Database of Ad5 E1A Mutations


  • deletions listed are inclusive
  • amino acid numbering is with respect to the 289R protein

    Mutant Designation Nucleotide Changes Amino Acid Changes Reference(s) Notes on phenotype etc.
    2-36 del 563-667 del 2-36 (B. Zerler et al., 1987; R.W. Stein et al., 1990; H. Wang et al., 1991; D. Kalman et al., 1993; D.A. Taylor et al., 1993; I. Kitabayashi et al., 1995; K. Somasundaram et al., 1996) does not repress transcription, transform with ras, inhibit PC12 differentiation, induce c-jun expression or induce mitosis, impaired for induction of DNA synthesis, does not bind p300, AP-2, or myogenin or induce p300 phosphorylation
    9S del 638-1228 del 29-289 (E. Moran et al., 1986; H. Wang et al., 1991) 9S cDNA, "unstable" 55 residue product, spliced into different frame, C-terminal addition of CLNLSLSPSQ NRSLQDLPAV LKWRLLS
    10S (30K) del 638-853, 975-1228 del 27-98 and 140-186 (C. Stephens and E. Harlow, 1987; S. Gopalakrishnan et al., 1996) 10S cDNA, double splice product, host range, CR3 transactivation defective, does not transform with ras or E1B, does not induce p110-GAP complex formation
    10S/11S del 638-853 del 27-98 (C. Stephens and E. Harlow, 1987) expresses only 10S and 11S double splice products, host range, does not transform with ras or E1B
    11S (35K) del 638-853, 1113-1228 del 27-98 (C. Stephens and E. Harlow, 1987) 11S cDNA, host range, does not transform with ras or E1B
    12S del 975-1228 del 140-186 (B. Zerler et al., 1986; C. Stephens and E. Harlow, 1987) 12S cDNA, host range, CR3 transactivation defective
    12S:CTdl1339 termination linker after 1339 del 222-289 (M.P. Quinlan et al., 1988) 12S product only
    12S-CTRL22 ins PIDG at 4 (H.A. Zieler et al., 1995) 12S product only
    12S-delta4-22 del 584-625, ins? del 4-22, ins SA (H.A. Zieler et al., 1995) 12S product only
    12S-delta4-22, 121-138 del 584-625, ins?, del 830-973 del 4-22, ins SA, del121-128 (H.A. Zieler et al., 1995) does not complement web1 or web2 mutants in yeast, 12S product only
    12S-delta9-22 del 584-625 del 9-22 (H.A. Zieler et al., 1995) 12S product only
    12S-delta9-22, 121-138 del 584-625, del 830-973 del 9-22 and 121-128 (H.A. Zieler et al., 1995) does not complement web1 or web2 mutants in yeast, 12S product only
    12S-delta23-85 del 626-814 del 23-85 (H.A. Zieler et al., 1995) does not complement web1 or web2 mutants in yeast, 12S product only
    12S-delta86-106 del 815-877 del 86-106 (H.A. Zieler et al., 1995) 12S product only
    12S-delta86-120 del 815-919 del 86-120 (H.A. Zieler et al., 1995) 12S product only
    12S-delta91-138 del 830-973 del 91-138 (H.A. Zieler et al., 1995) does not complement web2 mutants in yeast, 12S product only
    12S-delta121-126 del 920-937 del 121-126 (H.A. Zieler et al., 1995) 12S product only
    12S-delta121-138 del 920-973 del 121-138 (H.A. Zieler et al., 1995) 12S product only
    12S-delta141-176 del 1234-1341 del 187-222 (H.A. Zieler et al., 1995) 12S product only
    12S-delta177-219 del 1342-1470 del 223-265, ins SGIP (H.A. Zieler et al., 1995) 12S product only
    12S:dlA del 1368-1523 del 232-283 (M.P. Quinlan et al., 1988; S. Gopalakrishnan et al., 1996) 12S product only, does not induce p110-GAP complex formation
    12S-PM2,3 R to A at 2, H to D at 3 (H.A. Zieler et al., 1995) 12S product only
    12S-PM2,3,124 R to A at 2, H to D at 3, C to G at 124 (H.A. Zieler et al., 1995) weakly complements web1 mutants in yeast, 12S product only
    12S-TR22 ins stop codon at 625 del 23-289 (H.A. Zieler et al., 1995) truncated protein, does not complements web1 or web2 mutants in yeast, 12S product only
    12S-TR220 ins stop codon at 1473 del 267-289 (H.A. Zieler et al., 1995) truncated protein, not recognized by M73, 12S product only
    13S del 1113-1228 none (B. Zerler et al., 1986; C. Stephens and E. Harlow, 1987) 13S cDNA, does not transform with E1B
    15-35 del 602-664 del 15-35 (R.W. Stein et al., 1990; D.A. Taylor et al., 1993; I. Kitabayashi et al., 1995) does not repress transcription, transform with ras, induce c-jun expression, bind p300 or myogenin or induce p300 phosphorylation
    18-0 del 613-616, replace with AGCCGAATTC GG L at 19 replaced with RIR (T. Subramanian et al., 1988) defective for transformation with E1B and ras
    38-67 del 38 to 67, ins SSR (P. Raychaudhuri et al., 1991; H.A. Zieler et al., 1995) does not free E2F from inhibitory binding proteins or complement web2 mutants in yeast
    47-0 del 702-705 D and L at 48 and 49 replaced with V (M. Kuppuswamy et al., 1988) defective for immortalization but not transformation with ras
    51-116 del 710-907 del 51-116 (R.W. Stein et al., 1990; P. Raychaudhuri et al., 1991; I. Kitabayashi et al., 1995) does not repress transcription, induce c-jun expression or bind p300, but still transforms with ras, does not free E2F from inhibitory binding proteins or induce p300 phosphorylation
    73-120 del 776-919 del 73-120 (R.W. Stein et al., 1990)
    76-120 del 785-919 del 76-120 (R.W. Stein et al., 1990)
    81-120 del 800-919 del 81-120 (R.W. Stein et al., 1990; H.G. Wang et al., 1995) does not immortalize primary BRK cells
    89A T to G at 824 S to A at 89 (D.J. Dumont et al., 1989) no longer phosphorylated at 89, migrates faster on SDS-PAGE, new Bsp1286I site introduced
    120-1 insert GCCGAATTCG GC after 919 insert AEFG between 120 and 121 (M.N. Kuppuswamy and G. Chinnadurai, 1987)
    125-7 del 935-938 replace with CCGAATTCGG E at 126 replaced with PDS (T. Subramanian et al., 1988) abortive foci with ras
    130-3 del 951-953 replace P and S at 131 and 132 with R (M.N. Kuppuswamy and G. Chinnadurai, 1987)
    137ED E to D at 137 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    138ED E to D at 138 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    139GA G to A at 139 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    140ED E to D at 140 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    140EQ E to Q at 140 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    141ED E to D at 141 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    141EQ E to Q at 141 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    142FY F to Y at 142 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    143VL V to L at 143 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    144LI L to I at 144 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    145DE D to E at 145 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    145DN D to N at 145 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation impaired
    146YF Y to F at 146 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    147VL V to L at 147 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation defective
    148ED E to D at 148 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    148EQ E to Q at 148 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    149HF H to F at 149 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    149HY H to Y at 149 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    150PG P to G at 150 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation impaired
    150-1 ins CCGGAATTCCGA after 1009 ins PEFR between 150 and 151 (M.N. Kuppuswamy and G. Chinnadurai, 1987)
    151GA G to A at 151 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    152HF H to F at 152 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    153GA G to A at 153 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    154CS C to S at 149 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation defective, mutation of zinc finger cysteine
