Differences between the ear of maize and the ear of teosinte

  • 1. Teosinte pocesses a fragile ear that breaks easily at the rachis joint. Maize has developed a non scattering rachis (seeds do not dispures when contacted).
  • 2. Teosinte has a two ranked ear, maize pocesses a four or more ranked ear.
  • 3. Teosintes outer glumes are hard, while maize is soft.
  • 4. In teosinte the glume covers the seed, while in maize the seed is exposed.
  • 5. The maize grain is borne in shallow cupules, while teosinte is embedded in deep cupules in the rachis.
  • 6. Maize can produce small or large seeds, while teosinte is usually small. This is typical of domesticated plants, producing larger seeds.

    While the differces may be stricking at fist glance they are all easily explained in a genetic context. But, given the issue of teosinte as the ancestor of maize it may case some doubt as to which variety of teosinte is the ancestor. If the ancestoral form of maize is extinct we may never find the true beginnings of maize with any certainty or assurence.
