Bulletin Board

Message from:dwe99@jps.net
Dated:02 MAY 2000
Subject:Former Assignment - Fort Tilden

How interesting it is to see my old post featured with a web-site. I've often wondered what had become of it. I was the in the initial group assigned there after out training was completed. We test fired at Red Canyon Range Camp in New Mexico. Then as I recall, had two weeks leave, before we were to report in Feb., 1956. I was in A Battery, the first barracks I think, on the right, going into the Post. Our barracks backed against the fence that separated us from Roxbury, the small vacation type settlement across the road. I have quite a few pictures of the barracks, and a few of the missiles. I'll have to find them. I separated from the Army after 2 yrs. as a Spc.3, and spent most of the time in the radar van, as a acquisition radar and tracking radar operator. Also worked as the phone operator. Went back to California July 16, 1957, and have neither seen or heard from any of my friends since. I will help all I can with photos etc. and will check the site frequently. Any former "residents" or others can reach me at dwe99@jps.net. Would like to hear from you. Was 18-20 yrs. at the time; am 63 now. Sincerely, Don W. Eisele

Message from:plund@pacifier.com
Dated:03 FEB 2000
Subject:Harbor Defenses of the Columbia Historical Group (HDCHG).

I am forming a living history group in Oregon/Washington, Harbor Defenses of the Columbia Historical Group (HDCHG). I am currently working at Fort Stevens State Park in Oregon and Fort Columbia State Park in Washington, restoring facilities formerly part of the Coast Artillery, 249th Oregon National Guard. Our facilities in Washington are beautiful, barracks, officer housing, guard house (which I am restoring and interpreting) all built circa 1902.

Unfortunately the guns are no longer on site, but we are working on a reproduction 6" rifle on disappearing carriage. Our park site in Oregon is not so complete, barracks long gone, but we do have a 6" rifle barrel awaiting the carriage at Battery James Pratt. Fort Stevens holds the unique honor of being the only continental US fort to be fired on by a foreign enemy since the War of 1812, having been the target of 9 shots fired by a Japanese submarine in June 1942. Signs on the Fort following the attack stated "Nine shots fired, nine shots missed. To hell with you, Hirohito!"

The parks are on the Pacific coast, on opposite sides of the mighty Columbia, near the place Lewis & Clark crossed the river at the end of their journey in 1805 and we expect an influx of visitors over the next few years, during the bicenntenial celebration of the L & C expedition. We present a pre to early war (WWII) impression at both parks, with a growing membership. Will send pictures of all soon. Would love to hear from other CA buffs.

Bill Lund
1449 5th Street
Astoria Oregon 97103
(503) 325-5783

Message from:rh@pgusa.com
Dated:13 JAN 2000
Subject:Rockaway Airport

I am researching pre-war and WW II aircraft activity in Rockaway and Brooklyn. Specifically, I'm trying to get information and pictures of Rockaway Airport which was a site for the Civilian Pilot Training Program. The airport, of course, is gone, along with a lot of other surface that went with the Lindsay Administration's social programs in New York City. Several thousand pilots got their wings there and I'm trying to gain some documentation.

There wasn't any FAA and the CPTP was conceived as a New Deal program to start with. The Queensborough Public Library wasn't accessible online and the Rockaway Wave, which had photographic records dating back to the last century, ran into a skirmish with the IRS in the 1970s at which time, employees and others more or less looted the archives.

I posted a notice on the Far Rockaway Reunion site which prompted someone to refer me to Fort Tilden, and I remember the big gun that was stationed there, but nobody seems to know what became of, or who flew at Rockaway Airport. One of its owners, probably the last, was a man named Joe Alta who ran it during the early to mid 50s.

I'd appreciate your help.

Richard Herbst
Message from: goerigk@onlinehome.de
Dated: 20 Dec 1999
Subject: Web Site Comments

Ich habe Deine Web-Seiten gesehen, gut organisiert und sehr informativ es macht Spass die Seiten zu besuchen. (I visited your web-site, very well organized and informative a pleasure to visit.)
A little suggestion, your web-page: http://www.geocities.com/fort-tilden/nike.html shows a picture: "Typical Nike IFC Area (US Army Photo)" This Photo shows a typical crew in the Launcher Control Trailer (LCT) in the NIKE launching area.

It shows:
- an LCCO = Launcher Control Console Operator (in the back).
- SWBD Op. = Switchboard Operator (at the right hand side)
- LCO = Launcher Control Officer (at the left hand side) - and (in my opinion) a maintenance man (MTC) assisting the LCO, that was quite normal.

Site address: http://www.goerigk-jever.de/
e-mail: goerigk@onlinehome.de
A Merry Chrismas to you and those you love!
Message from: Frank "Yance" Kelson
Dated: 17 Dec 1999
Subject: Nike Personnel Sought

I was with 505th AAA Missile BN Battery B (IFC Area) from 6 June 1957 through June 1960, and went through the transition from Ajax to Hercules.
Would be a pleasure to hear from any of the Ajax or Herc personnel.

E-mail: qrpdx@thrunet.com
Message from: jmccoy@transport.com
Dated:1 Jul 1999
Subject:Congratulations -- The Fort Tilden Website is a Wonderful Repository of Coast Artillery Memorabilia.

Congratulations -- The Fort Tilden Website -- http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hall/4634/ -- Is A Wonderful Repository of Coast Artillery Memorabilia.

As a member of the last class of graduates, Class 29, CAC OCS, The Coast Artillery School, Fort Monroe, Virginia, January 14, 1944, I have followed the resurgence of interest in and development of public parks and recreation on the sites of fortifications formerly manned by The United States Army Coast Artillery Corps. More particularly, the U.S. and Canadian harbor defense installations on Puget Sound (Fort Worden, et al) in the Pacific Northwest; and the harbor defenses of Chesapeake Bay (Fort Monroe, et al).

The living members of CAC OCS Class 29, most of whom are graduates of the University of Washington CAC ROTC Program, meet annually in Seattle to rehash the good ol' times and enjoy each other's company. This year the reunion will occur on at 11:00 a.m., August 4th, at Barnaby's Restaurant, in the Northgate District, Seattle. A display of photos, maps and drawings of fortifications on Puget Sound and Chesapeake Bay are anticipated. Some material has been provided by the Director, Casemate Museum, Fort Monroe.

Copies of anything accumulated by your fine organization relating to these harbor defenses, and/or the harbor defenses of the Columbia River, the Straight of Juan de Fuca, on Puget Sound (U.S. and Canada), and San Francisco, where many of the graduates of Class 29 were ordered during W.W.II, would be greatly appreciated. Just a loan of these materials is all that is requested. I will personally see to it the materials are promptly returned after adjournment of the reunion this year. Thank you -- and -- *Keep Up Your Good Works!

James B. McCoy
Maj., CAC (Retired)

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