The Incident Commander

Official Website of Hartford Citywide

The Hartford Citywide Radio Association is celebrating 12 years of incident reporting in 2003. The HCRA was established in April of 1991 by a group of "fire buffs" who wanted to be able to report fire and major ems and haz-mat incidents over a two way radio system to other fire buffs. Ten years later, the HCRA has nearly 100 members made up of firefighters, police officers, medical technicians, media members and others with an interest in "fire buffing" from all over the State of Connecticut, as well as Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, New York and even Florida! We currently operate on a UHF repeaterized radio system through out Connecticut. All incidents that go out over the system go out as 10-codes. As of 2003 we have 5 repeaters located through out the State of Connecticut plus we also have reciprocal agreements with other radio clubs in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey and Washington DC. If Hartford Citywide does not have a reciprocal with your group, we would love to pursue one. You may write us at HCRA, POBox 4003, Hartford CT 06147-4003, Attn: Rick Burnham, Secretary or feel free to send us an E-Mail.

Members of the 2003 HCRA Executive Board.
President Jon Awalt, Car 173
First Vice President Darrell Roch, Car 192
Second Vice President Doug Coy, Car 119
Secretary/Treasurer/Director of Public Information Rick Burnham, Car 80
Director Joe Navin, Car 186
Director Tony Gentile, Car 189

IFBA Region 1 Vice President, Rick Vinceguerra


Yaggi Antenna 7 beam +10.5db gain cut for 450-470mhz paid $100 never used. Asking $75. Contact or call (860)749-5394

The next meeting of Hartford Citywide will be in Friday July 18 at 19:30 in Hartford. It will be a quickie informal meeting followed by a night of buffing the city. The meeting will be held in the parking lot at the Dunkin' Donuts on Farmington Ave and Laurel St. For directions click here. All members who have an email address are asked to send it to us

We are ALWAYS looking for incident photos and new apparatus photos for the website. You can email them to us or you can send them regular mail to HCRA, PO Box 4003, Hartford CT 06147-4003. C-80 will scan them and send them back to you.

As a member of an IFBA Group (Hartford Citywide) you can sign up to participate in the IFBA list on Yahoo Groups. All you have to do is click here and sign up. Beware your membership will be confirmed as this is a closed list.

When the Hartford Citywide Webpage, The Incident Commander, went online 3 years ago the intention was for the website to be the online version of our quarterly newsletter, The Command Post. Happily, the webpage has become that and more as it is constantly updated with all the latest and greatest information regarding our group. At this time with escalating costs for printing, publishing and shipping out our newsletter four times a year and with nearly 85% of our members and most of our reciprocal groups having internet access we have decided not to publish a paper edition.

If you'd like the electronic link version of our newsletter on a quarterly basis. Please email us your full name and email address and we will happily add you to our e-mailing list. Send it with "HCRA Newsletter" in the subject box to Hartford Citywide.

We also accept Classified ads from members and reciprocal groups for free. They appear line item style and will appear on line for 3 months as well on this page. We will also accept business ads they should be ready to be displayed in HTML format with no work other than an upload and sizing on our end. Contact us for rates. Should you wish to submit a classified ad email it to us at Hartford Citywide.

A reminder for all members that if you owe past dues we ask that you please settle up. Should you have any questions about your dues please contact the Secretary/Treasurer Rick Burnham. We have also come up with a bounced check policy as we have had a few come back for insufficient funds. If you should bounce your dues check you are responsible for not only resubmitting the full amount of the check but an additional $20 to cover any bank and processing fees we incur.

Hartford Citywide is always looking for new members to join our group for more information or an application to join the HCRA please e-mail us or write to HCRA, POBox 4003, Hartford CT 06147-4003, Attn: Rick Burnham, Secretary/Treasurer. Hartford Citywide is a non-profit, fire and emergency service related radio group and a member group of the International Fire Buff Associates (IFBA)

HCRA Application in Adobe PDF Format

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