Hey and thanks for visiting Joe's Hangar... Unfortunately I havent had much time to work on my page lately, but hope to sometime in the next 5 years...(Just kiddin) well some of the stuff here may not be up to date but most is pretty well finished. Once again thanks for visiting Joe


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Welcome to Joe's Hangar

Your running and flying hq




Aviation Gallery



Aircraft Gallery


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N565UA Boeing 757-223

Photo courtesy of Norman Walesch, Thanks Alot!!  May not be used without his permission nwalesch@ameritech.net


the Links :

About Me - about me exactly what it frickin says.

Links - my favorite links ....

Flying - all about me and flying

Aviation Gallery - Pictures of some sweet planes.

Pictures - Some pictures of my friends and other cool stuff

Legal Information


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Pictures Courtesy of the hard working men and women of the US Air Force who protect us every day.

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In Memory of American Airlines Flight 965

December 20, 1995

N651AA Boeing 757-223

Five Years Ago on a night approach through the mountanous terrain of Columbia, American Airlines Flight 965 crashed into a mountain after a navigation error was made. AA965 departed Miami Intl, and was bound for Cali, Columbia. Four of the 164 passengers on board survived the Crash.  


In Memory of TWA Flight 800

July 17, 1996

N93119 Boeing 747-100

Nearly Four Years Ago on a peaceful night turned tragedy over the Atlantic Ocean " TWA 800 Heavy climb and maintain one five thousand leaving one three thousand. " - Last transmission was heard from the Captain of TWA 800. The report by another aircraft over the scene put the crash site at N040.39.1 W072.38.0


In Memory of Alaska Airlines Flight 261

January 31, 2000

N363AS McDonnell Douglas MD-83

In rememberance of all passengers and airline employees on board Alaska Airlines Flight 261, which crashed into the Pacific Ocean, while attempting an emergency landing at Los Angeles.


Last update was 4/26/00