The Importance of Maize to Culture in the Americas


Dictionaries of native languages reviled some of the words used in dealing with maize. I found that there are several types of corn that grow in the same regions of Mexico. Each has a distinct name that is used for them. I also found when looking at a dictionary for the language used by the Tarahumara, that some of the words used for corn were used for other aspects of the language. for example the word used for Red corn is also the word used for the color red. The word for Yellow is also used for th e yellow corn and stems from the word hard. This is Bewa-ri, with the root being bewa, which is then the word for hard. These are just a few examples. (Thord-Gray, 1955). It seems that the Hopi compound the words with a name of a variety which is indi cated by the location that it originated. For example hopa'kqa,3, indicates corn from the Rio grand area, and koni'nqa',3, indicates Havasupi corn. (Seaman, 1988.)

In the area of Central and South America, there are linguists that are tracking language disbursement with the trade and corn. It has been tracked through different dialects of Quechua and the types of maize that are specific to certain regions. As the maize travels by trade into new areas, these linguists have noticed the dialects that travel along with them. The study has traced this from southern Mexico to Chile. It has also been tracked through the archaeological record. By linking archaeological traits and the geography of a language, the Aymara, that this language has been spoken in specific regions of Peru, Bolivia, and Chile for at least two melinnia. By the evidence found in archaeological sites, certain strains of corn can be designated to specific groups. Much of this work is based on theories, but with the tracking through modern times, a connection has been seen. (Bird, Browman and Durbin, 1983-1984)

  • South American Corn
  • Mesoamerican Corn
  • Cultivation of Corn
  • Drink
  • Corn in Oral Traditions
  • Bibliography
  • Archeology/Corn
  • Physical Anthropology/Corn