Lumbricoides tRNA Mutation
Suggests Presence of
"Subgenetic Viral Agents"
by James Lee
SANTA FE: Paramount G.V.I.'s Gordon
Campbell made an unexpected discovery last week
while experimenting with varying exposures
of ascaris lumbricoides tRNA to the
common protozoan enzyme P442. It was Campbell's
intention to show that the enzyme catalyses tRNA
replication; when the experiment instead showed
a gene refraction at regular intervals
in all sample cells, Campbell immediately
called in Jesse Barthes (V.N.S. Austin) to
oversee the close-coding authentication.
The tRNA mutations were highly suspicious
and accordingly attributed to miscalibrated
instrumentation; however, a repeat of the culture
revealed that the Paramount lab had indeed stumbled
upon an entirely new form of contagion.
"The implications of this discovery
are staggering," said Campbell. "That P442 creates
identical recombinant tRNA mutations in stable
lumbricoides cells indicates the existence of a
virus-like agent operating on hitherto unexplored
subgenetic material."
What this "unexplored subgenetic material"
may be is unclear, but Paramount spokesperson
Kerry Kay revealed at a press conference Monday
that new funding has been found to continue the
project beyond its original termination date.
"When a study is this drastically redirected, one of
two things happens," Kay told reporters. "Either you lose
the funding, and the research gets put on the back burner;
or, you get lucky and catch the eye of somebody with
deep pockets because they see the significance of
your work. We got lucky."
Further exploration of the tRNA-factored P442
is scheduled for early next year. In the meantime,
Campbell has a busy schedule to maintain, juggling
his Paramount work with equally important research
at CDLC, Armgen, and the University of Pennsylvania.
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