Welcome to my Visitors Journal... Like any good explorer I am keeping a journal of happenings. You visiting my website is a very important happening. Please help me out and tell me a little about yourself.

michael crosley - 03/13/00 20:54:32
My Email:mikeed@ncci.net
Hobby: chatting on icq
Favorite Constellation: orion

loved those pics

Brian M. - 01/23/00 01:24:56
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com.business/marshalls/973/TwoBrothersCoins.html
My Email:BriBro25
Hobby: Coins

Great site Garf. very informative. Your Bro in-law

Shannon Laroche,XO, USS Kenosha NFC-9707 - 04/30/99 19:48:39
My URL:/SiliconValley/Horizon/2342/GEO14Headqua.html
My Email:usskenosha@startrekmail.com
Hobby: Collecting anything Star Trek and doing things with IFT.
Favorite Constellation: Orion

I love your site, it is so cool, good luck on all your projects at NASA

michael may - 04/14/99 22:13:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com:80/CapeCanaveral/6800/index.html
My Email:may03@BauNetz.de
Hobby: astronomy,space research,sports

hi, it was very interesting to visit your site and see the exiting informations about mpf michael

Mike Sullivan - 03/10/99 05:42:36
My URL:http://msn
My Email:ujwa@msn.com

Hi Marty, finally made it to your web page and read through everything- cool. Will be talking to you, time too get together again

Sexy Vixen - 01/19/99 03:12:41
My URL:http://connectat50plus.com
My Email:rah45840@sprynet.com
Hobby: Designing Web Sites
Favorite Constellation: MY World :- )

HI! Started cruising tonight, came to your page and wanted to stop and say hello. Hope CO is treating you well, and tell your wife I said hello too! Bye.....later

Brian Allan Beach - 11/28/98 23:29:39
My URL:/CapeCanaveral/Launchpad/2148
My Email:babeach@yahoo.com
Hobby: AStronomy
Favorite Constellation: I like them all

Nice Site Brian Allan Beach The River Valley Stargazer Online http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Launchpad/2148 Join our new webring below!

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RuthAnn - 08/30/98 04:42:32
My URL:http://connect50plus.com
My Email:rah45840@sprynet.com
Hobby: "Puters
Favorite Constellation: My World

Hi Stranger! Glad to see that you're still with us on this great big planet. Remember how my "work" was keeping me so bogged down? Well, I left the Company....tired of 80 hours week, 40 hours pay. So, hopefully, most of my stress will be gone and I ca begin to live a normal life again. ; ) (Whatever "normal" is.) My 'puter has crashed so many times, haven't even installed ICQ again......maybe soon. Really miss chatting with you. Wow! Now that I think about it, this is the first time in over a ye r that I've even had time to SURF....Wow! things must REALLY be looking up, huh? Glad I always backed up my bookmarks, or you would have been lost forever. My last horrible crash was when I installed Windows 98. What a mistake! GOT MY MONEY BACK! We l, Stranger, hope you get this. Just wanted to drop a few lines to let you know that I think about you, and hope all is well. Bye for now, Gazer!

Ricky - 08/16/98 16:33:17
My URL:http://Aol.com
My Email:Ickys cool
Hobby: Playing on line

Hi this Ricky how are you doing i like the pictures you have on the web site i am going to make my own web site i will tell you the address when it is done love Ricky

Robert - 08/07/98 22:04:39
My Email:gboule@dr.cgocable.ca
Hobby: astronomy/computers
Favorite Constellation: Orion

Great page, fascinating story of the Path finder

ujwa - 06/13/98 06:04:25


Analishea Cymone Martinez - 06/13/98 01:19:40
My Email:Analishea@aol.com
Hobby: Reading, Rollerblading, America On Line, and my computer
Favorite Constellation: Do I really have to pick just one?

