Ground Based



We are committed to provide our users in Flight Test Center Division and PT IPTN as well with services on high quality Data Processing Systems within available resources, using off the shelf as well as custom made products.  


We are recognised in the community as a major player in data processing system products and services. We will meet or exceed the expectations of the users with the efficient and cost effective solutions.  


•Mission Operation Control System

•Real Time Data Processing System


•Real Time System Development

•Real Time Programming

•Parallel Processing Development

•Computer Network

•Distributed System Development

•Database Management System Design

Ground Based Data Processing System (GBDPS) is a Department in the Flight Test Center Division of PT IPTN, Indonesia Aircraft Industries. It Provides flight Test Data Processing System located on ground to support all flight test programs in IPTN. The origin of GBDPS was started in 1983, when the flight test data processing system was well established by a small group of high qualified engineers. The system was based on a PDP 11/44 computer system from Digital Equipment Corporation and XPERT, PCM decommutator system, from Sangomo Weston, which then become Schumberger. The real time software system was VFWSYS, developed by MBB and then customized by IPTN. The system was succesfully support the certification program of CN235 aircraft, a joint developed aircraft between PT. IPTN and CASA, Spain. The aircraft has certified in 1987. Since then the system has supported many other flight test programs, such as NBELL 412 qualification test, LAPAN (Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional) rocket program, etc.  


Our next generation aircraft, the so called N250, was schedulled to have its first flight on 1995. It was then decided in 1990 to modernise our ground Based Data Processing System to support the new Mission Operation Control Room (MOCR). The experience from the previous system was fully exploited to specify, design, and integrate the GBDPS. After having some asssesment, evaluation, and selection of the products in the market, the System 500 Model PRO 550 from Loral Instrumentation was selected. The new GBDPS is using parallel distributed architecture based on commercial off the shelf product and standard technology. It will be easily expanded as the requirements growth.  


The system came in its basic configuration. To accommodate user requirements, a lot of system development must be conducted. Through comprehensive training and based on the previous experience, a team of engineers were starting developments. The software system development was divided into several groups: