Flight Training Scholarships

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View the current Flight Scholarships list at www.FlightScholarship.info

Flight Scholarships awarded by individual chapters of the "Ninety Nines" for females & other flight training fund resources for men and women

The scholarships on this page are mostly one time awards to help defray the cost of the private pilot license or an advanced rating. Most of these awards are NOT restricted to college students only, hence are a resource for those who cannot tap into all the money available to full time students. This type of list was the goal of my scholarships website.

Therefore, the numerous sources of aid for students enrolled in university aviation programs are not listed here but you can find more information about these types of awards at these links - the University Aviation Association & AvScholars.com - Student Gateway to Aviation . Other scholarship information can be found by searching the web for "aviation scholarships" or "flight scholarship", ect (always enclose your key phrase inside quotations for better hits) using such search engines as www.google.com or on multiple-search sites such as www.dogpile.com.

While pursuing my licenses and ratings, I looked for and began to keep a listing of flight scholarships that I could apply for to help fund my training. Over time it grew and grew so I posted it on the net to try and help others find money to fly too. Being female, I placed a special focus on cataloging grants for women. As such, most of my list contains awards for ladies only but there are some that are open to men as well.

Any additions, corrections, questions or comments about my site are always welcome. ~ The Webmistress

  • Each scholarship has its own application deadline!
  • Amounts may vary from year to year!
  • Some awards may not be given every year!
  • Contact the 99s for current information about their awards!

    Flight Scholarships for the Student Pilot

    ~Flight Scholarships for Females~

    "99s" Chapter Given Awards for Women in CA, NV, AZ, UT & HI

    Other 99s Chapter Scholarships for those outside the Southwestern USA

    In addition to individual chapter awards, the Ninety Nines, Inc. gives several Amelia Earhart Memorial Scholarship Fund grants yearly. These grants cover the cost of an entire advanced rating! Applicants must have been member of the Ninety Nines for a minimum of 24 months. For info on AE grants see the AEMSF page.

    Aviation Scholarships from other Sources

    Canadian 99s Woman Pilot Scholarships link

    International Society of Women Airline Pilots Scholarship Page
    For those who have at least 500 hours total time already, ISA gives grants and scholarships for advanced training and type ratings.When funds are available, the following scholarships may be awarded:

  • North Carolina Financial Scholarship is for a woman pilot from North Carolina interested in a career in the airline world
  • Fiorenza de Bernardi Financial Scholarshipaids those pilots endeavoring to fill some of the basic squares, i.e. a CFI, CFII, MEI
  • Grace McAdams Harris Scholarship may fund any ISA scholarship if the applicant has demonstrated an exceptionally spirited and ingenious attitude under difficult circumstances in the field of aviation
  • Holly Mullins Memorial Scholarship for that applicant who is a single mother
    For info & applications, visit The ISA Scholarship Page

    Jan Jones Aerobatic Scholarship
    The recipient must be a female holding a private pilot certificate, and must use the scholarship for aerobatic flight training. Scholarship Amount: $2,000
    Get info at the International Council of Air Shows Foundation scholarship page.

    The Keep Flying Scholarship
    Scholarship value: at least $3,000. Both sponsors, Deborah Hecker and Evelyne Tinkl, were recipients of WAI type rating scholarships, benefited immensely from the assistance, and want to give back to the aviation community. They RECOGNIZED a need for an intermediate level scholarship to assist individuals making strides in aviation/flight. Scholarship(s) totaling $3,000 will be awarded to one (or more) individual(s) working on an instrument or multi-engine rating, commercial or initial CFI certificate. Payments will be made directly TO YOUR flight school. Flight training must be completed within one year. Finalists will BE interviewed at the annual Women in Aviation conference. Minimum requirements: Private Pilot certificate, 100 hours of flight time, copy of a current written test for the rating/certificate sought with a score of 70 percent or better. In your essay tell how the funds will be used; include other information you feel is relevant. One letter of recommendation must be from someone you have flown with.

    This award is administered via the Women In Aviation Scholarship Program.

