Maps of Hong Kong

The Old Map - VFR Airspace
Hong Kong VFR airspace was divided into a number of zones and sectors. Those generally north of Lantau, Kowloon and Clear Water Bay were sectors, in which general VFR flight is permissible up to 3,500', whilst those to the south are Zones which were under strict control of ATC including the entry into these areas. Entry and exit points to the zones were limited such as Silvermine, Lantau and East Pass (directly over Kai Tak Runway) and a low level (500') entry/exit point which is not shown on the map crossing the extended center line of Kai Tak south east of Tung Lung Chau passing the outer marker OM31. The hatch areas are danger zones details of which are available in the NOTAM's, despite this local PPL's could circumnavigate Hong Kong quite happily.

New VFR Airspace
Following the opening of CLK the new airspace has drastically shrunk the available UCARA and imposed restrictions of the use of controlled space. Routes previously enjoyed by single engine aircraft such as Shatin and East Pass are no longer available. In addition there are reporting lines which require notification to the Local Police. On the bright side we can now fly into the harbor through' the East Channel, but a sad sight lies ahead with the Kai Tak runway covered in "Disused" crosses. Its early days yet and fingers crossed the airspace may become as open as it use to be.

