Panel Pictures
New Slick mags - 1997
All stainless steel teflon lined hoses (fuel, oil filter, and brake lines)
Fuel line and oil filter lines are firesleeved - 1997
ADC oil filter - (stainless steel screen, 25 micron) - 1997
New Cleveland main wheels/brakes, new Goodyear tires - 1997
Becker AR4201 Com Transceiver, 760 channel, integrated intercom, 99 stored
frequencies, internally lighted - 1996
Gregorie hand grips with PTT,
Narco 150 Transponder with Mode C
Sigma-Tek Horizontal and Directional gyros - 1997
Alcor Cylinder Head Temp. gauge - 1997
Mitchell Tachometer - 1998
Kenny Nosebowl -1997
New generator and regulator - 1998
Stainless Steel exhaust system with thermal barrier ceramic coating