    155RK R to K at 155 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    156ST S to T at 156 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    157CS C to S at 157 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation defective, mutation of zinc finger cysteine
    158HF H to F at 158 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    160HY H to Y at 160 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation impaired
    161RK R to K at 161 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    162RK R to K at 162 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    163NQ N to Q at 163 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    164TS T to S at 164 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    165GA G to A at 165 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    166DE D to E at 166 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    166DN D to N at 166 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    167PG P to G at 167 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    168DE D to E at 168 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    169IL I to L at 169 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    170MI M to I at 170 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    171CS C to S at 171 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation defective, mutation of zinc finger cysteine
    172ST S to T at 172 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation defective
    173LI L to I at 173 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    173LF L to F at 173 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation impaired
    174CS C to S at 174 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation defective, mutation of zinc finger cysteine
    175YF Y to F at 175 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation impaired
    176-E ins CTAG at 1343 222-289, extra S (T. Subramanian et al., 1989) defective for immortalization, enhanced transformation with ras, enhanced metastatic and tumorigenic potential
    176ML M to L at 176 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    176MK M to K at 176 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation defective
    176-9 del 1345-1574, ins AAACGCCTAG GCCTTAA del 224-284 (T. Subramanian et al., 1989) defective for immortalization, enhanced transformation with ras, enhanced metastatic and tumorigenic potential
    177RK R to K at 177 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation impaired
    178TS T to S at 178 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    179CS C to S at 179 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    180GA G to A at 180 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    180GC G to C at 180 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation impaired
    180GN G to N at 180 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    180GD G to D at 180 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation defective, trans-dominant suppressor of wt CR3 mediated activation
    181MI M to I at 181 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    182FY F to Y at 182 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    183VL V to L at 183 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation defective, trans-dominant suppressor of wt CR3 mediated activation
    184YF Y to F at 184 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation impaired, trans-dominant suppressor of wt CR3 mediated activation
    185SG S to G at 185 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation defective, trans-dominant suppressor of wt CR3 mediated activation
    185SI S to I at 185 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation defective, trans-dominant suppressor of wt CR3 mediated activation
    185SN S to N at 185 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation defective, trans-dominant suppressor of wt CR3 mediated activation
    185SR S to R at 185 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation defective, trans-dominant suppressor of wt CR3 mediated activation
    185ST S to T at 185 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation defective, trans-dominant suppressor of wt CR3 mediated activation
    185SY S to Y at 185 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation defective, trans-dominant suppressor of wt CR3 mediated activation
    186PG P to G at 186 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation defective, trans-dominant suppressor of wt CR3 mediated activation
    187VL V to L at 187 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation defective, trans-dominant suppressor of wt CR3 mediated activation
    188ST S to T at 188 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) CR3 transactivation defective, trans-dominant suppressor of wt CR3 mediated activation
    188+ ins CGGATCCAAT TGTTATCCGC TCACAATTGG GTCAGGATC after 188 none (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites
    188- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 188 none (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites
    188c ins CGGATC after 188 none (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site
    189ED E to D at 189 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    190PG P to G at 190 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991)
    222-3 ins GGAATTCC after 1341 insert REFP between 222 and 223 (T. Subramanian et al., 1988)
    420+ ins CGGATCCAAT TGTTATCCGC TCACAATTGG GTCAGGATC after 420 none (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites
    420- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 420 none (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites
    420c ins CGGATC after 420 none (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site
    477+ ins CGGATCCAAT TGTTATCCGC TCACAATTGG GTCAGGATC after 477 none (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites
    477- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 477 none (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites
    477c ins CGGATC after 477 none (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site
    548+ ins CGGATCCAAT TGTTATCCGC TCACAATTGG GTCAGGATC after 548 none (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites
    548- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 548 none (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites
    548c ins CGGATC after 548 none (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site
    638R ins Xba I linker at 638 del 28-289 (E.A. Davenport and E.J. Taparowsky, 1990; S.A. Enkemann et al., 1990) does not transform C3H 10T1/2 cells with ras, or repress troponin I expression in 23A2 myoblasts, introduces new Xba I site, truncated protein
    690 replace 354-689 with 290-626 of Ad12 del 1-43, ins Ad12 residues (T. Jelinek and F.L. Graham, 1992; D.S. Pereira et al., 1995) reduced transformation with E1B, reduced MHC class I expression, hybrid CR1 region
    717+ ins GGATCCAATT GTTATCCGCT CACAATTGGG TCAGGATCC after 717 ins DPIVIRSQLGQDP between 53 and 54 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, reduced ras transformation
    717- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 717 del 54-289, ins DPDPIVSG (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, CR3 transactivation defective, host range, does not repress the E1A enhancer, does not transform with E1B or ras
    717c ins CGGATC after 717 ins DP between 53 and 54 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site, reduced transformation with E1B
