in two important Scientific studies "Protection of pollution in ground
water in Serbia" 1985 - 1990 and "Fe and Mn ion in alluvial aquifers in
Serbia" 1985 - 1991
Participation in Yugoslav and International Hydrogeological, Geotechnical and Geological Symposiums and Congresses, internal Institute monographs, and 'Vodoprivreda' the main National water management magazine, with reviewed and presented articles. |
"Hydrogiological investigations of Triassic dolomites for definition the protection zones for Dabravine water source near V. Kladusa", Proceedings of XI Yugoslav Symposia "Waterworks and canalization", Cetinje, Montenegro, 1990 "Hydrogeological investigations of dolomite aquifer on the model of IGM water source near Cazin", Proceedings of 2nd Yugoslav Symposia "Waterworks and canalization", Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, 1991 "Modern approach to basic hydrogeological investigations of drinking water supplying for small towns in north-western Bosnia", Proceedings of XIII Yugoslav Symposia "Waterworks and canalization", G. Milanovac, Serbia, Yugoslavia, 1992 "An example of applied Hydrogeological investigation for definition of sanitary zones in karst thermal source", Proceedings of International Conference on "Karst-fractured-aquifers, vulnerability and sustainability", Katowice, Poland, Jun 1996 "Significance of hydrogeological investigations in the solving Geotechnical problems", Proceedings of the International conference "Trends in the development of Geotechnics", Pages 385-394, Sava Center, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1996 "The definition of conditions for protection of groundwater against contamination - the basic parameter of alluvial aquifeer capturing", Proceedings of XVII Yugoslav Symposia "Water protection" Sombor, Yugoslavia, 1997 "The importance of hydrogeological researches and groundwater protection in the process of regional and urban planning", Proceedings of III Symposium on karst protection with international substance, Pages 31-41, Student speleoligic and alpinistic club, Federal Department for environmental protection and University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1997 "Application of hydrogeological investigations in solving geotechnical problems in the design and construction stages", Proceedings of the International Symposium of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Volume 3, Pages 2865-2871, IAEG, Athens, Greece, 1997 1998
"Hydrogeological characteristics of Sava river alluvial sediments in Srem region as potential water supply zones", Proceedings of the International Conference on Headwater Control IV: Hydrology, Water Resources and Ecology of Mountain areas, Edited by: U. Tappeiner, F.V. Ruffini and M. Fumai, Pages 111-114, IAHS, SCHC, ICMH & European Academy Bozen/Bolzano, Italy, 1998 "The definition of conditions for protection of groundwater against contamination - the basic parameter of alluvial aquifeer capturing", Proceedings of the International symposium ‘Deicing and Dustbinding - Risk to Aquifers’, Nordic Hydrological Programme, NHP Report No 43, Pages 233-244,Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, Finland, 1998 "Hydrogeological Investigations of a Water Bearing Sand Lens Zone for Tunnel Tube Construction ", Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the International Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment "Engineering Geology – A Global View from the Pacific Rim", Volume 5, pp 3561-3568, IAEG, Vancouver, Canada, 1998 "Modern approach to solving geotechnical problems of high groundwater levels in the design and construction of underground structures", Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on The Geotechnics of ‘Hard Soils – Soft Rocks’, Volume 2, pp. 1007-1014, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Geotecnica, Facolta di Ingegneria Unversity of Napoli, Italy, 1998 "Detailed hydrogeologic investigations for the definition of groundwater protection in a karst thermal source", Proceedings of the International Conference "Groundwater quality ‘98" - Remediation and Protection, Mike Herbert & Karel Kovar(Eds.), Tubinger Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten TGA), Pages 48-50, Tuebingen, Germany, 1998 "Groundwater quality monitoring as a base parameter in existence of the alluvial aquifers", Proceedings of the International Conference on the World Water Resources at the beginning of the 21st Century :"Water - a looming crisis?", Edited by H. Zebidi, Pages 205-211, IHP-V, No.18, UNESCO, Paris, France, 1998 “Hydrogeological Investigations for Definition of the Zones of Sanitary Protection in a Karst Thermal Resource, NW Part of Bosnia and Herzegovia”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Karst Water Resources, pages 105-110, Kermanshah, Iran, 1998 "The significance of protecting alluvial aquifers as new potential water-supply zones along the Sava River in Srem agricultural region, Yugoslavia", Proceedings of the XXIX Congress of IAH - "Gambling with Groundwater - Physical, Chemical, and biological Aspects of Aquifer-Stream Relations, Edited by: John Van Brahana, Yoram Eckstein, Lois K. Ongley, Robert Schneider, and John E. Moore, Published by the American Institute of Hydrology and the International Association of Hydrogeologists, pages 661-666, Las Vegas,USA, 1998 1999
