INVERSE   PROBLEMS  in Geophysics

Galaxy: GeoVirtualLibrary

Inverse Problems in the Earth Sciences
SIAM Activity Group on Geosciences
Center for Wave Phenomena WWW Server
Jon Claerbout's office
Stanford Exploration Project
Remote Sensing Resources on the Web
The Laboratory of Seismics and Acoustics: TUDelft
SIGMA Consortium
IPGP: Albert Tarantola's Web Page
Wave Inversion Technology Consortium Project
UBC-Geophysical Inversion Facility
MagnetoTelluricNet: MTNet
The Rice Inversion Project
UTAM: Tomography and Modeling
Electromagnetic Modeling and Inversion
CDSST: Development of Specialized Seismic Techniques
Subsurface Imaging
Applied Geophysics Group Hamburg
KIM Consortium
IRIS Consortium
Geophysical Inverse Theory
ORFEUS Seismological Software Library
Remote Sensing Information
Remote Sensing Links
4D Solutions
4D Seismic
SEG Post Convention 4D Workshop
Solid Earth groups and projects at  Lamont
4D Seismic Imaging of the Drainage and Migration Pathways

Also a few papers of (hopefully, not just of mine) interest:

Gennady Ryzhikov and  Marina Biryulina,  1995,
3D nonlinear inversion by Entropy of Image Contrast (EnIC) optimization: To the relevant pages
SEISMO-series: No. 62.; ISEP, UoB,  1995.  (PDF:1.7 Mb)     (PostScript.gz:1. Mb)
MIRROR  (with a slight effect of diffraction):
G. Ryzhikov, M. Biryulina and A. Hanyga, 1995,
3D nonlinear inversion by entropy of image contrast optimization:
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, v.2, n.3/4, pp 228-240

G. Ryzhikov,  M. Biryulina and  S. Keydar, 1996,

Analysis of 1D waveform inversion by Regularized Global Approximation:
Journal of Seismic Exploration, v.5,  pp. 349-362  (to the relevant page)

Ryzhikov, G.A., Biryulina, M.S., and E. Husebye, 1996,

A novel approach to automatic monitoring of regional seismic events,
IRIS Newsletter,v.15, pp. 12-14  (ps.gz: ~ 0.5 Mb) (pdf: ~ 0.7 Mb)

Moser, T.J., Biryulina, M.S. and G.A. Ryzhikov, 1997,

Born Inversion in Realistic Backgrounds by Means
of Recursive Green's Functions,
  in: Inverse Problems of Wave Propagation and Diffraction,
  G. Chavent and P.C. Sabatier, Eds.,
Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 486, Springer, pp. 306-31 (PDF: 1.2 Mb) (ps.gz:1.5 Mb)

Biryulina, Marina, and  Ryzhikov, Gennady  1999, 

Intrabed multiple removal: theory and practice ,
  in: Proceedings of the SAGA / SEG / EAGE 99 - Conference, 28.09 - 1.10 1999, Cape Town, South Africa,
Session: Seismic, 6.1  (ps.gz: 300 Kb)

Ryzhikov, Gennady  and  Biryulina, Marina,  2001,  St.Petersburg, July 15-18, 2001

Can we hear seabed lithology from shipboard ? ,
  in: VNIGRI / AAPG Regional International Conference, July 15-18, 2001,  St. Petersburg, Russia,
Expanded Abstracts, P4 -8   (ps.gz: 170 Kb)

NB! The free Adobe(R) Acrobat(R) Reader allows you to view, navigate, and print  PDF files

At last but not at least: a few short notes


Biryulina, Marina and Ryzhikov, Gennady,  1995,

Rytov-Born decomposition in 3-D reflection seismics:
57th Mtg. Eur. Assoc. Expl Geophys.,

Extended Abstracts, v.1, 95: E046.  (relevant full-size paper)

Ryzhikov, Gennady,  Biryulina, Marina and  Shmariahu Keydar, 1995,
The Use of Regularized Global Approximation Algorithm
for 1D Waveform Inversion:

57th Mtg. Eur. Assoc. Expl Geophys.,

Extended Abstracts, v.1, 95: P084.  (to the relevant page)

Ryzhikov, Gennady and Biryulina, Marina,  1996
Method of effective specular points:
58th Mtg. Eur. Assoc. Expl Geophys.,
Extended Abstracts, 96, Session: P134.  (PDF: 153 Kb)  ( ps.gz: 76 Kb)

Biryulina, Marina and Ryzhikov, Gennady,  1997
Convex Body Regularization (CoBR) in Linear Inversion/Deconvolution
59th Mtg. Eur. Assoc. Expl Geophys.,
Extended Abstracts,  97, Session: P122.  (PDF: 146 Kb)  ( ps.gz: 85Kb)

Biryulina, Marina and Ryzhikov, Gennady,  1998,
Non-Wiener Filter, or Sharp Deconvolution in Elimination  of Multiples:
60th Mtg. Eur. Assoc. Expl Geophys.,
Extended Abstracts,  98, Session:  1-27  (PDF: 121 Kb)  (ps.gz: 54Kb)

Biryulina, Marina and  Ryzhikov, Gennady,  1999,
MSvE-  a novel approach to statistical estimation of primaries
superimposed on incoherent multiples:
61st Mtg. Eur. Assoc. Expl Geophys.,
Extended Abstracts,  99, Session: 1-10   (PDF: 235 Kb) (ps.gz: 115Kb)

Biryulina, Marina and Ryzhikov, Gennady,  2000,

Imaging of reflectors   under uncertainties in macromodel

62nd Mtg. Eur. Assoc. Expl Geophys.,
Extended Abstracts,   Session:  B - 55  (PDF: 249 Kb) (ps.gz: 149 Kb)
  Shmariahu Keydar, Evgeny Landa,  Gennady Ryzhikov  and  Valery Sorin, 1995,
A new approach to coherency inversion by global optimization:
65th  Ann. Internat. Mtg. Soc. Expl. Geophys.,
Expanded Abstracts,  pp.1081-1083

Ryzhikov, Gennady  and  Biryulina, Marina,  1998,
Sharp Deconvolution in Elimination  of Multiples:
68th  Ann. Internat. Mtg. Soc. Expl. Geophys.,
Expanded Abstracts, ST-18.3, pp. 1983-1986  (PDF: 243 Kb)  (ps.gz: 114Kb)

Ryzhikov, Gennady  and  Biryulina, Marina,  1999,
Removal of intrabed multiples via Source-Signature Invariant Inversion,
69th  Ann. Internat. Mtg. Soc. Expl. Geophys.,
Expanded Abstracts, Vol. II, SPRO 1, pp. 1076-1079  (PDF: 575 Kb)  (ps.gz: 430 Kb)

My recent business activity forced me to be interested in
 d e c o n v o l u t i o n  konvolutt (norw.)
GIGO principle
Deconvolution and Inversion with Neural Networks
Iterative deconvolution
Multiple suppression in the velocity domain
A Pattern Based Approach to Multiple Suppression
Multiple Suppression
Doomed Star Eta Carinae

Can the Occam's Razor [.] help us to construct  at least a sharp deconvolution SEG-98.pdf: ~240 Kb SEG-98: Sharp Deconvolution Towards SDec-movie Comprehensive elimination of multiples 

* "Entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity."