Milo, Now a Cute Adorable Dog
An update on
my brother’s and his girlfriend dog Milo. Their dog is doing fine. They
eventually got him trim up and bought a few accessories for him. The last time
that I saw Milo was on Tuesday. He is surely energize basically walking around
the apartment. He only barks when my brother and his girlfriend are not home.
They eventually videotape every moment he does around the apartment by himself.
From what they observe whenever he is alone in the apartment is that he cries.
He is not housebroken though but he does stay calm when they take him along
with them. When I saw my brother and his girlfriend on Tuesday we took him out
and he stay calm when we left him in the car. He basically just stood still
when we were in the restaurant. Eventually we did monitor him every minute
while we were inside. They surely gave Milo a lot of stuff. They bought him a
new leach and dog collar at Pet’s Mart. His area where he suppose to sleep at
is in the kitchen. They fence him inside the kitchen so that he does not roam
around the apartment while they are sleeping.
First Day of Spring
First day of
the Spring Semester at Diablo Valley College went alright as expected. I am taking one class
(Math 135-College Algebra) then I am off to San Francisco State University in
August. I have been at a community college since August 1999. I went to Contra
Costa College from 1999-2003 then move onto Diablo Valley since 2004. I have to
admit to myself that I got a better education at DVC compare to CCC. I was able
to get the help that I needed with good instructors teaching the classes that I
took, good counselor, and tutoring services. I had a good English instructor
that was fantastic. I had him for both English 122-Freshmen English: Composition
and Reading for Spring 2006 and English 126-Critical thinking: The Shaping of
Meaning in Language Fall 2006. CCC had alright instructors. There was one good
math instructor that was good that I had for Math 118-Elementary Algebra in
Fall 2002. Every mistake that the students caught on the board was a donut
point in which he would buy the class Krispy Kreme donuts. We got the donuts
once we accumulated enough points to get them. Hopefully the math class that I am
taking at DVC won’t be that bad. I took this class twice (Spring 2008 and Fall
2008) and I had drop it twice due to bad instructors that I took. Hopefully
this instructor that I am taking won’t be too bad. I had her for Math
120-Intermediate Algebra in Fall 2005 which I fail. I refuse to fail this class
and I already trying to get ahead of the schedule by doing the homework before
it is assign date on the syllabus. Hopefully I could keep up with the schedule
that I have made which I schedule the time that I will be able to do the
homework between work and school.
Searching For a New
Job Is Slow
The job
searching has been lacking. I eventually have not gone out to find places that
are hiring but people that I have know have someone that they know that they
can refer me to. A person at Subway knows. I got a interview with him on
Tuesday at Subway in my area. I know for a fact that I won’t get the job
because the job is further away from where I live. I want to get a job that
involves my major (journalism). It is hard to find a job like that on Monster,
HotJobs, and Careerbuilder. Most of the search results show me US Navy which I
don’t want to get involve with.
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