Rick Roberts' King Kozy

I started the King Kozy project with a good friend of mine in December of 1991. The project started as a standard Cozy Mk. IV. However, since my partner and I are on the large side 6'+ and 200 lbs+ we realized very early that the widening of the fuselage wasn't even an option, it was required. From there one mod lead to another etc., etc. My friend has been a valuable resource in the design mods, the shaping of parts and the lay up of big parts. With any luck, this monster will be completed by Sun n' Fun in 1998. I will not supply any details for the modifications until then. I want to make sure that the flight characteristics are still as docile as a typical Cozy.

Here are some pictures of my highly modified KING KOZY:

Top Right Front view. You can see the widened fuselage and thicker strakes.

Engine view. You can see the 6 cylinder O-540.


Front View - the wider fuselage is clear.

Side View - you can see the Infinity gear in both views.

Right Front Quarter View. Note: Kevin is now 8.

Right Side View with Engine Cowling Mold in place.

Engine Cowling Mold from rear.

One layer of fiberglass and peel ply for the interior of Cowling.

The Nose gear motor of S. Wright's Nose Lift, it works very well.

The Nose Gear drive mechanism replaces the wimpy original worm gear drive system. Tight but it does fit.

I Accidentally overwrote the picture for this caption, if I can find it I'll put it back. Canopy under construction. Upper picture looking aft to show inner headroom. Middle picture is side view, The black (graphite areas are the frame structure, the yellowish areas are the areas for transparencies), the bottom picture is the male mold for the front transparency.


Here is picture from 1992. The Fuselage tub has just been assembled. Note Kevin was four and Tara was eight. The amount of time (and money) required to build these things requires a complete family commitment. My family has been very supportive!

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You may also view images of my 3D CAD model.

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Updated 9 April 1998 - Rick Roberts

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