    Nancy Horton "Touch the Face of God" Scholarship
    Scholarship offered in memory of Nancy Horton for female students 18 years of age or older training for their commercial aviation license or above. Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA, be highly recommended by her flight instructor, and have a letter of recommendation. Amount:?, Deadline date to apply is before May of each year. 4466 NE 91st Ave. Portland, OR 97220-5024. Note: I received word from Ron Horton in 2/04 that this award has been suspended due to funding, however he plans to offer it again in the future. Contact him for updates.

    The Bobbi Trout Scholarship
    The Bobbi Trout Scholarship of $3,000 is sponsored by Aviatrix Enterprises and was established in honor of pioneering and record-setting aviatrix Evelyn "Bobbi" Trout. The scholarship is awarded annually to a qualified candidate furthering herself in the field of aviation via Women In Aviation. This award provides funding to advance Bobbi's dream of aviation for everyone.

    Scholarships are awarded to an individual at any stage of flight training, and are not restricted to those pursuing a career in aviation. Funding is disbursed in two payments made directly to the accredited institution or flight school at which flight training is performed. Upon demonstration of satisfactory progress in flight training from a statement by the recipient's certified flight instructor, the second half of the award is disbursed. Flight training must be completed within one year. Candidates are judged on the strength of their essay stating their goals in aviation, evidence of satisfactory initial flight training, performance history in education and/or work, volunteerism, financial need. For application info, visit the scholarships section at-

    Women In Aviation International Annual Scholarship Awards
    Every year at the Annual Women in Aviation Conference approximately $1 million in scholarships are awarded to WAI member applicants. To date, 25 organizations and companies are sponsoring the dispatcher, general, flight, engineering, maintenance, management and tuition scholarships. All listed WAI scholarships are awarded during their International Conference, held each March. Apps are due in Dec. For more information on these awards please visit their web page at www.WAI.org

    Women in Corporate Aviation Career Scholarship
    WCA awards three $1,000 scholarships to three women who are interested in continued pursuit of a career in any job classification in corporate/business aviation: pilot, management, dispatch ect. The applicants should be actively working toward their goal and show financial need. For info see the Women In Corporate Aviation Scholarships page or E-mail Wendy Paver

    Women Military Aviators Scholarship Fund
    Women Military Aviators, Inc. is offering an annual $2500 scholarship for tuition or flight training for an FAA private pilot rating or advanced rating at an accredited institution or school. Applicant must be an academic student OR flight student. Applicants must be able to complete training within one year of the award. Recipient will be invited to the biennial Women Military Aviators convention. The WMA Treasurer will make payment to an account established in the recipients name at the institution or school. For further information, contact WMA Scholarship Chairman, CAPT Lucy B. Young, USNR (ret) at juiceyoung@compuserve.com or visit http://www.womenmilitaryaviators.org/scholarship.htm

    Womens Transportation Seminar Scholarships
    To encourage women pursuing careers in transportation, WTS offers an annual graduate scholarship, the Helene Overly Scholarship, an undergraduate scholarship, the Sharon D. Banks Scholarship, and the new undergraduate Louise Moritz Molitoris Leadership Award. Some individual chapters also have their own awards, like San Francisco Bay Area Chapter & Chicago. Open to Open to women with a GPA of 3.0 or higher, currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree program in a transportation-related field and plans to pursue a career in a transportation-related field.
    For more information visit the WTS Scholarships Page

    Rotorcraft Scholarships for Women page

    Scholarships open to Men & Women

    Aero Club of New England
    Description: The Aero Club of New England, in an effort to assist and promote professional aviation careers, has over the past ten years award scholarships to men and women totaling more than $85,000. The awards given (amounts may vary by year) are:

  • Anne Wood Kelly Scholarship for Advanced Pilots $2,000
  • Aero Club of New England Member Scholarship $2.000
  • Bauer-Bisgeier Memorial Scholarship $2,000
  • Charles & Arlene Ehlers Memorial Instrument Pilot Scholarship $1,500
  • Florence M. Abely Memorial Scholarship $1500
  • Andrew Channing Cabot Memorial Scholarship $1000
  • Edward C. Waters Special Pilot Scholarship $1,000
  • Bonita Conners Memorial Special Pilot Scholarship $500
    For more info on the their scholarship program see:
    The ACONE Scholarship webpage

