Welcome to CobraMartin's Fighters Anthology Web Site
Sir, Airmansince January 1st, 1998Reports As Ordered!
Last Modified 4/10/99 20:47 Play the CobraGAME
The CobraMartin Time is
An F-22N Raptor hugging the terrain

Do you know what the 6 most important words are during Basic Training in the Air Force? Sir(or Ma'am)Airman ( your Name) reports are ordered! I learned that when I visited the Air Force Recruitment Office. I'm not recruiting, I'm still 16! I just wanted some information and wanted to talk to the E5 Staff Seargent working there. I also learned that Ellington (an airport about 5 miles from my apartment, also where Air Force One lands when President Clinton comes to visit Houston) is not an actual Air Force base. It's just a landing strip that the Air National Guard uses for it's F-5E Tiger IIs (which I thought belonged to the Air Force, but apparantly not). Recently, I've spotted AH-64 Apaches take off from there, I saw on numerous occations a Beechcraft Starship 1 flying nearby, and an AH-1 SeaCobra fly over my neighborhood. The reason that I know that it was a SeaCobra (or Super Cobra) was that it was flying so low that I could actually see that it has a round canopy instead of the one that's similar to the Apache. Well, that's a little bit about my area. How would you like to live in a coastal area, where every day you can probably spot 3-5 F-5s and a whole bunch of other cool jets flying around?

It's finally up and running! Ya'll probably lost hope in me, huh? Thought I just gave up on it, right? Well, in a way I did. But ever since I finished summer school (Gym class for 1/2 a credit, or 1 semester that I now don't have to take during the school year!), I got right back on task and finished most of this site on the very same day it ended. Although virtually all of the Reference section is still not finished, I'm happy to present the new CobraMartin's Fighters Anthology Web Site! It's way better than my old site, and I'm going to make a harder commitment to constantly update it. So what's REALLY new, you ask? Well, for starters, almost everthing, except for some of the layout of the content on some of these pages. Let me go through the list. I have Java applets instead of motionless button images, I have a whole different page for notices of updates instead of that 1 paragraph description of what I've done, new CobraLogo, new pictures (my good buddy Jan informed me that it was kind of awkward to have photos of jets all over the site instead of screen shots from the game that my site was all about), new CobraGAME, um...sorry, I haven't changed the Tips & Tricks Page at all (hey, The F/A-18D Hornet why mess with success:), an integrated Campaigns, libraries, and utilities page with in-depth reviews of all the libraries downloadable (including my 5 Jet Rating Program of each .lib), home-made campaigns submitted to me by FA fans, and updates to my campaign (yes, it's still going with the story). The Reference page so far has information about the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Vietnam War (all the information and text was obtained from the Air Force Museum Web Site), but will eventually have the Gulf War, the Afghan War, information on my hero Commander Randy "Duke" Cunningham, famous Vietnam Phantom Ace, and Maj. Bernard F. Fisher, and the CobraMartin Fighters Anthology Encyclopedia, which will have everything on all the jets and objects and stuff in FA!!! Now that's a huge project. Anyways, I have a new Screen Shots page with screen shots from live combat in the game, and screen shots of different screens and sections of FA that people who've never played FA would like to see. Finally, check out the awesome Links page, with links to all your favorite ATF/NATO/USNF/MF/USNF'97/ATF Gold/FA web sites, and now, plenty of Aircraft resource sites, and even links to all the best government contractors like Lockheed or Boeing or Dassalt, etc. So now, I present you the all-new, CobraMartin's Fighters Anthology Web Site! CobraMartin:)

This page was created by John Nilsson.
CobraMartin© is copyrighted by me. You can e-mail me at johnmnil@swbell.net, where you can send me your comments, suggestions, criticism, or information that you would like to submit to this web site.
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