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EUROPA ??? |
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The surface of Europa consists of ice (water and
otherelements) and is in permanent motion caused by the tidal
forcesof Jupiter and its other moons Io, Ganymed and Callisto
andpossible vulcanism. (see pictures above)
Scientists say by looking onto the new pictures of Europa
(takenby the spacecraft Galileo) that liquid water under the ice
shieldmay have existed or still exists.
Liquid water is the main factor for life. So if there was (or
is)liquid water, why couldn't there existed a very, very simple
lifeform (as simple as one-cells e.g. bacteria).
A major evidencethat liquid waterexisted on Europa may be seen on this pictures.
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As you see this flat area in the middle must be younger that the sorounding area. A evidence for flooding with water is that the former line structure within the flat area is slightly visible. One may say that the impact heat of the meteorite (crater in the center of the flat area) caused melting, but the size of the crater is too small to cause such heat. So centuries ago liquid water came up from beneath the icy surface (caused by tectonical movement ?) and flooded the area. | ![]() |
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Possible water outlets could be these two knobs.
Perhaps the meteorite impact caused a major disturbance
in the ice surface, which caused two openings in the
shield down to the liquid underground. The crater rim was
too high to flood the crater. Or tectonical movement cause the water outlets and the impact happend later. |
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Another evidence for liquid water is the crater PWYLL. Normally craters surface
within the rim are deeper than the sorounding area. But
Pwylls inner part is at the same altitude as the
sorounding, so liquid water must have filled the crater.
Another mystery is that the central mountain is higher
that the rim. (blue areas are lowest ; red areas are the highest) |
Live within ice
As you look to Greenland:
Therelive many so called Bärentierchen(a
2 eyed 6 leged animal) frozen in the water ice. They are ableto
pump out the water out of their cells and so they are able
tosurvive temperatures down near to the absolute zero point
(-273.15 C ; 0 K ) and begin to live again within 15 minutes
inliquid water. Furthermore their food consists only of very
smallplant parts (cells) and other organic stuff which is blown
awayby wind on Earth.
Artemia brine shrimp are
survivalartists too. Their eggs can survive up to more that 500
yearswithout contact with water and survive extreme cold, heat
andacid liquids. But to hatch they need a warm, wet environment.
Austrianscientists found bacteriawithin the ice of lakes in the
Alps near Innsbruck/ Austria, which
live below the freezing point without anyproblems.
In Canada scientists
found bacteria which live without any sunlight within rocks
and their food is only frozen water and the mineralsof the rock.
How could they looklike ?
In Antarctica russianscientists
found exotic shaped lifeforms at the location Wostok.They drilled
about 2600 meters deep into the permanent ice andanalysed CO2,
CH4, Deuterium and dust consistence. Then theyfound them in
ancient Antarctic ice from as deep as 1,249 metersbeneath Vostok
Station. The possibility that a lake beneath theice is very high.
In the near future they will go down to thelake and analyse it.
They have also found a number of
large cyanobacteria withnanobacteria (shown below) attached.
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Images: NASA/MarshallSpace Flight
Image descriptions:
The bar down left shows the scale in micro
meters ( um ).
Left: Sphere ; 6 um ... middle: Colony ;
0.8 um ... right: 5 um
The life forms in the middle picture
arejust the same size like that bacteria found in the
martianmeteorite ALH84001.
If they survive or LIVE within ice we have
to observe comets too.Comets consist mostly of water ice.
" We've found some reallybizarre things - things that we've never seen before," saidRichard Hoover of NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center.
More information and full
size pictures:NASA
The extended GALILEO
EUROPA MISSION is still going on and will bring new
Pictures(C) NASA
(C)Captain 1998