Hello folks, My name is Robert
Six tests and three call's later here I am. An Advanced Class
Due to recent changes by the FCC the Advanced class license
I view these changes as just part of the master plan to
But this is what the amateur radio community wants, or is it?
"Amateur" Radio operators founded Radio Electronics,
Now the people that were breaking the rules are
Man That was easy.
I started out as a novice class Operator stayed at this
level for about 2 weeks then took the test
for technician class and passed, I stayed here for 10 years then
took the test for general class, It was not long
before I was studying for the advanced class license.
Amateur Radio Operator. Woopie!:)
Here are a few of "my views"
on where Amateur radio is headed.
is no longer one of the steps up the ladder and the
max. code speed to receive the highest class license is now only
5 wpm.
deregulate the ham radio service and in the end do away with it.
not some large corporation looking to make a buck. It was the
Amateur radio expermenter/operators. I think our government
should maintain these Ideals to help preserve the history in
a living working form, rather than de regulating and throwing
the service to the corporate dogs.
We have lost large parts of the Radio spectrum to the
paging and cellular phone services in the past. They sead
they where going to do it and they did right in the face of
the loud objections of the amateur radio operators.
they just did it.
Oh, they say they review the pros and cons but who really
knows what they do or don't do?Now
lets get real.
A large part of the amateur ranks have been using the bands
when they have not held a license for where they are
talking "bootlegging" or out of band.
The FCC has been swamped with complaints about the problem
and ask to monitor and act on the people causing the problem.
But there are no funds nor the man power to do the job.
So how are they going to solve the problem staring them
in the face every day?Deregulation.
now not breaking the rules and the problem is solved.
And the FCC reduced there work load and saved money at the
same time and that made a lot of people very happy.
But it stuck it to the Amateur radio community as a whole and that's a shame.
I am really going to hate to see the history of Electronics
and Radio get lost in the fog of lazyness and corporate
pressure. But time marches on and so does technology so as
we race into the future with all or gadgets and flute fluters
zing zoinkers, every now and then pull off the
super highway and take a good look back way back to the
beginning of it all, And see where or service came from and
how things were done and the values that were then and should
still be a part of this great hobby, and not the
fighting and bickering and name calling and the pampas ways
that have infected the amateur radio service for years and years now.
Lets get back to Learning, teaching, helping others, being
mentors for or youth, and just having fun with Radio communications and electronics.
2. Take a highliter pen and go through the question part of the
book highlite all the correct answers in the book, The test is
multi-choice A,B,C,D. Here is an example.
What is the maximum transmitter power allowed for spread
spectrum transmissions?
A. 5 watts
B. 10 watts
C. 100 watts
D. 1500 watts
The correct answer is "C. 100 watts", Highlite this answer only.
3. Now that you have highlighted the correct answers, Go to the
start and read the question's and
Read the entire question pool 4 or 5 time's this way.
This method will imprint the question pool in your mind.
4. Find a testing session in your area, relax and take the test.
when you read a question on the test, the correct answer will
be the first one that comes to mind. DO NOT SECOND GUESS THE ANSWER!!
Mark the first one that you think is correct and do not change it.
There have been a lot of people that have failed the test when
they second guessed there answers, If you follow these tips,
If you want to go ahead and learn the code faster than the
new maximum of 5 WPM to hold an extra class license then.
1. Find a set of Code tapes that teach the letters and numbers at high speed,
15 to 20 WPM at least, these tapes will teach you the ABC's and 123's.
Also find a program for your computer that will send the code at
high speed. I have a DOS program that is very good, It is in the files
section of this page.
At this speed the letters and numbers have a sound all there own,
Listen for the sound that the code makes all together.
Look at it this way, If you could see the letter code to say the letter
(A) it would look like this AEA,
(B)- BEA, (C)- SEA, (D)- DEA,
(E)- EA, (F)- EF, (G)-JEA,
(H)-AEACH and so forth.
When you hear the letter H you do not see the code (AEACH) you see
an H. This is due to the fact that you learned it by sound.
Morse is another language just like French, German, and Spanish.
There is no easy way out of learning Morse, just like there is no
easy way to learn the other languages.
If you study the code at a rate of 15 to 20 WPM, you will find that not only do the
letters and numbers have a sound all there own, words do to.
In normal conversation we say words in English at somewhere between
110 to 150 WPM. When you have learned the letters by there different
sound's, Start listening for the sound that word's make. This will
take you to the next level of Morse.
morse.zip Morse code tuter.