    734 G to A at 734 E to K at 59 (J.W. Lillie et al., 1987) transforms poorly with ras, does not efficiently repress beta-globin expression
    741 C to A at 741 A to E at 61 (J.W. Lillie et al., 1987) does not transform with ras, does not repress beta-globin expression
    753 replace 354-752 with 290-692 of Ad12 del 1-64, ins Ad12 residues (T. Jelinek and F.L. Graham, 1992; D.S. Pereira et al., 1995) reduced transformation with E1B, reduced MHC class I expression, hybrid CR1 region
    774 T to C at 774 L to S at 72 (J.W. Lillie et al., 1987) does not transform with ras, does not repress beta-globin expression
    777 C to T at 777 A to V at 73 (J.W. Lillie et al., 1987) does not transform with ras, does not repress beta-globin expression
    812+ ins CGGATCCAAT TGTTATCCGC TCACAATTGG GTCAGGATC after 812 ins DPIVIRSQLG QDP between 85 and 86 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites
    812- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 812 del 86-289, ins DPDPIVSG (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, CR3 transactivation defective, host range, does not repress the E1A enhancer, does not transform with E1B or ras
    812c ins CGGATC after 812 ins DP between 85 and 86 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site
    814N ins Xba I linker at 814 del 89-289 (E.A. Davenport and E.J. Taparowsky, 1990; S.A. Enkemann et al., 1990) does not transform C3H 10T1/2 cells with ras, or repress troponin I expression in 23A2 myoblasts, introduces new Xba I site, truncated protein
    819+ ins CGGATCCAAT TGTTATCCGC TCACAATTGG GTCAGGATC after 819 ins GSNCWPLTIG SGS between 87 and 88 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, reduced transformation with E1B
    819- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 819 del 88-289, ins GS (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, CR3 transactivation defective, host range, does not transform with E1B or ras
    819c ins CGGATC after 819 ins GS between 87 and 88 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site
    827 replace 354-826 with 290-739 of Ad12 del 1-90, ins Ad12 residues (T. Jelinek and F.L. Graham, 1992; D.S. Pereira et al., 1995) reduced transformation with E1B, reduced MHC class I expression
    827+ ins CGGATCCAAT TGTTATCCGC TCACAATTGG GTCAGGATC after 827 ins DPIVIRSQLG QDP between 90 and 91 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, reduced transformation with E1B
    827- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 827 del 91-289, ins DPDPIVSG (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, CR3 transactivation defective, host range, does not repress the E1A enhancer, does not transform with E1B
    827c ins CGGATC after 827 ins DP between 90 and 91 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site
    863+ ins CGGATCCAAT TGTTATCCGC TCACAATTGG GTCAGGATC after 863 ins DPIVIRSQLG QDP between 102 and 103 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites
    863- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 863 del 103-289, ins DPDPIVSG (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, CR3 transactivation defective, host range, does not repress the E1A enhancer, does not transform with E1B
    863c ins CGGATC after 863 ins DP between 102 and 103 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site
    882+ ins GGATCCAATT GTTATCCGCT CACAATTGGG TCAGGATCC after 882 ins DPIVIRSQLG QDP between 108 and 109 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, reduced transformation with E1B
    882- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 882 del 109-289, ins DPDPIVSG (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, CR3 transactivation defective, host range, does not repress the E1A enhancer, does not transform with E1B or ras
    882c ins CGGATC after 882 ins DP between 108 and 109 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site, reduced transformation with E1B
    884+ ins CGGATCCAAT TGTTATCCGC TCACAATTGG GTCAGGATC after 884 ins DPIVIRSQLG QDP between 109 and 110 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, reduced transformation with E1B
    884- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 884 del 110-289, ins DPDPIVSG (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, CR3 transactivation defective, host range, does not repress the E1A enhancer
    884c ins CGGATC after 884 ins DP between 109 and 110 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site
    906+ ins GGATCCAATT GTTATCCGCT CACAATTGGGT CAGGATCC after 906 ins DPIVIRSQLG QDP between 116 and 117 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites
    906- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 906 del 117-289, ins DPDPIVSG (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, CR3 transactivation defective, host range, does not repress the E1A enhancer, does not transform with E1B or ras
    906c ins CGGATC after 906 ins DP between 116 and 117 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site
    908+ ins CGGATCCAAT TGTTATCCGCT CACAATTGG GTCAGGATC after 908 ins DPIVIRSQLG QDP between 117 and 118 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, does not repress the E1A enhancer, transforms poorly with ras
    908- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 908 del 118-289, ins DPDPIVSG (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, CR3 transactivation defective, host range, does not repress the E1A enhancer, does not transform with E1B or ras
    908c ins CGGATC after 908 ins DP between 117 and 118 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site, transforms poorly with ras
    917-975 replace 918-974 with 815-932 of Ad12 del 122-139, ins Ad12 residues (T. Jelinek et al., 1994; D.S. Pereira et al., 1995) transforms poorly with E1B, weak ability to induce tumours in syngeneic rats, reduced MHC class I expression, deletes 12S splice donor site
    917-1227 replace 918-1226 with 815-1142 of Ad12 del 122-184, ins Ad12 residues (T. Jelinek et al., 1994; D.S. Pereira et al., 1995) transforms poorly with E1B, weak but significant ability to induce tumours in syngeneic rats, reduced MHC class I expression, deletes 12S splice donor site
    928 T to G at 929? C to G at 124 (E. Moran et al., 1986; B. Zerler et al., 1987; P. Raychaudhuri et al., 1991; H. Wang et al., 1991; D. Kalman et al., 1993) does not transform or inhibit PC12 differentiation, does not bind pRb, does not induce mitosis efficiently, does not free E2F from inhibitory binding proteins
    936 A to G at 936 E to G at 126 (J.W. Lillie et al., 1986) does not transform with ras, does not repress beta-globin expression
    953 A to G at 953 S to G at 132 (J.W. Lillie et al., 1986) does not transform with ras, does not repress beta-globin expression
    961 G to A at 962? E to K at 135 (E. Moran et al., 1986; P. Raychaudhuri et al., 1991) does not free E2F from inhibitory binding proteins
    975 replace 354-974 with 290-932 of Ad12 del 1-139, ins Ad12 residues (T. Jelinek and F.L. Graham, 1992; T. Jelinek et al., 1994; D.S. Pereira et al., 1995) transforms poorly with E1B, variable ability to induce tumours in syngeneic rats, greatly reduced MHC class I expression, transformed cells not lysed efficiently by allogeneic or syngeneic CTLs, deletes 12S splice donor site
    1008+ ins CGGATCCAAT TGTTATCCGC TCACAATTGG GTCAGGATC after 1008 ins GSNCWPLTIG SGS between 150 and 151 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, CR3 transactivation defective, host range, transforms poorly with E1B, "super" transforms with ras
    1008- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 1008 del 151-289, ins GS (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, CR3 transactivation defective, host range, does not transform with E1B