    Aero Club of Pennsylvania
    The Aero Club of Pennsylvania has been awarding aviation training scholarships. Our goal is to encourage and support young men and women with their goals toward an aviation career. Scholarships are available to men and women who meet these requirements:

  • Must have reached the point of first solo, for aviation flight training scholarships OR
  • Must demonstrate an equivalent commitment, for maintenance training scholarships
  • Must reside in the Philadelphia, Greater Delaware Valley area Must be available for a personal interview with the Scholarship Review Board
  • If selected for an award, must attend the Scholarship Awards Dinner in June.
    Visit http://www.aeroclubpa.org/scholarship.html for more information.

    Aero Club of Southern California
    The Aero Club of Southern California "College Student Scholarship". Up to eight awards are made each year. Students who are attending a college, university or trade school in Southern California are eligible to apply. Awards are made based on academic prowess, financial need and passion for aviation. The awards are up to $1,000 each and are used to pay for tuition costs.

    The Marsh Toy Scholarship: Two awards are made each year. Senior high school students attending school in Southern California who are planning to attend university, college or trade school the following year are eligible to apply. Awards are made based on academic prowess, financial need and passion for aviation. The awards are $2,500 each and are used to pay for tuition costs.

    Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association Scholarships

  • McAllister Memorial Scholarship (due 3/31/04)
  • Donald Burnside Memorial Scholarship(due 3/31/04)
  • Koch Corporation Scholarship (due 7/31/04)
    Visit the AOPA-ASF Scholarship Page for information.

    Alaskan Aviation Safety Foundation
    The scholarship was established with monies received from families and friends of Alaskan Aviators who have gone to new horizons. Open to students: enrolled in an aviation related program,three years residency in Alaska,completed at least two semesters, has at least a Private Pilot Certificate. Applications may be requested:
    Alaskan Aviation Safety Foundation
    ATTN: Scholarship Committee
    4340 Aircraft Drive
    Anchorage, Alaska 99502
    Phone: (907)243-7237

    AvTrip Scholarships
    A $2000 award for a current AVTRIP member (aviation refueling credit card-apply for one!) to advance his or her aviation education. For more information about the AVTRIP program, see the AvTrip scholarships page or call 1-888-4AVTRIP.

    Aviation Council Of Pennsylvania Scholarships
    John W. "Reds" Macfarlane and Arnold Palmer professional pilot scholarships, typically $1,000 each. Applicant must be a Pennsylvania resident & hold at least a student pilot certificate. The deadline is August 1st of each year.
    Aviation Council of Pennsylvania homepage

    Aviation Explorer Scouts of the BSA
    Sporty's Pilot Shop offers two annual $1,000 scholarships to encourage Aviation Explorers to enter and complete an aviation curriculum. Spartan School of Aeronautics offers four annual $2,000 scholarships to encourage Aviation Explorers to enter and complete an aviation curriculum. See details here- Explorer Scholarships

    Additionally, Comair Academy offers ten $2,000 awards to Explorer Scouts enrolled in their courses. For more info- http://www.learning-for-life.org/exploring/scholarships/pdf/comair.pdf

    CAE SimuFlite scholarships
    Their program was created to promote business aviation as a career to young aviators. Scholarships are awarded via the University Aviation Association (UAA), Women in Aviation International (WAI), and the Organization of Black Airline Pilots (OBAP). For information and applications, see http://www.cae.com/www2004/About_CAE/ats_HL.shtml

    Civil Air Patrol Flight Scholarships
    "Each year, Civil Air Patrol provides academic and flight scholarships to deserving cadets and seniors who meet eligibility requirements. Over $300,000.00 is available. Many of the scholarships go unused � apply today!" For more info, go to the CAP Scholarships Page

    COMAIR, Airline Pilot Scholarship
    Description: Flight training for commercial airline career.
    Eligibility: Write an essay, complete an application, desire, motivation. Deadline: July. Award(s) & Amount(s): $1,000

