The close knit world of the tornado and severe thunderstorm forecaster often seems somewhat demented to those not knowledgeable in this discipline. This apparent derangement is based on our seemingly ghoulish expressions of joy and satisfaction displayed whenever we verify a tornado forecast. This aberration is not vicious; tornadoes in open fields make us happier than damaging storms and count just as much for or against us. We beg your indulgence, but point out the sad truism that we rise and fall by the blessed verification numbers. There is a fantastic feeling of accomplishment when a tornado forecast is successful. We are really nice people but odd.


Weather Central

I'm going to be putting weather information here. The first that will go up will be fronts, tornados, hurricanes, and cloud formations.

I also am looking for radar maps of Southern Illinois. I want to also put satellite images up for I like them better than radar.

Wind Chill chart
Fujita Scale
Map Symbols
Wind Speeds
Circulation w/ hadley cells
Front symbols
Synoptic Maps

Check out the Tornado

Click for Carbondale, Illinois Forecast

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