first outdoor pond. Although small at 4' X 4' X 16" it is an entire
world of peace and quiet in my suburban neighborhood.
is how the pond looked in 1998 when it was first finished.
The pond
sits above the ground. The frame around the pond is built of pressure
treated lumber
and that is
in turn covered with cedar that I recycled from an old fence.
The large square cedar
box on the
rear deck houses a 25 gallon bio filter constructed of egg-crate, plexiglas,
and 150 #
of 2 mm pea
gravel as the filter media. The smaller round wooden drum to the
left is a 25 gallon
veggie filter
that houses a very dense population of Duck Weed. The filter is fed
by a 1200 GPH
pump which
draws from the bottom of the pond through a pre-filter of 2mm gravel.
All total the
entire system
holds approximately 170 gallons of water.
The pond contains various oxygenators and Goldfishes. Anacharis, Cabomba, and Hornwort all are potted in top soil and covered with larger 1/2 gravel. An attraction and Fabiola Lilly are also potted in the pond. Since this picture was taken I have added 1 Pickerel Weed, 1 Common Arrowhead, Two Louisiana Irises, 2 Cattails, Primrose Creeper and some Baby's Breath. The small lavender flowers on the Baby's Breath made an impression on me so I picked some and took it home. Fishes include 1 large 3" Comet, 2 - 3" Calico Fantails, and 3 smaller Calico Comets.
The following
pictures are current as of July 13, 1999. As you can see I have added
a few plants.
I have also
removed the waterbell for now.
The two long
running plants traveling across the water are Primrose Creeper.
I picked them
out of a bog at work.
I would appreciate
your comments
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