    1008c ins CGGATC after 1008 ins GS between 150 and 151 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site, CR3 transactivation defective, host range, does not transform with E1B
    1036 replace 354-1035 with 290-994 of Ad12 del 1-158, ins Ad12 residues (T. Jelinek and F.L. Graham, 1992; T. Jelinek et al., 1994; D.S. Pereira et al., 1995) host range for replication, does not transform with Ad5 E1B, induces tumours in syngeneic rats, greatly reduced MHC class I expression, transformed cells not lysed efficiently by allogeneic or syngeneic CTLs, hybrid CR3 region
    1039+ ins CGGATCCAAT TGTTATCCGC TCACAATTGG GTCAGGATC after 1039 ins RIQLLSAHNW VRIR between 160 and 161 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, CR3 transactivation defective, host range, transforms poorly with E1B, "super" transforms with ras
    1039- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 1039 del 161-289, ins RILTQL (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, CR3 transactivation defective, host range, does not transform with E1B, "super" transforms with ras
    1039c ins CGGATC after 1039 ins RI between 160 and 161 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site, "super" transforms with ras
    1056+ ins GGATCCAATT GTTATCCGCT CACAATTGGG TCAGGATCC after 1056 ins DPIVIRSQLG QDP between 166 and 167 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, CR3 transactivation defective, host range, transforms poorly with E1B, "super" transforms with ras
    1056- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 1056 del 167-289, ins DPDPIVSG (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, CR3 transactivation defective, host range, transforms poorly with E1B
    1056c ins CGGATC after 1056 ins DP between 166 and 167 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site, CR3 transactivation defective, host range, transforms poorly with E1B, "super" transforms with ras
    1098 G to A at 1098 G to D at 180 (J.W. Lillie et al., 1986) CR3 transactivation defective
    1112 A to G at 1112 S to G at 185 (J.W. Lillie et al., 1986) CR3 transactivation defective
    1227 replace 354-1226 with 290-1142 of Ad12 del 1-184, ins Ad12 residues (T. Jelinek and F.L. Graham, 1992; T. Jelinek et al., 1994; D.S. Pereira et al., 1995) transforms poorly with E1B, induces tumours in syngeneic rats, greatly reduced MHC class I expression, transformed cells not lysed efficiently by allogeneic or syngeneic CTLs
    1267+ ins CGGATCCAAT TGTTATCCGC TCACAATTGG GTCAGGATC after 1267 ins DPIVIRSQLG QDP between 198 and 199 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, does not repress the E1A enhancer efficiently, transforms poorly with E1B
    1267- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 1267 del 199-289, ins DPDPIVSG (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, does not repress the E1A enhancer efficiently, transforms poorly with E1B
    1267c ins CGGATC after 1267 ins DP between 198 and 199 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site, does not repress the E1A enhancer
    1304+ ins GGATCCAATT GTTATCCGCT CACAATTGGG TCAGGATCC after 1304 ins DPIVIRSQLG QDP between 210 and 211 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites
    1304- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 1304 del 211-289, ins DPDPIVSG (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, transforms poorly with E1B
    1304c ins CGGATC after 1304 ins DP between 210 and 211 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site
    1304N ins Xba I linker at 1304 del 213-289 (E.A. Davenport and E.J. Taparowsky, 1990) enhanced focus formation with ras in C3H 10T1/2 cells, introduces new Xba I site, truncated protein
    1376+ ins CGGATCCAAT TGTTATCCGC TCACAATTGG GTCAGGATC after 1376 ins GSNCWPLTIG SGS between 234 and 235 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites
    1376- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 1376 del 235-289, ins GS (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, transforms poorly with E1B
    1376c ins CGGATC after 1376 ins GS between 234 and 235 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site
    1408+ ins CGGATCCAAT TGTTATCCGC TCACAATTGG GTCAGGATC after 1408 ins DPIVIRSQLG QDP between 245 and 246 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites
    1408- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 1408 del 246-289, ins DPDPIVSG (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, transforms poorly with ras
    1408c ins CGGATC after 1408 ins DP between 245 and 246 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site
    1415+ ins GGATCCAATT GTTATCCGCT CACAATTGGG TCAGGATCC after 1415 ins DPIVIRSQL GQDP between 247 and 248 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites
    1415- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 1415 del 248-289, ins DPDPIVSG (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, transforms poorly with E1B
    1415c ins CGGATC after 1415 ins DP between 248 and 289 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site
    1461 replace 354-1460 with 290-1579 of Ad12 del 1-261, ins Ad12 residues (T. Jelinek and F.L. Graham, 1992) transforms poorly with E1B
    1523+ ins GGATCCAATT GTTATCCGCT CACAATTGGG TCAGGATCC after 1523 ins DPIVIRSQLG QDP between 283 and 284 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, slightly impaired for repression of the E1A enhancer
    1523- ins CGGATCCTGA CCCAATTGTG AGCGGATAAC AATTGGATC after 1523 del 284-289, ins DPDPIVSG (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces two new Bam HI sites, slightly impaired for repression of the E1A enhancer
    1523c ins CGGATC after 1523 ins DP between 283 and 284 (D.S. Bautista et al., 1991) introduces new Bam HI site, slightly impaired for repression of the E1A enhancer
    Arg240 R to T at 286 (J.L. Douglas and M.P. Quinlan, 1996) not localized exclusively to nucleus, not precipitated by M73
    Arg242 R to T at 288 (J.L. Douglas and M.P. Quinlan, 1996) not precipitated by M73
    CTdl877 deletion of 877 to 1339, inserted Xba I linker (CTCTAGAG) del 107-289, ins L (M.P. Quinlan et al., 1988; P. Whyte et al., 1988) does not transform with ras, does not induce DNA synthesis
    CTdl931 deletion of 931 to 1339, inserted Xba I linker (CTCTAGAG) del 125-289, ins L (M.P. Quinlan et al., 1988; P. Whyte et al., 1988; P. Whyte et al., 1989) does not transform with ras, does not induce DNA synthesis, does not bind pRb or p107
    CTdl934 deletion of 934 to 1339, inserted Xba I linker (CTCTAGAG) del 126-289, ins L (M.P. Quinlan et al., 1988; P. Whyte et al., 1988; P. Whyte et al., 1989) does not transform with ras, does not induce DNA synthesis, does not bind pRb or p107
    CTdl940 deletion of 940 to 1339, inserted Xba I linker (CTCTAGAG) del 128-289, ins L (P. Whyte et al., 1988) transforms poorly with ras
    CTdl952 deletion of 952 to 1339, inserted Xba I linker (CTCTAGAG) del 132-289, ins L (P. Whyte et al., 1988) does not transform with ras
    CTdl961 deletion of 961 to 1339, inserted Xba I linker (CTCTAGAG) del 135-289, ins L (P. Whyte et al., 1988; P. Whyte et al., 1989) binds pRb poorly
    CTdl976 deletion of 976 to 1339, inserted Xba I linker (CTCTAGAG) del 140-289, ins L (P. Whyte et al., 1988)
    CTdl979 deletion of 979 to 1339, inserted Xba I linker (CTCTAGAG) del 141-289, ins L (P. Whyte et al., 1988)
    CTdl1109 deletion of 1109 to 1339, inserted Xba I linker (CTCTAGAG) del 151-289, ins L (P. Whyte et al., 1988)
