Litton ERC Amateur Radio Society

Classes of Ham Licenses

There are six classes of ham licenses currently issued by the Federal Communications Commission.

The following summary provides a brief description of these license classes.

Class Privileges Requirements
Novice HF CW, 10 M Fone, 220 MHz and above. 5 WPM Code, Minimal Technical Test with Rules and Regulations
Technician NO CODE, Moderate Technical Test with Rules and Regulations 50 MHz and above.
Tech Plus 5 WPM Code, Moderate Technical Test with Rules and Regulations. HF CW, 10 M Fone, 50 MHz and above.
General 13 WPM Code, Moderate Technical Test with Rules and Regulations. Most of HF (1.8-29.7MHz Fone and CW, 50 MHz and above.
Advanced Additional Technical Test above level of General. Additional HF Fone Frequencies.
Extra 20 WPM CW, Additional Technical Test Above Level of Advanced. Additional HF Fone and CW Frequencies above level of Advanced.

This area needs work. I haven't seen a license manual in years, and hope this is close to what is required; any input would be appreciated.

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