We expect the e-mailing group to soon grow in size to 20-25 people, mostly radio amateurs enjoying collecting, operating, repairing, buying and selling older receivers and transmitters etc.,
The list is now maintained on the ONELIST.COM list server.
Generally it is considered to be:
Larger, older tube type equipment of all kinds. Anything that is heavy and contains iron transformers! But the definition must be broad enough to include a lot of early, antique, vintage and JUNK radio equipment of almost any kind, military and commercial (grin!)
People interested in Boatanchors to want to connect with other hams in the State of Florida that enjoy the older rigs. Shortwave listeners and radio amateurs primarily.
We have a little informal list of all the FL AREA BOATANCHORS ENTHUSIASTS. It is an e-mailing list and not too complicated to learn how to use.
Most of the time it is low traffic, but if someone hears of something good to do, sell, buy or needs help with something locally, we can all be in touch this way. Share your ideas and questions about the old rigs, please post hamfest information, and any news about BAs.
Simply send a message to:
You will get an e-mail back notifying you that you are subscribed.
Send a message to:
You will get an e-mail back notifying you that you are unsubscribed.
Once you have subscribed, you can send it to:
and everyone who is subscribed will see it!
NOTE! If you are not subscribed to the list you cannot post to it.
OK, so your e-mails are all mixed in with the traffic from this list. The best way to handle this is to use a FOLDER for all of your incoming FLBOATANCHORS messages. Then you set up your mail reader program to FILTER the messages that are addressed to or from flboatanchors to go into that folder.
For example, I use Pegasus mail reader (available from www.tucows.com) and others use Eudora or similar programs. I set up a MAIL FILTER function to detect all incoming list messages and direct them into a seperate folder.
The mail filter rule is that if a message contains a header line such that the subject contains "[FLBOATANCHORS]" then it gets sent into my folder, and I can look through them apart from all my other incoming e-mail.
I STRONGLY recommend making the effort to use one of these mail reader programs and set it up that way. The only other sensible choice is to get the DIGEST version of the list (see below)
Not sure! Watch this space as I learn to run the new list!
Let me know if you need any assistance!
Best regards - Brian Carling (List Administrator)