    CXdl del 921-1007 del 121-150 (E. Moran et al., 1986; B. Zerler et al., 1987; B. Moran and B. Zerler, 1988; R.S. Ames et al., 1990; R.W. Stein et al., 1990; H. Wang et al., 1991; D. Kalman et al., 1993) defective for transformation, CR3 transactivation and inhibition of PC12 differentiation, does not induce sensitivity to TNF, does not bind pRb, does not induce mitosis efficiently, deletes 12S splice site, extra amino acid (A) introduced at deletion site
    DA21 D to A at 21 (H. Wang et al., 1993)
    Del I 23-150 (T. Wada et al., 1990) does not induce a G1 arrest in yeast
    Del II 122-150 (T. Wada et al., 1990)
    Del III 223-289, ins 111 residues from GAL7 gene (T. Wada et al., 1990) not localized to nucleus in yeast
    delta 23-107 del 626-880 del 23-107 (Y. Tsuji et al., 1993) delayed induction of sensitivity to TNF, does not show augmented sensitivity to TNF in response to IL-1
    delta 23-150 del 626-1009 del 23-150 (Y. Tsuji et al., 1993) does not induce sensitivity to TNF or show augmented sensitivity to TNF in response to IL-1
    delta 108-289 ins Xba I linker (CTCTAGAG) and CTTG at 880 del 108-289, ins L (Y. Tsuji et al., 1993) does not induce sensitivity to TNF or show augmented sensitivity to TNF in response to IL-1
    delta 140-146 del 977-997 del 140-146 (J.V. Geisberg et al., 1995)
    delta 147-153 del 998-1018 del 147-153 (J.V. Geisberg et al., 1995)
    delta 151-289 ins Xba I linker (CTCTAGAG) at 1009 del 151-289, ins L (Y. Tsuji et al., 1993) does not induce sensitivity to TNF or show augmented sensitivity to TNF in response to IL-1
    delta 154-159 del 1019-1036 del 154-159 (J.V. Geisberg et al., 1995)
    delta 160-168 del 1037-1063 del 160-168 (J.V. Geisberg et al., 1995)
    delta 169-174 del 1064-1081 del 169-174 (J.V. Geisberg et al., 1995) slight reduction in binding to dTAFII110 and hTAFII250
    delta 175-179 del 1082-1096 del 175-179 (J.V. Geisberg et al., 1995)
    delta 180-188 del 1097-1239 del 180-188 (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991; J.V. Geisberg et al., 1995) defective for CR3 transactivation, trans-dominant suppressor of wt CR3 mediated activation, binds poorly to dTAFII110 and hTAFII250
    delta 223-289 ins CTAG at 1343 del 223-289 (Y. Tsuji et al., 1993) does not induce sensitivity to TNF or show augmented sensitivity to TNF in response to IL-1
    delta BR del 1276-1323 del 201-216 (L. Zhu et al., 1993) does not bind DNA
    delta DL del 1516-1526, ins ? del 281-282, ins AS (U. Schaeper et al., 1995) does not bind CtBP
    delta PL del 1510-1515, ins ? del 279-280, ins AS (U. Schaeper et al., 1995) does not bind CtBP
    delta SC del 1522-1527, ins ? del 283-284, ins AS (U. Schaeper et al., 1995) does not bind CtBP efficiently
    DL1 del 141-182, ins AGSG (M.L. Fahnestock and J.B. Lewis, 1989) CR3 transactivation defective
    DL2 del 110-135, ins GSG (M.L. Fahnestock and J.B. Lewis, 1989)
    dl181-193 del 1354-1392 del 227-239 (J.M. Boyd et al., 1993) improved transformation with ras,
    dl310 del 1324-1350 del 217-225 (N. Jones and T. Shenk, 1979; D. Urbanelli et al., 1989) Xba I site at 1339 destroyed
    dl311 del 1282 to 1339 del 203-289 (N. Jones and T. Shenk, 1979; D. Urbanelli et al., 1989) frame shift, host range, does not induce CTL response
    dl312 del 448-1349 del 1-289 (N. Jones and T. Shenk, 1979; G. Winberg and T. Shenk, 1984) no E1A protein
    dl313 del 1334-3639 del 220-289 (N. Jones and T. Shenk, 1979; W.W. Colby and T. Shenk, 1981) host range, not precipitated with M73
    dl314 del about 430bp starting around 1009 (N. Jones and T. Shenk, 1979) host range, Xba I site at 1339 and Hpa I site at 1574 destroyed
    dl343 del 621-622 del 21-289 (P. Hearing and T. Shenk, 1985) frame shift, truncated protein
    dl344 del 861-883 del 100-289 (P. Hearing and T. Shenk, 1985) frame shift, truncated protein
    dl345 del 858-906 del 100-289 (P. Hearing and T. Shenk, 1985) frame shift, truncated protein
    dl346 del 859-906 del 101-116 (P. Hearing and T. Shenk, 1985; D. Yu et al., 1990) does not repress neu expression
    dl347 del 975-1228 del 140-186 (G. Winberg and T. Shenk, 1984) 12S cDNA only
    dl348 del 1113-1228 none (G. Winberg and T. Shenk, 1984) no 12S product
    dl520 (JOAC) del 1107-1117 del 140-186 (K.P. Haley et al., 1984; J.F. Schneider et al., 1987) no 13S mRNA, cold sensitive transformation with E1B, host range growth
    dl521 (D1/D2) del 920-1139 del 29-289 (K.P. Haley et al., 1984) 9S mRNA only, predicted 55 residue product, spliced into different frame, C-terminal addition of CLNLSLSPSQ NRSLQDLPAV LKWRLLS
    dl522 (dl3) del 1001-1071 del 148-289, ins 42 mis-sense residues (K.P. Haley et al., 1984) normal 12S, truncated 13S mRNA
    dl526 (G5/3, mCR1) del 672-752, ins CCTCGATCGA GG del 38-65, ins SSIEV (J.F. Schneider et al., 1987; R. Offringa et al., 1990; T. Braun et al., 1992) does not repress polyoma enhancer, down-modulate AP-1 or Myf-5 activity, immortalize or transform with ras
    dl527 (GNC) del 814-918 del 86-120 (J.F. Schneider et al., 1987)
    dl528 (GCX) del 921-932, A to T at 933 del 121-125, ins V (J.F. Schneider et al., 1987) impaired for repression of polyoma enhancer, does not immortalize or transform with ras
    dl529 (G3/2, mCR2) del 936-959, A to T at 933 del 125-133, ins L (J.F. Schneider et al., 1987; T. Braun et al., 1992) impaired for repression of polyoma enhancer and for inhibition of Myf-5 activity, does not immortalize or transform with ras
    dl530 (pMX) insert 8 bp Xho I linker and CT after 1109, T to G at 975 del 185-289, ins SRLQSCV (J.F. Schneider et al., 1987; C.K. Krantz et al., 1996) defective for CR3 transactivation, does not immortalize or induce susceptibility to lysis by NK cells, 13S product only
    dl637N deletion of 638 to 812, inserted Xho I linker del 27-85, ins PRG (P. Whyte et al., 1989; P.J. Duerksen-Hughes et al., 1991) does not transform with ras or induce sensitivity to TNF, does not bind p300 or pRb
    dl646N deletion of 647 to 812, inserted Xho I linker del 30-85, ins PRG (P. Whyte et al., 1989; P.J. Duerksen-Hughes et al., 1991; M.J. Gutch and N.C. Reich, 1991; K.E. Boulukos and E.B. Ziff, 1993; M. Caruso et al., 1993; R. Eckner et al., 1994) does not transform with ras, repress IFN stimulated gene expression, induce sensitivity to TNF, block differentiation in C2 myoblasts or PC12 cells, does not bind p300 or pRb
    dl739N deletion of 740 to 812, inserted Xho I linker del 61-85, ins PRG (P. Whyte et al., 1989) does not transform with ras, does not bind p300
    dl742N deletion of 743 to 812, inserted Xho I linker del 62-85, ins PRG (P. Whyte et al., 1989) does not transform with ras, does not bind p300
    dl763N deletion of 764 to 812, inserted Xho I linker del 69-85, ins PRG (P. Whyte et al., 1989) abortive transformation with ras, does not bind p300
    dl787N deletion of 788 to 812, inserted Xho I linker del 77-85, ins PRG (P. Whyte et al., 1989)
    dl793N deletion of 794 to 812, inserted Xho I linker del 79-85, ins PRG (P. Whyte et al., 1989)
    dl799N deletion of 800 to 812, inserted Xho I linker del 81-85, ins PRG (P. Whyte et al., 1989)
    dl805N deletion of 806 to 812, inserted Xho I linker del 83-85, ins PRG (P. Whyte et al., 1989)
    dl811N deletion of 812, inserted Xho I linker del 85, ins PRG (P. Whyte et al., 1989)
    dl813/919 deletion of 814-918 del 86-120 (P. Whyte et al., 1988)
    dl891/1339 deletion of 892 to 1338, inserted Xba I linker (CTCTAGAG) del 111-221 (P. Whyte et al., 1988; D.H. Kim et al., 1997) does not transform with ras, does not induce p110-GAP complex formation
