My airplane is going down at 2000ft all the time!

FS2000 users who have visited Amsterdam Schiphol might recognize the following situation:

"ATC clearance received. Full throttle. Approaching V1. Now you must continue, whatever might happen. Vr, the rotation speed. Slowly but surely your wheels leave the asphalt of runway 24. Imideately after take off, you connect LNAV and climb to FL60, the initial cleared altitude. Approaching 2000ft. You're reporting the 2000ft to Departure control. But hey, what the h*** is this????? It looks like a heavy, uncontrolable windshear. Whatever you do, the aircraft seems uncontrolable. The only thing you can do is watch how your aircraft turns and looses altitude until it crashes in the grass. What did I do wrong?????"

You're not the first. Many pilots have already lost their airplane somwhere southwest of Hoofddorp. It might happen in the following circumstances:

- When approaching runway 06 or 01R, when approaching 2000ft
- When departing runway 24 or 19L, when climbing through 2000ft

This is a known bug in the Amsterdam area. It happens only when using FS2000 and any version of Squawkbox, in the areas described above. It is caused by the fact that Schiphol Airport is located below sea level. Because FS2000 is the first FS-version which supports negative altitudes, it is giving problems when Squawkbox is loaded. Fortunately there is a (simple) solution.

1) First of all, make sure you have installed the newest version of Peter Dowson's FSUIPC.
2) Secondly, go to your \FS2000\MODULES directory and find the file FSUIPC.INI
3) In the [General] section of this file, find the setting WINDTRANSITIONS and set it to YES. (see example below)
    (this is set to YES by default)
4) Save the file, exit and restart Squawkbox (if necessary).


If everything went well, you won't be bothered by these kind of unnecessary and annoying crashes anymore!

This problem happens ONLY when using FS2000. FS98 users will not encounter any problem at all.

Created: July 2001 by Mark Jansen