Adele Roberts' Stained Glass Projects

Adele started working on stained glass in early 1996. Rick viewed it as a wonderful thing since she now would spend more time in the garage, while he worked on his airplane. These pictures represent some of the projects she's completed that are installed in our home.

This beautiful ship is over the entryway, the scroll says "ROBERTS", unfortunately Rick hasn't mastered photography of stained glass yet!.

This was Adele first lead project.

This one is on the left side of the bed. An angel made by Adele's sister Ellen watches over us.

These flank our bed in the bedroom, this is the right side.

The family room side of the two sided kitchen cabinet.

The kitchen side of the cabinet above.

A view from our bay window in the kitchen.

A dove for Tara.

A kangaroo for Kevin.

A lantern.




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Updated 6/29/97 - Rick Roberts

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