29 Rabiul Akhir 1430/ Sunday, 25 April 2009 Here is the repackaged setup file with the tazkeerah files in the proper folder.
Download Link datafilehost Or Download Link Mediafire
. GeoCities will close later this year and in the meantime you can still come here for the download link. I will update the new link for this website once I've found a new home. It works for Vista but files created wiil be in the Documents/Application Data Folder. I'll work to ensure that it will play nice with Vista ;) Salam
23 Rabiul Akhir 1430/ Sunday, 19 April 2009 I have repacked the software into waktusolat14.zip. This version now includes the AlQuran translation in Bahasa Malaysia, Indonesia and U.S English. Size is now 4.5MB ! The AlQuran translation are in the Waktu Solat folder. I'll repackage it later.
20 Ramadhan Rejab 1428/ Tuesday, 02 October 2007 You can download the translations for AlQuran for use as Tazkeerah from at http://www.islamware.com/Downloads.shtml
Overview of wmsolat - Gnu/Linux Prayer Time
Runs on any GNU/Linux.
Language - English
Based on wmmuezzin.
Can recite different verses and recycle through the whole AlQuran at reminder times.