Ballarat Trams

The State Electricity Commission of Victoria, the former State-owned electricity generator and distributor acquired the tramway systems at Ballarat, Bendigo and Geelong as part of the acquisition of privately-owned electricity companies in a number of centres. The State Electricity Commission operated the small tramway system at Ballarat until September 1971, when the trams were replaced by privately operated buses. A pictureseque section of the former Ballarat system has been preserved along the edge of Lake Wendouree through the Botanical Gardens by the Ballarat Tramway Preservation Society. The Society operates a tourist service along this line on weekends and public holidays.

The Ballarat tramways were themselves almost a museum piece as most of the trams that operated the system were over fifty years old at the time of the system's closure. The tramway system had a number of unique features including wrong-side running on a number of sections of roadway. Here is a small selection of pictures of the Ballarat system as I remember it.




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