    Comair Aviation Academy
    Contact: Susan Burrell
    2700 Flight Line Ave
    Sanford, FL 32773
    Tel. (800) 822-5963
    Website: http://www.comairacademy.com
    E-mail: comairacademy@msn.com

    Comm 1 Radio Aviation Scholarship
    A $1,000 award to assist in pursuing a flying career. In addition to demonstrating an interest in pursuing a career in aviation, scholarship applicants will be asked to submit a brief 75-word essay that examines the financial and practical benefits of using interactive radio communications training as an integrated part of a flight training curriculum. For more information and requirements contact: Comm1radio.com

    Jason Dahl Scholarship Fund
    Captain Jason Dahl was the pilot of United Airlines Flight 93, which was lost on September 11, 2001 in Shanksville, PA. The Captain Jason Dahl Memorial Scholarship was established to provide scholarships to aviation students and to the children of the flight crew of Flight 93. The aviation scholarships are available to students in the aviation programs at Metro State College in Denver (where Jason lived until his death) and at San Jose State University in California (Jason's Alma Mater). Students in the aviation programs at these institutions can contact the Aviation Department at the college information. For additional information regarding the scholarship fund please contact Dan Hatlestad.
    Donations were directed to:
    Captain Jason Dahl Scholarship Fund
    Foothills Bank
    12644 West Indore Place
    Littleton, CO 80127
    (720) 922-9662
    If the Email no longer works, try that contact address.

    Sean DeRosier Memorial Aerobatic Training Scholarship
    The recipient must be male or female between the ages of 17 and 31, wishing to pursue aerobatic flight training or and A&P license. Applicants for an aerobatic training track must have already earned at least private pilot certification. There is no airmen certification required for A&P applicants. Scholarship amount: $1,500.
    For application materials and submission instructions, visit http://www.icasfoundation.org/scholarships_derosier.htm.

    Experimental Aircraft Association Scholarships

  • Clay Lacy Professional Pilot Scholarship
  • Friendship One Flight Training Scholarships
  • Payzer Scholarship
  • Richard Lee Vernon Aviation Scholarship
  • Herbert L. Cox Memorial Scholarship
  • H.P. "Bud" Milligan Aviation Scholarship
    EAA Resident Education Office: 888-322-3229
    E-mail: EAA
    Website: EAA Grants Page

    Ernie Ayers Memorial Flight Scholarship
    This scholarship fund was established in the memory of Ernie Ayer, a native of Maine whose passion for flying led him to a career in aviation.The scholarship will be awarded annually to a deserving individual who has been accepted to a course of study in a professional aviation training program, aviation institution of higher learning, or aviation technical school.

    Those in a program at a recognized flight school will receive the award in installments following the achievement of certain goals, i.e; after the first solo, after the first solo cross country flight, after the written FAA exam is passed and after the pilot certificate is received. The applicant may be asked for a progress report from the flight school. For those accepted to a college or technical program, the scholarship will be paid upon proof that the recipient is enrolled and attending classes. A transcript of grades may be requested. For those seeking advanced ratings, the scholarship will be based on records, experience, potential and demonstrated commitment to aviation. Recipient will be asked to submit a copy of the flight certificate earned upon completion.

    All applicants will be asked for two letters of recommendation. These may be from the applicant�s school, employer, or members of the aviation community. Additional information or an interview may be required during the selection process.The deadline for applications will be May 1. The recipient will then be selected by the board members and notified on or about June 1st.

