History about my self.


History about my self:
      I was born on the 06/Dec/1971 in the town of Famagusta, but i grew up in Larnaca. My Father is from Cyprus and my Mother from Germany, so i take half of both, being half German - Cypriot. I grew up in Larnaca and graduated the Technical School of Electronics in 1990. My major interests where Chemistry, Electronics, Biology and General Science were my favorites subjects. Finishing from school
i had to do the Army for some time (National Service). When finally i got my first job as a Telecommunications Technician in a small company here in Larnaca, i've spend at least 15 months there. Then i got a very good job in the government as a Radio Telecommunications Technician - till at this time
i speak to this day, i'm glad i've still got the same job, it has been nearly 6 years now!

The beginning of my Amateur Radio Contacts:    

    My interest in Amateur Radio started back in 1987, when i got to meet some friend of my father's, at a party. He told me all about this interesting hobby he had, when of course latter on i took some lesson's in 1989. For one year i was studying to pass my examinations of Amateur Radio, when gladly at last i got my first hand-held transceiver the YAESU FTH-2005 (a VHF Commercial - Marine hand-held transceiver modified for Amateur Radio use). On the 09/Mar/1990 i received my Amateur Radio license, i remember making my first contact over the Cyprus repeater (145.650 -600 kHz shift - R2) calling of course CQ, i got in touch with a station from Israel - call signed 4X6YC, he's name was Udi from Haifa. I never forgot my first contact. From that day on, i could not stop my self speaking with people around the Middle-East. I latter on got a very old rig, it was the Heath kit SB-101 (an antique) where i could speak over the short wave with people around the globe.

My activities over the past years:

     My interests now follow another way in to the future of the new generation of Amateur Radio  communications: The Space age of Amateur Radio - Satellite and Computer Communications. Besides all this i still like the short wave, but i do have another interest in this all. I'm a VHF- UHF+ enthusiast. I work over the 50 MHz band as it maybe rare to find any people here to work the 6m band. I know that my friend and general secretary of the Cyprus Amateur Radio Society, his call sign is 5B4JE as many of you know him, he's activity over the 6m band is a favorable for listeners and Amateur Radio operator's of this sort over the years. I've got a FT-690 RII for the past 4 years now and i am a great enthusiast my self, as i made a lot of nice contacts though it and of course running only 3 Watts output into a home made vertical polarized dipole.

     On 2m band i'm operating either voice or data communications, which are Packet Radio on 144.675 MHz (1200 b.p.s) and voice in modulation either FM on the simplex or repeaters (doublex) or SSB on the calling frequency 144.300 MHz (USB). The aerial for 2m band is a 11-element beam with a house hold rotor and controler. Here sometimes in the summer time i get in contact with my friend Ralf 4X1IF as usually we make schedules or exchange information about conditions on 6m or 2m bands. In summer of 1994 i made a very good contact with a station in Malta - turning my 11-element beam over to Haifa - due to a tropospheric scatter opening over there and by reflecting the signal through there i managed to make a contact with a station in Malta.

   On UHF in summer time there is very little activity going on, so there is not much to listen on. I made a fairly few contacts over the years on 70cm band with my Icom IC-471H. I made a few schedules with local and some middle eastern stations on the SSB, but did not hear any DX. The stations i made where with: OD5ET, OD5KB, 4X1IF, 4X6UJ and TA5C (including some 5B local stations over the local repeater).

   Lately i'm active through the satellites - as i was also working my favorite satellite RS-10/11 and now i work at times with most RS satellites and sometimes listening to DO-17 at over head pass.

   That is the information for the time being. Hopefully this coming new year of 1998, i hope to make something interesting contacts over the 70cm band. I'll be setting up my new aerials which are actually for Satellite DXing, but as well good for direct Dxing too. The aerials are: 2x9 element beam for 2m and 2x19 element for 70cm bands, of course crossed Yagis. The rotor and controler are the G-5400B model of Yaesu. Me and a friend we made the tower for the aerials and rotor and is about 4m and 30cm high. A ladder-like tower, very easy to clime it up.

Here is a photo of my Radio & Computer Shack.

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   This was taken in my ex-apartment, i will add a newer photo soon of my new radio and computer shack very soon. This photo i used it for SSTV test and experimentation on some shareware program.

   That is all my information for the time. I'm going to put new information on my activities and much more later in the year. Thank you for reading this.