    dl922/947 deletion of 923 to 946, inserted Xba I linker (CTCTAGAG) del 122-129 (P. Whyte et al., 1989; C. Missero et al., 1991; M. Caruso et al., 1993; R. Sanchez Prieto et al., 1995) does not bind pRb or p107, slightly impaired for induction of resistance to TGF-beta, does not block MyoD transcriptional activation function in C3H 10T1/2 cells or induce sensitivity to cisplatin or radiation, confers enhanced sensitivity to doxorubicin
    dl975/1339 deletion of 976 to 1338, inserted Xba I linker (CTCTAGAG) del 139-221 (P. Whyte et al., 1988) does not transform with ras
    dl1101 del 569-634 del 4-25 (C. Egan et al., 1988; T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988; D. Caporossi and S. Bacchetti, 1990; R.W. Gedrich et al., 1992; J.S. Mymryk et al., 1992; M.E. Miller et al., 1995; R.S. Slack et al., 1995; J.M. Routes et al., 1996) does not transform with ras, induce mitosis, repress SV40 transcription, block myogenic differentiation, induce differentiation in P19 cells, induce cytogenetic damage or induce c-fos expression in synergy with cAMP, does not block IFN stimulated gene expression or cytolytic resistance or induce a G1 growth arrest in yeast, does not bind p400 or p300
    dl1102 del 635-664 del 26-35 (T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988) does not bind p400, otherwise appears wt
    dl1103 del 647-706 del 30-49 (C. Egan et al., 1988; T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988; R.W. Gedrich et al., 1992; J.S. Mymryk et al., 1992; M.E. Miller et al., 1995) does not transform with ras, induce mitosis, repress SV40 transcription, block myogenic differentiation, reduced ability to induce c-fos expression in synergy with cAMP and to induce a G1 growth arrest in yeast, does not bind p400 or p300
    dl1104 del 701-739 del 48-60 (C. Egan et al., 1988; T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988; R.W. Gedrich et al., 1992; J.S. Mymryk et al., 1992; M.E. Miller et al., 1995; R.S. Slack et al., 1995; J.M. Routes et al., 1996) does not transform with ras, induce mitosis, repress SV40 transcription, block myogenic differentiation, induce differentiation in P19 cells or induce c-fos expression in synergy with cAMP, does not block IFN stimulated gene expression or cytolytic resistance or induce a G1 growth arrest in yeast, does not bind p300
    dl1105 del 767-802 del 70-81 (T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988; R.W. Gedrich et al., 1992) reduced ability to induce c-fos expression in synergy with cAMP, otherwise appears wt
    dl1106 del 827-874 del 90-105 (T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988) appears wt
    dl1107 del 890-928 del 111-123 (C. Egan et al., 1988; T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988) transformation defective, mitosis defective, does not bind pRb or p130
    dl1108 del 929-940 del 124-127 (C. Egan et al., 1988; T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988) transformation defective, mitosis defective, induces DNA over-replication, does not bind pRb, p107 or p130
    dl1109 del 941-973 del 128-138 (T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988) mitosis defective, induces DNA over-replication, binds pRb poorly, appears to be less stable than wt
    dl1110 del 976-1038 del 140-160 (T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988; D. Caporossi and S. Bacchetti, 1990) CR3 transactivation defective, no 12S product, does not induce cytogenetic damage
    dl1112 del 1040-1063 del 161-168 (T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988; D. Caporossi and S. Bacchetti, 1990) CR3 transactivation defective, does not induce cytogenetic damage
    dl1113 del 1064-1090 del 169-177 (T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988; D. Caporossi and S. Bacchetti, 1990) CR3 transactivation defective, does not induce cytogenetic damage
    dl1114 del 1091-1111 del 178-184 (T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988; D. Caporossi and S. Bacchetti, 1990) CR3 transactivation defective, does not induce cytogenetic damage
    dl1115 del 1237-1287 del 188-204 (T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988; D. Caporossi and S. Bacchetti, 1990) CR3 transactivation defective, does not induce cytogenetic damage
    dl1116 del 1288-1338 del 205-221 (T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988; D. Caporossi and S. Bacchetti, 1990) impaired for induction of cytogenetic damage
    dl1119 del 569-973 del 4-138 (T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988) exon 1 deleted
    dl1132 del 1345-1389 del 224-238 (J.S. Mymryk and S.T. Bayley, 1993)
    dl1133 del 1396-1437 del 241-254 (J.M. Boyd et al., 1993) immortalizes poorly, enhanced tumorigenicity and metastasis
    dl1134 del 1438-1485 del 255-270 (J.M. Boyd et al., 1993) immortalizes poorly, enhanced tumorigenicity and metastasis
    dl1135 del 1486-1527 del 271-284 (H. Arsenault and J.M. Weber, 1993; J.M. Boyd et al., 1993; U. Schaeper et al., 1995) does not bind CtBP, immortalizes very poorly, enhanced tumorigenicity, enhanced metastasis, not recognized by M73
    dl1136 del 1527-1542 del 285-289 (H. Arsenault and J.M. Weber, 1993; J.M. Boyd et al., 1993) deletes nuclear localization sequence KRPRP, immortalizes very poorly, enhanced tumorigenicity, enhanced metastasis, not recognized by M73
    dl1141 del 740-766 del 61-69 (J.A. Howe et al., 1990; R.W. Gedrich et al., 1992; J.S. Mymryk et al., 1992; R.S. Slack et al., 1995) does not repress SV40 enhancer, block myogenic differentiation, induce differentiation in P19 cells or induce c-fos expression in synergy with cAMP, does not bind p300
    dl1142 del 803-835 del 82-92 (J.A. Howe et al., 1990)
    dl1143 del 671-739 del 38-60 (J.A. Howe et al., 1990; J. Shisler et al., 1996) does not induce DNA synthesis or sensitivity to TNF
    dl1151 del 1008-1574 del 151-289 (J.S. Mymryk et al., 1992) exon 2 and most of CR3 deleted, 6 extra amino acids added on C-terminus (TPLFAE)
    dl1500 del 1110-1118 del 140-186 (C. Montell et al., 1984) no 13S mRNA, cold sensitive transformation, CR3 transactivation defective
    dl1501 del 455-460, ins GGAATTCC none (T.F. Osborne et al., 1982) new Eco RI site
    dl1502 455-475, ins GGAATTCC none (T.F. Osborne et al., 1982) deletes TATA box, new Eco RI site
    dl1503 455-519, ins GGAATTCC none (T.F. Osborne et al., 1982) deletes TATA box and major cap site, new Eco RI site
    dl1504 455-561, ins GGAATTCC del 1 -14 (T.F. Osborne et al., 1982; J.F. Downey et al., 1984; C. Egan et al., 1988) deletes TATA box, major cap site and lacks normal initiation codon, translation initiates at next M, does not bind p300, new Eco RI site
    E1A-mut CBP del 749-763 del 64-68 (A.J. Bannister and T. Kouzarides, 1995) does not bind CBP
    E1A-mut RB del 814-918 del 38-44, ins A (A.J. Bannister and T. Kouzarides, 1995) does not bind RB
    EV55 E to V at 55 (H. Wang et al., 1993)
    in317 ins about 360 bp at 1339 (N. Jones and T. Shenk, 1979) Xba I site at 1339 destroyed, somewhat host range
    F.S. ins G after 985 del 143-289, ins 46 missense residues (L.C. Webster and R.P. Ricciardi, 1991) frame shift, defective for CR3 transactivation
    G3NX del 64-86, ins SSAR (J.F. Schneider et al., 1987) does not immortalize, impaired transformation with ras, impaired repression of polyoma enhancer
    GCE-R del 223-289, ins S (J.F. Schneider et al., 1987)
    GXmA del 152-182 (J.F. Schneider et al., 1987) CR3 transactivation defective
    H5sub1101 del 1-16, ins 1-68 Ad12 (Y. Sawada et al., 1994)
    H5sub1102 del 1-185, ins 1-190 Ad12 (Y. Sawada et al., 1994)
    H5sub1103 del 1-69 and 140-289, ins 1-68 and 191-266 Ad12 (Y. Sawada et al., 1994) does not induce transplantation immunity against group C Adenovirus transformed cells