    To request an application:
    Ernie Ayer Aviation Education Foundation
    5 Rogers Ct.
    Midland Park, NJ 07432

    If you need additional information, call (201) 447 4164 or E-mail- Terri Ayers

    Island City Aero Club Flight Training Scholarship
    ICAC proudly offers two aviation scholarships each worth $750.00. Must be 16 to 25 years of age and live within a 30 mile radius of the Cumberland, WI Airport. http://www.islandcityaeroclub.com

    MEA Aviation Scholarship
    A $250 award given by the Mid-Atlantic Educational Association in an aviation or aerospace field. Award is applicable for flight instrcution at an FAA approved school. Deadline is in August. Must be at least 16 yrs. Contact the MAEA at 10423 Fyfe Ct, Fairfax, VA 22032 or Email mea@aol.com

    Minnesota Aviation Trade Association Flight Scholarship
    "Why I Want To Learn To Fly" Scholarship a $1,500.00 value. Requirements: Write a one page, type-written, double-space letter entitled "Why I Want to Learn to Fly". Must a be a Minnesota resident, at least 16 years of age. http://www.mnataonline.net/scholarship.html.

    Montana Pilots Association Scholarship
    $500 training award. Contact- http://www.montanapilots.org/

    Mooney Aircraft Pilots Association Safety Foundation Scholarship
    $2,500 scholarship. Applicant must currently be enrolled in a course of study that promotes General Aviation Safety. Must be an MAPA member or sponsored by one. Min GPA 3.0. For more info, contact the MAPA P.O. Box 460607, San Antonio, TX 78246, (210) 525-8008.

    NATA John E. Goodwin, Jr Memorial Scholarship
    Eligibility: This scholarship is for flight training or rating. Must be at least 18 years of age or older, possess a student pilot certificate with a 3rd class medical certificate and can qualify for a second class medical certificate. Must demonstrate commitment to General Aviation. Be nominated and endorsed by a representative of a Regular or Associated Member Company of the national Air Transportation Association. While not a prerequisite, membership in good standing in the civil air patrol will be favorably considered.
    Due in: November, Award(s) & Amount(s): $2500
    National Air Transportation Foundation
    4226 King St.
    Alexandria, VA 22302
    Tel. (703) 845-9000

    National Business Aircraft Association Scholarships
    NBAA offers ten scholarships to promote professional development and business aviation careers. All awards will be made to U.S. citizens without regard to sex, race, religion, or national origin.
    The New Jersey 99s Riach Memorial Scholarship

    Oklahoma Pilots Association Scholarship
    For student in training for a career in aviation: pilot, education or airport management. Unless otherwise specifically stated, applicants must be graduates of high schools in central Oklahoma. Past amount was $2500. Request an application or further information from:
    Alan Liebler
    Oklahoma Pilots Association
    9720 Lakeland Terrace
    Oklahoma City, OK 73110-1606

    Oregon Pilots Association Scholarships
    The Raymond Meyer Flight Fund Scholarship in the amount of $500. Deadline for applications is May 15th, 2004 and the winner will be annouced by May 31st, 2004. The Eligibility Criteria and Application can be found at the following link http://www.oregonpilot.org/asef/scholar.htm.

    San Fernando Valley chapter of The Ninety-Nines
    Three $3,000 scholarships to Southern California men OR women interested in furthering aviation careers. Scholarship applicants must be residents of the greater Los Angeles area, at least 21 years old and U.S. citizens planning to continue their aviation-related education in academic or flight schools. Applications must be postmarked by April 23, 2004. Applications for the 2004 Career Scholarship Awards are available by sending a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope to: SFV 99s Career Scholarships, P.O. Box 8160, Van Nuys, CA 91409 or by applying via their website: www.sfv99s.org

    Vermont Aviation Advisory Council
    The Mary J. McGrath Flight Scholarship. $1,000 to a Vermont pilot pursuing their CFI. Deadline: Contact Sponsor.
    Vermont Aviation Advisory Council
    PO Box 1527
    Montpelier, VT 05601-1527
    (802) 863-3343

    Other Scholarship Information Links:

    The AvScholars Network
    A free online service with aviation/aerospace scholarship, grant, loan, flight school, and job & internship information.
    AvScholars.com - Student Gateway to Aviation

    Aviation Grants & Scholarships Info

    FAA Aviation Grants/Scholarships page

    Youth Aviation Programs & Scholarships Links

    The Charlie Wells Aviation Scholarship

    Nat'l Gay & Lesbian Pilots Association Scholarships Page

    Air Tractor Agriculture Pilots Turbine Training Scholarship

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