Deans Electrical Engineering and Math Page

Welcome to My Electrical Engineering and Math Homepage!

Below is a list of resources that I have created. Some of them are for purely mathematical interest, and others are mathematical tools created to solve problems in electrical engineering.

New General Analytic and Numerical Methods in Constrained Optimization with Applications to Optimal Consumption
Utilitas Mathematica 52 ( 1997 ), pp 123 - 128
This concerns mathematical methods involving the calculus of variations on how to expend a resource over time.
PDF Document
Supplement to Above Paper
This is a supplement to the above paper on optimal consumption. It also gives a worked example done with the simulation program below.
PDF Document
Optimal Spending Model
Concerns how to spend a fixed amount of resources for optimal utility over a fixed amount of time and known interest rate. Based on the above paper.
Excel Worksheet
Neural Network
General Purpose Neural network for modeling general problems.
DOS Program
Application of Pseudo-Wavelets to Optimal Control ( Thesis )
Wavelets are powerful approximating functions. Here they are applied to the MEI ( Measured Equation of Invariance ) method and some various optimal control problems for improved computational speed and quicker convergence to a solution.
PDF Document
EasyPLL Program ( Version 1.6 )
PLL Selection, Design, and Simulation Program that I wrote
ZIP File
Misc PLL Models
Misc PLL models. Unzip and run models.pdf
ZIP File
PLL Performance, Design, and Simulation
PLL Book that I wrote.
PDF Document

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