    H5sub1106 del 69-185, ins 68-190 Ad12 (Y. Sawada et al., 1994)
    H5sub1107 del 186-289, ins 191-266 Ad12 (Y. Sawada et al., 1994) does not induce transplantation immunity against group C Adenovirus transformed cells
    H5sub1108 del 69-289, ins 68-266 Ad12 (Y. Sawada et al., 1994) does not induce transplantation immunity against group C Adenovirus transformed cells
    HB dl12 del 1384-1441, ins GTTA del 237-256, ins VN (J.L. Douglas et al., 1991) enhanced transformation with ras
    HB dl13 del 1384-1494, ins GTT del 237-273, ins V (J.L. Douglas et al., 1991) enhanced transformation with ras
    HB dl14 del 1384-1527, ins GTTTGT del 237-284, ins VN (J.L. Douglas et al., 1991; S. Gopalakrishnan et al., 1996) enhanced transformation with ras, does not induce p110-GAP complex formation
    HB dl23 del 1441-1494 del 256-273 (J.L. Douglas et al., 1991) enhanced transformation with ras
    HB dl24 del 1441 to 1527, ins AAC del 256-284, ins N (J.L. Douglas et al., 1991; S. Gopalakrishnan et al., 1996) enhanced transformation with ras, does not induce p110-GAP complex formation
    HB dl34 del 1492 to 1527, ins GTTAAC del 273-284, ins VN (J.L. Douglas et al., 1991; S. Gopalakrishnan et al., 1996) enhanced transformation with ras, does not induce p110-GAP complex formation
    HN3 H to N at 3 (H. Wang et al., 1993) poor viral immortalization of BRK cells, reduced binding to p300, does not repress HIV LTR expression
    hr1 ? ? (T. Harrison et al., 1977; D. Caporossi and S. Bacchetti, 1990) host range growth, CR3 transactivation defective, does not induce cytogenetic damage
    hr3 T to A at 1086 M to K at 176 (T. Harrison et al., 1977; G.M. Glenn and R.P. Ricciardi, 1985) host range growth, CR3 transactivation defective
    hr4 C to T at 1076 L to F at 173 (T. Harrison et al., 1977; G.M. Glenn and R.P. Ricciardi, 1985) host range growth, CR3 transactivation defective
    hr5 G to A at 1229 S to N at 185 in 289R protein
    G to D in 243R protein
    (T. Harrison et al., 1977; G.M. Glenn and R.P. Ricciardi, 1985; G.M. Glenn and R.P. Ricciardi, 1987) host range growth, CR3 transactivation defective, inhibits transactivation by wt CR3
    hr440 del 141-289 (D. Solnick, 1981; C.K. Krantz et al., 1996) truncated after residue 140, does not induce susceptibility to lysis by NK cells
    LP49 L to P at 49 (H. Wang et al., 1993)
    LS1 del 141-144, ins AGSG (M.L. Fahnestock and J.B. Lewis, 1989) impaired CR3 transactivation
    LS1T del 141-289, ins AGSGLCGAPR ARLQVLSLSP EEYGGPRYYV FALLYEDLWH VCL (M.L. Fahnestock and J.B. Lewis, 1989) frame shift, defective for CR3 transactivation
    LS5 del 157-160, ins SGSG (M.L. Fahnestock and J.B. Lewis, 1989) impaired CR3 transactivation
    LS6 del 162-165, ins SRIR (M.L. Fahnestock and J.B. Lewis, 1989) improved CR3 transactivation
    LS6A del 166-168, ins RIR (M.L. Fahnestock and J.B. Lewis, 1989)
    LS7 del 168-170, ins GSG (M.L. Fahnestock and J.B. Lewis, 1989) reduced CR3 transactivation
    LS8 del 171-174, ins SGSG (M.L. Fahnestock and J.B. Lewis, 1989) impaired CR3 transactivation
    LS9 del 175-178, ins SGSG (M.L. Fahnestock and J.B. Lewis, 1989) impaired CR3 transactivation
    LS10 del 180-183, ins AGSG (M.L. Fahnestock and J.B. Lewis, 1989) defective for CR3 transactivation
    LS20 L to S at 20 (H. Wang et al., 1993) reduced viral immortalization of BRK cells, reduced binding to p300
    LTNCT del 1528-1542, ins CCAAAAAAGA AGAGAAAGGT A del KRPRP at 285, ins PKKKRKV (J.L. Douglas and M.P. Quinlan, 1996) substitution of nuclear localization sequence with that from SV40 LT
    Lys239 K to N at 285 (J.L. Douglas and M.P. Quinlan, 1996) not localized exclusively to nucleus
    NCdl (86-120) del 814-918 del 86-120 (E. Moran et al., 1986; H. Wang et al., 1993; H.G. Wang et al., 1995) binds p300 and pRb/pRb family members individually but not in the same complex, does not immortalize primary BRK cells
    NTdl598 Bal31 digestion to 598, inserted Nco I linker (CCCATGGG) 2-13 deleted, ins G (P. Whyte et al., 1988; P. Whyte et al., 1989; C. Missero et al., 1991; R. Sanchez Prieto et al., 1995; S. Gopalakrishnan et al., 1996) does not transform with ras, induce p110-GAP complex formation or enhance sensitivity to cisplatin or radiation, confers resistance to doxorubicin, impaired for induction of resistance to TGF-beta, does not bind p300
    NTdl646 Bal31 digestion to 646, inserted NcoI linker (CCCATGGG) 2-29 deleted, ins G (M.P. Quinlan et al., 1988; P. Whyte et al., 1988; P. Whyte et al., 1989; R. Kaddurah-Daouk et al., 1990; C. Missero et al., 1991; S. Gopalakrishnan et al., 1996) does not transform with ras, does not induce DNA synthesis, does not bind p300, does not induce p110-GAP complex formation, impaired for induction of resistance to TGF-beta, impaired for induction of brain creating kinase
    NTdl814 Bal31 digestion to 814, inserted NcoI linker (CCCATGGG) 2-85 deleted, ins G (M.P. Quinlan et al., 1988; P. Whyte et al., 1988; P. Whyte et al., 1989; R. Kaddurah-Daouk et al., 1990; P.J. Duerksen-Hughes et al., 1991; M.J. Gutch and N.C. Reich, 1991; C. Missero et al., 1991) does not transform with ras, repress IFN stimulated gene expression, does not induce DNA synthesis, sensitivity to TNF, or brain creatine kinase, does not bind p300 or pRb, greatly impaired for induction of resistance to TGF-beta
    NTdl919 Bal31 digestion to 919, inserted NcoI linker (CCCATGGG) 2-120 deleted, ins G (P. Whyte et al., 1989; P.J. Duerksen-Hughes et al., 1991) does not induce sensitivity to TNF, does not bind p300 or pRb
    NTdl1010 Bal31 digestion to 1010, inserted NcoI linker (CCCATGGG) 2-150 deleted, ins G (P. Whyte et al., 1989; P.J. Duerksen-Hughes et al., 1991) does not induce sensitivity to TNF, bind p300, pRb or p107
    pDoff 8-mer Xba I linker inserted at1247 substitution of 193-289 with DSSSRALEL (S. Linder et al., 1992) enhanced invasion
    pDroff 10-mer Xho I linker inserted at1404 substitution of 246-289 with SRGGPAVPH (S. Linder et al., 1992)
    pD^Dr substitution of 193-245 with DSSSRA (S. Linder et al., 1992) enhanced invasion
    pD^X substitution of 193-221 with DSS (S. Linder et al., 1992)
    pJF12 (mCR3) del 975-1228 del 140-186 (K.P. Haley et al., 1984) 12S product only
    pJN20 del 1113-1228 none (K.P. Haley et al., 1984) 13S product only
    pm563 A to C at 558
    A to C at 559
    A to G at 563
    R to G at 2 (P. Whyte et al., 1988; P. Whyte et al., 1989; M. Caruso et al., 1993; R. Eckner et al., 1994; S. Gopalakrishnan et al., 1996) does not transform with ras, does not repress MyoD expression in C2 myoblasts, impaired induction of p110-GAP complex formation, no p300 binding, creates NcoI site
    pm 933 A to T at 933 H to L at 125 (J.F. Schneider et al., 1987) impaired for immortalization and transformation with ras, new Xho I site introduced
    pm 957 A to T at 957 D to V at 133 (J.F. Schneider et al., 1987) impaired for immortalization and transformation with ras, new Sal I site introduced
    pm 961 Q to K at 135 (V.B. Kraus et al., 1992)
    pm 975 T to G at 975 (C. Montell et al., 1982) eliminates 12S splice site, no 12S product
    pm 1098 G to D at 180 (M.L. Fahnestock and J.B. Lewis, 1989) specifically impaired for activation of E4 expression by CR3
    pm 1112 S to G at 185 (M.L. Fahnestock and J.B. Lewis, 1989) specifically impaired for activation of E4 expression by CR3
    pm1120 G to A at 998
    G to A at 1000
    G to A at 1012
    V to I at 147 (T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988) impaired transactivation by CR3
    pm1121 G to A at 998
    G to A at 1000
    G to A at 1001
    G to A at 1010
    G to A at 1012
    G to A at 1017
