Parallel or Alternate Timelines

Now we come to the solution of the paradox problem that quantum mechanics predicts, parallel universes. In the quantum universe everything is probabilistic. The occurrence of an event is ruled by the probability of its happening. In quantum mechanics a particle has no definite position, energy, momentum or time. The Heisenberg Uncertainty principle, and , tells us that we can only measure these quantities within a certain accuracy and beyond that accuracy they are uncertain. This is not simply a technological issue of measurement but the actual nature of the universe. Beyond a certain point the universe is in a state of mixed probabilities. This is what the universe is like. Down to a limit we cannot look and the universe remains uncertain. There is an interpretation of this that says that all things that are possible to occur will occur in separate universes. These parallel universes would exist alongside each other in hyperspace with the universes of similar probability closer to each other. The universes very close to one another would differ by very little and those farther away by much more. There would be a constant creation of these universes as time progressed. The universes could connect to one another via wormholes or Kerr tunnels. As we have seen the wormhole and black hole solutions connect to regions of spacetime that are not necessarily in our own universe.

Now let us look at one of our paradoxical time travel situations and see how parallel universes save the day. Let us return to the Kennedy assassination. Again I have found a time machine and decide to go back in time and stop the assassination from occurring. Once again I am successful in stopping it. Now I would like to return to my own time and witness the changes that have occurred. But I have just created a parallel universe. One which was identical to my own up until the moment that I arrived in the past. Until that moment the universes were one. But in my universe there was no me in 1963, so the act of placing myself in that time has already created a new universe that will undoubtedly be different. In this new universe I go forward in time, perhaps through special relativistic effects and find a future very different from the one I knew. I might also find another me, the one that was born in this universe in 1973. We would be different people as we have experienced different lives. But what if instead of going forward in time through relativistic effects I simply decided to step back through my wormhole, what would I find? I would find that nothing has changed. Kennedy is still dead and there is no other me, because the past I visited is not in this universe. When I stepped through the wormhole I disappeared from this universe into another. It is easy to see that If I were not careful I could get lost in parallel universes and never find my way back. Consider the scenario where I travel to the future of the new universe and meet my doppleganger. What if I don't like this universe at all, what if saving Kennedy leads to a nuclear war, can I go back to my original universe? No. I am now in another universe and I find a wormhole time machine with my counterpart. We decide to set it for November 22, 1963 and change things once again. But once again we create another parallel universe, this time there are 3 versions of me in 1963 and we all have different agendas.

If parallel universes are real and some advanced society can create a stable wormhole and turn it into a time machine then time travel is certainly possible. The journeys that one could have in time would be quite an experience, to say the least.

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