Thank you for coming to my school and teaching us all about the Pathfinder. I love your website because of the picture you put on it of me. It also has some cool stuff. :-) Love Analishea

Veronica Starr Martinez - 06/13/98 00:56:07
My Email:Ronirick@aol.com
Hobby: My 5 kids.
Favorite Constellation: The big dipper

Hi I finally made it here! Keep up the good work, we love your website. We love you The whole gang Veronica & Rick Analishea Ricky Erick Alexis and Derrick

John Muro - 06/09/98 02:28:00
My Email:JohnMuroaol.com
Hobby: Hockey, Star Trek
Favorite Constellation: Draco

Very Nice, Marty. Very well done.

Kent Kohlbusch - 06/02/98 14:56:06
My Email:rgikent@worldnet.att.net
Hobby: bowling computers

picture of you looks good.....next time why not hold a bowling ball or the 10 pin

Daniel Marin Arcones - 05/27/98 17:27:55
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CaoeCanaveral/Hangar/7911/
My Email:danielmarin@hotmail.com
Hobby: astronomy
Favorite Constellation: orion

Your page is great!!. You are doing a wonderful job.

Catherine A. Shevokas - 05/26/98 14:44:02
My Email:cathys@cyberport.com
Hobby: rafting
Favorite Constellation: all

Interesting page, I haven't had a chance to view entire page. Great pictures of Mars. Good Job!

Dragon Comet - 05/23/98 04:04:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Launchpad/4515
My Email:dragoncomet00@hotmail.com
Hobby: gazing
Favorite Constellation: ooo, that's a toughie! The winter hunter I suppose. *s*

Wonderful page and a wonderful story as well. Glad you were persuaded into telling it! :-)

Marva - 04/04/98 18:57:00
My Email:mpatton@iquest.net
Hobby: Too many to list. I dabble in all kinds of stuff.
Favorite Constellation: I don't really have a favorite.

Nice web page. I really enjoyed looking at it. It was very informative and you have every right to be extremely proud of yourself. If it had been me, I would have bored everyone telling about how I had assisted in the project. Please relay to your wif and mama my greetings from Indianapolis. I am sure that if it hadn't been for their support and your upbringing by your mama, you would not have made it as far as you have. Everyone knows that behind every great man, is a wonderful woman or women. So hen you count your blessings, remember those women who aided you also. Have fun and enjoy life while you can. It's too short not to. Marva

Kevin Kincaid - 03/26/98 06:20:34
My Email:kkincaid@service.ball.com
Hobby: Astronomy & Photgraphy
Favorite Constellation: Sagittarius

See ya at work

Vicky Morales - 02/10/98 14:53:36
My Email:vmorales@ball.com
Hobby: minor trekkie
Favorite Constellation: big dipper

Very Nice Marty! I know the Big Dipper is very plebian, but I just imagine that I'm at the biggest Baskin-Robbins in the Galaxy and I can only have one dip....I'm ready.

USS Ainsworth - 01/06/98 05:20:34
My URL:http://www.garrisonent.com/ainsworth/
My Email:ainsworth@iftcommand.com
Hobby: Star Trek
Favorite Constellation: Orion

Fantastic Page we look forward to seeing you at SummerTrek 98

Jag47 - 12/22/97 06:14:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/hangar/2347
My Email:jag47@ibm.net
Hobby: computer, pianist

Thanks for your quick work on the CapeCanaveral Webring change. You have a great page...of course you already know that... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours!

Charley - 11/13/97 04:00:39

Hi! I'm new at Cape Canaveral. Your Mars homepage looks great! Keep up the good work! Visit me sometime!

SLAPSHOOTER - 10/19/97 03:03:09
My Email:slapman@hotmail.com


Dave Mishler - 10/18/97 19:31:15
My Email:dmishler@deminsional.com
Hobby: Butterbabies
Favorite Constellation: Butterbabies

Nice job, kool page, Got any butterbabies???

Michael - 10/12/97 04:17:11
My URL:/athens/3542
My Email:MikeNSpok@aol.com
Hobby: music/flying/flowers
Favorite Constellation: Summer Triangle

A great effort! Keep up the development -- you are on the cutting edge!

RuthAnn - 10/09/97 01:55:52
My URL:http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/rah45840
My Email:rah45840@sprynet.com
Hobby: Homepages
Favorite Constellation: Earth!

