Litton ERC Amateur Radio Society

Handicapped Hams

Ham radio makes handicaps invisable! There is no clue that the ham you are chatting with on radio-teletype is hearing impaired. The control operator of a network of hams around the world may be a quadriplegic. The type of disability may determine the ham's favorite mode of operation, but, there will be something of interest for everyone. If the Morse code requirement is a barrier to a handicapped person upgrading to a higher class of ham license, the requirement CAN BE WAIVED BY A MEDICAL DOCTOR! If you or someone you know has a disability or a sensory impairment, the Courage HANDI-HAM System is ready and waiting to help you become a ham. This organization has been around since 1967 and is well known for its good work. For further information contact:

Courage HANDI-HAM System Courage Center logo

Courage HANDI-HAM System
3915 Golden Valley Road
Golden Valley, Minnesota 55422
(612) 520-0515
(612) 520-0577 (FAX)
(612) 520-0245 (TTY)

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