The Avid Flyer Ramp

The Avid Flyer is a homebuilt aircraft capable of very short take off and landings. My particular Avid Flyer is a "C Model" and is powered by a Rotax 582. It has the long STOL wings and epitomizes the STOL aircraft performance. I built it over a period of about 3 years, spending about 900 hours on the construction.

Here is a picture on my homefield, the Flying Ten Airport in Archer, Florida. It is a grass strip with a length of 3600 foot.

Yes - it does fly. Here is my Avid in flight over the beautiful Suwannee river. The photo was taken by my friend Mike Hart from his Piper Tripacer (power back & flaps down!). Sorry it looks so small - but we're not really formation flyers and don't feel comfortable when our planes are too close!

Left downwind at the Flying Ten:

And, on Final approach, runway 18 (with a crab into the crosswind)

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