritance at
The Biology Project

Geneticslecture notes from a botany class at CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY

 Mendelian Genetics A Novel Educational Tool Developed by the Experimental Study Group; Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

A hyper-text book from MIT.

Mendelian Genetics Practice Problems Problems with solutions from the MIT hypertext.

MendelWeb Homework Sets (homework sets for each section of Mendel's paper) from
The MendelWeb Homepage

Virtual FlyLab Virtual FlyLab puts you in the position of the research geneticist. With the
aid of the FlyLab application, you mate fruit flies, analyze the resulting offspring, and
determine the laws of genetic inheritance...all without getting your hands dirty!

Key Words and Phrases in Genetics Problems  These are some comonly used words found in
genetics word problems.  If you are having trouble figuring out what the question says, look here.

Answers to Genetics Problems Assignment
Ok, guys, here you go......... except I forgot to take home the questions and therefore
could not finish the last three.  Deal with it!

Review Questions for Mendelian Genetics TEST


Unit 5: Biotechnology

Unit 5 Study Guide:  If you lost your copy, here it is!

Introduction - The Human Genome Project

What Can We Expect from the Human Genome Project?

A Worldwide Effort

Ethical Issues of the Human Genome Project

Research Update - Animals and Animal Health

A Short History of Mapping

Whose Genome is It, Anyway?

Silver Splicers, 1973-1998: A Generation of Genetic Engineering

Bioprocess Technology

Dogma, DNA, and Enzymes

Polymerase Chain Reaction - From Simple Ideas

Polymerase Chain Reaction - Xeroxing DNA

Recombination Up Close

Speaking the Language of Recombinant DNA

Biosensors and Biochips

Biotechnology at NIST

DNA Bends to Bind

How RFLPs Can Help Find a Faulty Gene

Mutant Gene Predicts Heart Disease

The YACs are Here!

Edgey about BioTecknowledgey: A Case Study of Cloning

BioBlox Biotechnology Resource Center This site, designed to promote interaction
with scientists, and toincrease awareness of biotechnology, contains an online biotech
newsletter, a primer of biotech, and links to other sites.

Biotechnology Industry Organization The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) is
the largest trade organization to serve and represent the emerging biotechnology
industry in the United States and around the globe. The organization's leadership and service-oriented guidance have helped advance the industry and bring the benefits
of biotechnology to the people of the world.

Biotechnology Information Center at the National Agricultural LibraryThe Biotechnology
Information Center is one of eleveninformation centers at the National Agricultural
Library located in Beltsville, Maryland. The Biotechnology Information Center provides
access to a variety of information services and publications covering many aspects
of agricultural biotechnology.

Cloning: A Special Report Wondering about the science behind the "Dolly" cloning?
New Scientist Magazine's New Planet cyberzine has produced a number of articles
that provide clear and concise explanations of this landmark experiment

Howard Hughes Medical Institute Virtual Lab Learn the techniques of molecular
biology while analyzing bloodsamples--online.

National Agricultural Biotechnology Council The National Agricultural Biotechnology
Council provides people with differing viewpoints a neutral forum where they can come
together and freely exchange ideas on the critical issues facing agricultural biotechnology.

Project BIO A site for biology students and educators developed as part ofProject BIO,
a partnership for biology education involving Iowa State University, Iowa community
colleges, and selected Iowahigh schools and life science corporations.

The Field of Genes

What Is Biotechnology

A Primer on Biotechnology

Real Live Killers - Biological Weapons - The Why Files

Taking the Lead From Plants - The Why Files

Broadcast (RealAudio) HOUR TWO: BIOTECHNOLOGY NEWS  A coffee plant that
doesn't have caffeine, trees that reach maturity faster, custom-tailored medicines, and
vaccines without needles--sound like the world of the future? Think again--biotechnology
companies are currently working onprojects like these. This hour, we'll be talking about
the latest biotechnologynews, and how biotech could change agriculture and medicine.

Broadcast (RealAudio) Hour One: Genetics Research  Large Utah families who keep
detailed genealogical records and donated blood samples have helped scientists around
the world in their quest to map all the  genes in the human body. In this hour, we'll talk with
genetics researchers at theUniversity of Utah about mapping and sequencing the human
genome, searching  for disease genes, and other genome science.

Restriction Enzymes - Glossary


Unit 6: Ethics in Biotechnology
and Genetics

Unit 6 Study Guide:  Here it is!

Biotechnology Industry Review

The Future Of Genetic Research

Epistemology of Science

Edgey about BioTecknowledgey: A Case Study of Cloning

Genetics and Public Issues This site provides access to readable, current, and
useful information about the ethical and social effects that the emerging genetic
technologies will have on society. A comprehensive list of resources on the Internet
has been compiled by the site'ssponsor, the National Center for Genome Resources.

Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in Science This site, developed by Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory, provides several scenarios that can be used to stimulate classroom
discussion and debates on topics such as breast screening and indoor and outdoor
pollution. Many relevant links to web resources are provided to assist teachers and students.

Ethics and Genetics: A Global Conversation Here's an opportunity to get involved
with ethical debatessurrounding genetic engineering. A great place for students and
others to voice their opinions and comments.

Genetics & Ethics Homepage A comprehensive list of resources on many aspects of
genetics and ethics. Includes sections on Genetics & the Law, News and  Bulletins,
Discussion groups and more.

A Question of Genes

Genetically Engineered Food Is Ripe--But Are We Ready?, by Steven Taormina.

Genetically Engineered Foods: Who's Minding the Store?

Use Common Sense in Licensing Genetically Engineered Crops

The Number of Genetically Engineered Plants Approved for Sale in Minnesota Continues to Climb

Natural Gene Transfers: How Nature Engineers Plants

Broadcast (RealAudio) Hour One: Human Cloning An American scientist said this week
that he plans to clone humans to help infertile couples, even though the government
and the scientific establishment are against human cloning. We'll look at the scientific, legal
and moral sides of human cloning in this hour of Science Friday.

Broadcast (RealAudio) HOUR ONE: BIOETHICS The U.S. has funded research on
HIV-infected, pregnant women in Africa, Thailand and the Dominican Republic for the
past two years. Some of the women get AZT, while some get placebos. Last week, a
New England Journal of Medicine editorial compared the experiments to the Tuskeegee
Syphillis study. Join Ira Flatow in this hour of Science Friday for a debate on the ethics of
research in developingcountries.

                              Ayla           Mystic          Aerie       Spike        Bosc              Mia

 This Web Page is maintained by: Ms. L. Montgomery
You may reach me at:
Last Update: January 30, 2002