    G to A at 1023
    G to A at 1029
    V to I at 147
    E to K at 148
    G to R at 151
    G to D at 153
    R to K at 155
    C to Y at 157
    (T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988) CR3 transactivation defective
    pm1122 C to T at 1006
    C to T at 1007
    C to T at 1008
    C to T at 1015
    C to T at 1021
    P to F at 150 (T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988) CR3 transactivation defective
    pm1131 C to G at 1331 del 219-289 (T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988) stop codon introduced, truncated protein
    pm DA21 D to A at 21 (V.B. Kraus et al., 1992)
    pm HN3 H to N at 3 (V.B. Kraus et al., 1992)
    Pro241 P to A at 287 (J.L. Douglas and M.P. Quinlan, 1996) not precipitated by M73
    Pro243 P to A at 289 (J.L. Douglas and M.P. Quinlan, 1996) reduced induction of DNA synthesis, not precipitated by M73
    PSdl del 625-879 del 23-107 (B. Moran and B. Zerler, 1988; R.S. Ames et al., 1990; P.J. Duerksen-Hughes et al., 1991; L.E. Heasley et al., 1991; D. Kalman et al., 1993; J. Shisler et al., 1996) does not induce DNA synthesis, sensitivity to TNF, transform with ras or inhibit PC12 differentiation
    pSVF12 del 975-1228 del 140-186 (D.H. Smith et al., 1985; R.W. Stein and E.B. Ziff, 1987) 12S cDNA only
    pSVN20 del 1113-1228 none (D.H. Smith et al., 1985; R.W. Stein and E.B. Ziff, 1987) 13S cDNA only
    pSVXL3 del 746-754, ins Xho I linker (CCTCGAGG) del 64-289, ins SRFFPTL (D.H. Smith et al., 1985; A. Velcich and E. Ziff, 1985; X. Montano and D.P. Lane, 1987; R.W. Stein and E.B. Ziff, 1987; A. Velcich and E. Ziff, 1988; A. Velcich and E.B. Ziff, 1989) frame shift, does not transactivate, repress transcription, transform with ras or induce F9 differentiation
    pSVXL101 del 1337-1367, ins Xho I linker (CCTCGAGG) del 221-231 (A. Velcich and E. Ziff, 1988)
    pSVXL105 del 672-691, ins Xho I linker (CCTCGAGG) del 38-44, ins SSR (D.H. Smith et al., 1985; A. Velcich and E. Ziff, 1985; A. Velcich and E. Ziff, 1988)
    pSVXL124 del 1015-1032, ins Xho I linker (CCTCGAGG) del 153-289 (A. Velcich and E. Ziff, 1988; A. Velcich and E.B. Ziff, 1989) impaired for transactivation, does not repress or induce F9 differentiation
    pSVXL132 del 746-761, ins Xho I linker (CCTCGAGG) del 64-67 (A. Velcich and E. Ziff, 1988; A. Velcich and E.B. Ziff, 1989) impaired for transformation with ras, repression and induction of F9 differentiation
    pSVXL174 del 542-567, ins Xho I linker (CCTCGAGG) del 1-14 (A. Velcich and E. Ziff, 1988)
    pSVXL185 del 617-632, ins Xho I linker (CCTCGAGG) del 20-24 (A. Velcich and E. Ziff, 1988; A. Velcich and E.B. Ziff, 1989) impaired for repression and induction of F9 differentiation
    pSVXL214 del 1110-1319, ins Xho I linker (CCTCGAGG) del 185-214 (A. Velcich and E. Ziff, 1988; A. Velcich and E.B. Ziff, 1989) transactivation impaired, does not repress or induce F9 differentiation
    pXAF insert 8 bp Xho I linker and CT after 1109 del 185-289, ins SRLQSCV (K.P. Haley et al., 1984) in 12S background only
    pXAS del 1102-1112, insert 8 bp Xho I linker del 185-289, ins SRLQSCV (K.P. Haley et al., 1984) in 12S background only
    pXoff insertion of CTAG after 1343 substitution of 223-289 with S (S. Linder et al., 1992) enhanced invasion
    R205/206D CG at 1288, 1289 to GA?,
    CG at 1291, 1292 to GA?
    R to D at 205, R to D at 206 (L. Zhu et al., 1993) does not bind DNA
    RG2 R to G at 2 (H. Wang et al., 1993; S.E. Holt and V.G. Wilson, 1995; J.M. Routes et al., 1996) defective for viral immortalization of BRK cells, does not repress HIV LTR expression, or induce apoptosis in rat cardiac muscle cells, does not block IFN stimulated gene expression or cytolytic resistance, does not bind p300, reduced binding to pRb and p130, similar mutant to pm 563
    SM171 (peptide) C at 171 to A (M. Green et al., 1988) disrupts zinc finger, peptide is transactivation defective
    SM179 (peptide) C at 179 to A (M. Green et al., 1988) peptide is transactivation defective
    SmaX ins Xba I linker after 1008 del 151-289, ins L (J.F. Schneider et al., 1987) CR3 transactivation defective, does not immortalize, truncation
    S-Stop del 135-289 (J.F. Schneider et al., 1987) CR3 transactivation defective, does not immortalize or transform with ras, truncation
    sub315 del about 1780 bp starting at about 1339, ins about 1500 bp (N. Jones and T. Shenk, 1979) host range, Xba I site at 1339 destroyed
    sub316 del about 820 bp starting at about 1339, ins about 1350 bp (N. Jones and T. Shenk, 1979) host range, Xba I site at 1339 destroyed
    sub1005 del 671-691 del 38-44 (D.H. Smith and E.B. Ziff, 1988) induces DNA synthesis and transforms with E1B poorly
    sub1006 del 647-760 del 30-67 (D.H. Smith and E.B. Ziff, 1988) does not induce DNA synthesis or transform with E1B
    sub1008 del 671-760 del 38-67 (D.H. Smith and E.B. Ziff, 1988) does not induce DNA synthesis or transform with E1B
    sub1015 del 617-760 del 20-67 (D.H. Smith and E.B. Ziff, 1988) does not induce DNA synthesis or transform with E1B
    sub1032 del 749-760 del 64-67 (D.H. Smith and E.B. Ziff, 1988) does not transform with E1B
    sub1085 del 617-631 del 20-24 (D.H. Smith and E.B. Ziff, 1988) does not transform with E1B
    sub1117 del 1142-1288 del 185-289 (T.N. Jelsma et al., 1988; D. Caporossi and S. Bacchetti, 1990) CR3 transactivation defective, does not induce cytogenetic damage, 11 nucleotide insertion, no 3' splice site
    SVXCH del 921-1107, ins ? del 121-183, ins ENLFCSEEMP SSDDEATA (E. Moran, 1988) replaces CR2 of E1A with homologous SV40 sequence, deletes most of CR3, immortalizes poorly, reduced transformation with ras
    T:1-14/E:20-243 del 1-20, ins first 14 residues of SV40 Large T antigen (H. Wang et al., 1993) does not bind p300
    T:1-24/E:25-243 del 1-24, ins first 24 residues of SV40 Large T antigen (P. Yaciuk et al., 1991; H. Wang et al., 1993) does not bind p300
    XS1 TCTAA at 1384 replaced with GTTAC S to V at 237 (J.L. Douglas et al., 1991) introduces new Hpa I site
    XS2 G to A at 1441 A to N at 256 (J.L. Douglas et al., 1991) introduces new Hpa I site, enhanced transformation with ras
    XS3 C to G at 1492 L to V at 273 (J.L. Douglas et al., 1991; S. Gopalakrishnan and M.P. Quinlan, 1995) introduces new Hpa I site, enhanced transformation with ras, interferes with E-cadherin processing and localization
    XS4 AGCTGT at 1522 to GTTAAC S to V at 283, C to N at 284 (J.L. Douglas et al., 1991; S. Gopalakrishnan et al., 1996) introduces new Hpa I site, induction of p110-GAP complex impaired
    XS dl1 del 1381-1574, ins GT del 237-289, ins VNAFVC (J.L. Douglas et al., 1991) enhanced transformation with ras
    XS dl2 del 1441-1574 del 256-289, ins NAFVC (J.L. Douglas et al., 1991; S. Gopalakrishnan and M.P. Quinlan, 1995) enhanced transformation with ras, interferes with E-cadherin processing and localization
    XS dl3 C to G at 1492, del 1495 to 1574 del 273-289, ins VNAFVC (J.L. Douglas et al., 1991) enhanced transformation with ras
    XS dl4 del 1522-1574, ins GTT del 283-289, ins VNAFVC (J.L. Douglas et al., 1991; S. Gopalakrishnan et al., 1996) slightly enhanced transformation with ras, does not induce p110-GAP complex formation
    X-Stop del 127-289 (J.F. Schneider et al., 1987) CR3 transactivation defective, does not immortalize or transform with ras, truncation
    YG47 Y to G at 47 (H. Wang et al., 1993) does not bind pRb or p130 in HeLa cells, but does bind pRb in BRK cells
    YH47 Y to H at 47 (H. Wang et al., 1993) does not bind pRb or p130 in HeLa cells, but does bind pRb in BRK cells


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