Many people consult my web pages for sources of information about buying hobby items, lighting accessories, electronic parts, kits, radio equipment, hockey equipment etc.
If you are interested in placing a colourful display advertisement and/or banner in my listings to attract more buyers I can accommodate you. I will gladly scan your artwork or create artwork for you.
I can also create web pages for you and host them on the internet for a very modest fee. These rates are among the lowest you will find on the internet considering the high rate of traffic at our web site.
Small colour banner: $8 USD per year. (Normally $10.00 per year)
Larger colour banner and up to 25 lines of text: $12 USD per year.
Web page creation, text plus scanning of your graphics or creation of
original artwork: $25 set-up plus $25 USD Per year.
Additions, changes and updates: Text $5.00 graphical $20.00
Web page hosting: Only $1.00 USD per page per month
Scan your picture or photo to create a web graphic for your site: $5.00 each. For samples of my work see:
SLS Industries: Lighting ballasts mfg.
Let me know if I can help you in any way with a web presence for your organization or business.