WONDERFUL JOB! I am impressed. Gave me goosebumps and tears!

Leonard Gilbreath - 10/06/97 14:21:54
My URL:http://www.cris.com/~misterg/aptozi.shtml
My Email:aptozi@innocent.com
Hobby: Most Everything
Favorite Constellation: Dahh? That one up there ^^

Really enjoyed your pages and love the fact of you contributing to the Land Rover how neat. Something to be proud of. I'm sure your dad would of been proud of you as well as your kids.

RuthAnn - 10/06/97 00:50:32
My URL:http:/www.angelfire.com/az/MyPersonalPage/index.html/
My Email:rah45840@sprynet.com
Hobby: homepages
Favorite Constellation: EARTH

Hope your book supports graphics. If not, this won't work.....RuthAnn


surrender2me - 09/27/97 05:44:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/9845
My Email:geosurrender2me@hotmail.com
Hobbie: signing guestbooks
Favorite Constellation: southern cross

Your page was really cool (I found it through the webring)...well done!

katms - 08/20/97 23:01:58
My URL:/collegepark/union/7283
My Email:katms@geocities.com

Nice Homepage!!

Pinfish - 08/19/97 21:28:52
My Email:pinfish1@gte.net
Hobbie: fishing!!!
Favorite Constellation: Orion

I actually chatted with someone who touched the high gain antenna!!! I am not worthy! hehehehe Good job!!!

Joyce Bowen - 08/13/97 01:47:39
My Email:crwriter@tiac.net
Hobbie: writing, learning, and Lhasa Apsos
Favorite Constellation: Eastern Savings Bank *g*

Good job... very exciting. Thanks Marty.

Lehteb!!! - 08/12/97 04:43:00
My Email:pbethel@ptialaska.net
Hobbie: CHAT!!!

great HOME PAGE!!!! good job!!!! *S*

Darlene Davis - 08/10/97 23:17:44
My Email:nitemagic@rocketmail.com
Hobbie: reading Steven King

Love your page!!

Ken - 08/10/97 12:00:44
My URL:http://www.ozemail.com.au/~kmviney/index.html
My Email:kmviney@ozemail.com.au
Hobbie: Skiing, flying, travel, etc, etc
Favorite Constellation: Southern Cross

Marty Great pix. Excellent quality and good selection. Catch you soon mate. :)

Fred Monger - 08/10/97 07:21:22
My URL:http://www.inx.net/~mongerf
My Email:mongerf@inx.net
Hobbie: which one?
Favorite Constellation: plieades

Hi! nice homepage!

raging stallion - 08/08/97 16:54:33
My Email:mmedina@ball.com
Hobbie: mares
Favorite Constellation: pegasus


Joe Boxcar - 08/08/97 05:00:01
My Email:jjcons@worldnet.att.net
Hobbie: Rail Road
Favorite Constellation: Big Dipper

Marty just starting to view your page. Looks GOOD....

los - 08/07/97 17:20:44
My Email:clopez@ball.com
Hobbie: gambling
Favorite Constellation: stars

cool stuff,keep on gazing

B.Marriott - 08/06/97 15:19:36
My Email:b.marriotball.com
Hobbie: Flowers & Herbs
Favorite Constellation: Big Dipper

Looks great, Marty. Keep up the good work!!! You'll be a star some day!!!!

B.Marriott - 08/06/97 15:13:39
My Email:b.marriotball.com
Hobbie: Flowers & Herbs


Russell Grenier - 08/06/97 12:42:34
My Email:rkg@lanminds.net

Hello there, I like the page it's great.

Michael - 08/06/97 04:27:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/athens/3542
My Email:MikeNSpok@aol.com
Hobbie: Gardening, Music
Favorite Constellation: Cygnus

What a cool looking place! Congratulations and good luck in the development of this project! I will be looking forward to seeing more soon! *SMILE*

Lone Rose - 08/04/97 06:15:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/1612
My Email:lonerose@cyberjunkie.com
Hobbie: webpages
Favorite Constellation: Big Dipper, and Scorpio

Like the name!!! Like the theme!!

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