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The RTOG Kingdom
was established by a group of people loyal to the traditions of an honest
and affordable approach to diecast car collecting. A place where people
of like mind could gather to discuss trades, values and variations of diecast
vehicles without being subjected to scalpers, profiteers, bad manners or
vulgar speech. The members of the RTOG recognize that children play a large
part in this hobby and as such deserve to participate in the discussions
without overbearing and foul mouthed persons being allowed into the mix
so to speak. On July 19, 1998 RTOG King (who is anonymous to most) established
himself as Lord Defender and Protector of the RTOG Kingdom. Many Knights
and Ladies rallied to his call and hence the RTOG Kingdom and the RTOG was
established. It has not been without controversy and like any Medieval
tale there are enemies and ogres afoot. Good cannot stand without condemning
evil by its' mere existance. Evil thereby fights back to overshadow the
light. We have been victorious so far, and by the Grace of God, RTOG King
and the wit and might of the Knights and Ladies of the RTOG Kingdom shall
we overcome!
Welcome! and
Long Live the King!
Web Pages
Royal Blaster
Favorite Cars
for New Collectors
Good Traders List
View Our Guestbook Sign Our Guestbook
Chats will be held on Thursday Nights 6:00 - 'til CST
page is for the members of the RTOG to show off their Custom Cars.
a look at what some of us can do!
The Royal Joust Page!
is the Page where one will find contests sponsored by the
and Ladies of the RTOG
are visitor number
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