“Ground Waters and Underground Constructions in the City Urban Development”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, IS-Tokyo ’99, International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering & Japanese Geotechnical Society, Edited by O. Kusakabe, K. Fujita and Y. Miyazaki, pages 141-147, A.A.Balkema 2000 ISBN 90-5809-1-066, Chiba, Japan, 1999 “Hydrogeological Modelling from the Aspect of Modern Agricultural Development”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling, ModelCARE ’99, ETH Swiss, Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Edited by Dr.Fritz Stauffer, Zurich, Switzerland, 1999 “Groundwater Monitoring System in Road Belts”, 2nd BGS International Conference Geoenvironmental Engineering: Ground Contamination, Pollutant Management and Remediation, edited by RN Yong and HR Thomas, Contaminated Water Section, Page 577, Thomas Telford Publishers, ISBN No. 0-7277-2840-7, London, UK, 1999 “Protection of Ground Waters Against Contamination – a Fundament of Hydrogeologic Investigations of Alluvial Formations”, Proceedings of the XXIX IAH Congress, IAH and Slovak Association of Hydrogeologists, CD ROM presentation, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 1999 “The Importance of the Groundwater Regime Studies of Unstable Slopes – An Example of Investigations on the Landslide ‘Plavinac’ (Yugoslavia)”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Slope Stability Engineering: Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Aspects, IS-Shikoku ’99, Japanese Geotechnical Society and ISSMGE Technical Committee TC11, Edited by N. Yagi, T. Yamagami & J.C. Jiang, Vol. 1, Pages 501-507, Matsuyama, Shikoku, Japan, 1999 2000
“Groundwater Modelling in the Urban Areas – an Example of the Infusing Wells Design for Evacuating of Atmospheric Waters”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Tracers and Modelling in Hydrogeology - Tram ‘2000, Universite de Liege, Edited by Prof. A.Dassargues, Liege, Belgium, 2000 "Importance of hydrogeological studies in the process of modern slope stability analyses”, Proceedings of the International Conference ‘Geo-eng 2000’, University of Melbourne, Edited by Prof. Ervin, Melbourne, Australia, 2000 “Hydroecological register of Groundwater Contaminants – the Concept, Methodology and Management for the Regional Alluvial Aquifer Protection”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Groundwater Research “Groundwater 2000”, IAHS, ICGW, UNESCO (IHP), Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Groundwater Research Centre Technical University of Denmark, Virum, Denmark, 2000 “Continual Field Testing as an Element of the Effective Groundwater Protection in the Urban Areas”, Proceedings of the 26th National and 3rd International Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium of the Institution of Engineers, “Hydro 2000”, Perth, Australia, 2000 “A New Railway Station in the Central Part of the Former City Landfill – geotechnical Challenge in the Urban Development of Belgrade, Yugoslavia”, Proceedings of the 31st Session of the International Geological Congress, by IUGS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000 “Some Experience of Utilizing Advanced Hydrogeological Techniques for a Modern Groundwater Monitoring System”, Proceedings of the 31st Session of the International Geological Congress, by IUGS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000 “Hydrogeological Contributions to the Regional Agricultural Development in Yugoslavia”, Proceedings of the 31st Session of the International Geological Congress, by IUGS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2000 2001
"Groundwater quality monitoring system in zones of infrastructure facilities", ELSEVIER Engineering Geology Journal, Vol. 60 NOS.1-4, (pp 351-361) Special Issue ‘Geoenvironmental Engineering’, Edited by R.N. Young and H.R. Thomas, 2001 2002
- 2003 Basic Hydrogeologgical Study of the Methods to Design
of Active Monitoring System of Groundwater Protection - Project is financed
by the Ministry of the Environment and Nature Resources, Government of
the Republic of Serbia. Chief engineer and the author of the design,
the complete terrestrial and laboratory studies, hydrogeological
and hydrodynamic analysis.
1998 - 2000 Hydrogeological ppart of General Project of Kolubara Region (3650 km2) - significant agricultural zone in the Republic of Serbia; Investigations for the definition of regional systems for industrial and municipal water supply and irrigation. Chief engineer for the complete terrestrial and laboratory studies, hydrogeological and hydrodynamic analysis. 1995 - 1998 Hydrogeological pparts of General Projects of Macva (1600 km2) and Srem (5000 km2) regional agricultural zones for regional systems for industrial and municipal water supply and irrigation. Chief engineer for terrestrial and laboratory investigations and hydrogeological/hydrodynamic analysis. Hydrogeological investigations for opening the new groundwater sources for small towns, villages, etc. in eastern Serbia: Chief engineer for terrestrial and laboratory investigations and hydrogeological analysis for municipalities of Mosna, Golubac, Ram, Brnjica, Klicevac, etc. 1991 Groundwater source "Perkicevo" for water supply system of Svilajnac (Central of Serbia) Project for development of waterworks "Svilajnac" with connection to new one. Chief engineer for terrestrial and laboratory investigations and hydrogeological analysis: 20 piezometers, piezo monitoring, hydrochemical analysis, 5 new exploitation wells, and with the definition of the place for the new water source 1990 Groundwater source "Vignjevic" near Cazin, Bosna and Hecegovina. Project of exploitation well B-4 cca 200 m in Triassic dolomites for increasing quantity of "Vignjevic" waterworks. Chief engineer for all hydrogeological works: location, drilling well, equipment, pumping tests, hydrochemical analysis and definition of hydrodynamic exploitation modelling of the groundwater regime for next 10 years 1987 - 1990 - Projects for protection of pollution the ground water sources in North-western Bosnia V. Kladusa, Slapnica, Sumatac, M. Kladusa, Cazin Chief engineer for all hydrogeological works: terrestrial and laboratory investigations and hydrogeological, hydrodynamic and hydrochemic analysis with high definition of sanitary protected zones for ground waters and karstic aquifers. 1985 - 1987 - Sanitation of water sourcess "Zicko Polje" and "Konarevo" from phenol pollution (Kraljevo) Chief engineer for terrestrial and laboratory investigations: 45 piezometers, piezomonitoring hydrochemical analysis, etc., hydrogeological elaboration with the whole characteristics of polluted alluvial aquifers on the both sides of Ibar river near the town of Kraljevo. |