Kenneth Prillaman - 05/29/98 01:05:15 My URL:http://none My State: VA | Comments: cool, I wished someone would teach me to download these beautiful planes. |
Manuel Strasser - 02/21/98 18:34:47 My State: Austria | Comments: Nette Seite Michael, aber sie könnte mal ein Update gebrauchen!!!! |
7c - 02/03/98 16:57:06 My URL: My State: Austria | Comments: servus Viele Grüße von deiner Klasse Helmut, Markus, Andi, Lorenz Prof.Lechner, &co |
Nuno Santos - 01/17/98 18:32:31 My State: Portugal | Comments: |
Manuel STR. - 11/15/97 14:10:39 My State: Austria/Tirol/Innsbruck | Comments: Hi Meik *g*" Interesting page; congratulation. Good Layout...... Wünsche dir noch viele erfolgreiche Flüge m81/Manuel Strasser (+HU) |
Manuel STR. - 11/15/97 14:10:20 My State: Austria/Tirol/Innsbruck | Comments: Hi Meik *g*" Interesting page; congratulation. Good Layout...... Wünsche dir noch viele erfolgreiche Flüge m81/Manuel Strasser (+HU) |
M.Stampfer, H.Urbanz - 11/08/97 13:04:14 | Comments: Hallo |
Captain Urbanz - 10/11/97 12:48:41 State: Woher wohl? | Comments: BEi deinen B737- Info-pages sollten event. noch die Lande- bzw. Anfluggeschw. hinzugefügt werden. ICh gebe dir am MO. die Daten ( von Condor) ,obwohl sie müßten eigentlich auch im COndor-Timetable stehen. Sincerly Captain Helut Urbanz |
Helmut Urbanz - 10/11/97 12:43:08 State: Austria | Comments: HI, jetzt gehts wieder im Mediamarkt. Noch eine schönes Wochenende und einige schöne Flüge wünscht Captain HElmut Urbanz |
Adam Lutz - 10/05/97 18:14:10 My URL: My State: NY | Comments: Great Site! Check out, the biggest all FS95/FS98 website in the world! Come and tell me what you think! |
Helmut Urbanz - 09/20/97 13:42:47 | Comments: Hallo Michael.Schöne Grüße von der Ibk. Messe senden dir HElmut Und Lorenz. Deine Homrpage ist echt gut, gibt es eigentlich schon den Kummerkasten über den Flugsimulator? Wenn Ja meine Kritik.Teilweiße nicht sehr reale Grafik außer durch den FSFX Zusatz. Nimm doch mal mit ein paar Piloten Kontakt auf , sie sollen mir mal schreiben Wie man das Cours-tracking macht bzw. den ILS-Anflug! Tschüß |
cmeptb - 09/18/97 22:18:44 My URL:/collegepark/campus/2112 My State: california | Comments: lawyers have informed me to refrain from making any comments at this time. |
PA - 09/04/97 19:03:05 My URL: My State: Taipei,Taiwan,R.O.C | Comments: nothing |
Wendy Rivas - 08/31/97 23:36:50 My State: HAFB New Mexico | Comments: Very nice page. Really enjoyed this thanks |
Wendy Rivas - 08/31/97 23:36:37 My State: NM | Comments: Very nice page. Really enjoyed this thanks |
Wendy Rivas - 08/31/97 23:30:59 My State: NM | Comments: |
Edward Kleiner - 08/22/97 14:33:06 GMT My URL:/TelevisionCity/8622 My State: New Haven CT |
Comments: Hi Mike I just surfed with the geoguide from one of my pages & I like your Website alot. I do like all the airplane images you have. So come on down to my Website tell me the things you like on it & sign my guestbook.Thank You Very Much. Sincerely Edward Kleiner |
Patrick Simpson - 08/13/97 03:47:19 GMT My URL: My State: CA |
Comments: cool page |
Kent Soldevilla - 08/10/97 12:35:41 GMT My State: FL |
Comments: Nice site! Fantastic planes. They look like the real thing. Looking forward to updates. Keep the shiny side up. |
Phil Hiebert - 08/08/97 03:53:04 GMT My State: TX |
Comments: I'm a real pilot and I like your page. Very well designed. |
Edward Kleiner - 08/04/97 18:43:05 GMT My URL: My State: Connecticut |
Comments: Hi Mike I came surfing to your page when the link exchange banner was on my page & I must say this is a super great site. You have done a great job on it. I like all those images of the airplanes on it. So come on down to my Website tell me what you like on it & sign my guestbook. Thank You Very Much. Sincerely Edward Kleiner |
Andrea Stalnecker - 08/02/97 16:52:03 GMT My URL: My State: PA |
Comments: Your banner grabbed my attention, since I, too, am an aviation fanatic. I have this page bookmarked, and will be back! I have given some thought to adding my airplane pix to my page. I think I'll consider it more! Very nicely done. Great pix and gifs! I l ve it! See ya again soon! |
Hiro Tsunoda - 07/31/97 12:35:26 GMT My State: Japan |
Comments: Very good page. Thanks. |
Jason - 07/30/97 18:47:16 GMT My URL: My Email:j-a-s-o-n@geocities,com State: Ohio |
Comments: Nice page! Especially the banner. Keep up the good work! |
Wolfgang Hochleitner - 07/28/97 11:32:09 GMT State: Austria |
Comments: Endlich funktioniert's auch im Media Markt! Tolle Site! Gratulation! Wolf |
Alex Cohen - 07/28/97 07:16:21 GMT My State: CA |
Comments: Great job! Looks very nice, but it could use a few more downloads. |
Frank Safranek - 07/18/97 02:58:05 GMT My URL: My State: CA | Comments: I really like the subject of you site. Looking forward to seeing it develope. Stop by my site when you have the time and check out my Aircraft for Download section (all 737 mods/repaints of mine) and my Pick of the Week page. You're welcome to any aircraft you find there for your own collection. |
Adam Kachurak - 07/02/97 20:17:51 GMT My URL: My State: Penn ylvania | Comments: Nice Boeing 737 Site! If you ever get the chance, check out my Boeing 737 Site at Maybe we can create or form an alliance of 737 Sites. I.e. I have a graphic l nk on my site to yours and you have a graphic link on yours to my site? It sounds promising! |