Micro lights in the Philippines - 1996

Captain Virtual, Off to La Bamba... again ??

The back streets are not so well kept, potholes are every where, and a jaunt down here in a Pedalo can be back jarring.

Spot The Pedalo

The streets seem relativly deserted during the early Sunday morning, with the exception of the odd Jeepnee and Pedalo. When night falls the street will be a different picture.

Traffic Jam

The airfield is some 20 minuets away but here we are stuck in a traffic jam in a Pedalo. traffic jams are a common occurance especially when it rains, Sitting in a Pedalo in the rain in a traffic jam is not the best place to be on a weekends break.

The Airfield

The Micro light airfield is about 15 -30 mins away from the town of Angelese, subject to traffic. An open upper deck sits above the club house and offices. 

The Aircraft

One of the many planes kept snug and safe in the hangar. Chatting with a group of chaps that turned up to carry out some maintenance work, I was told many of the owners work off shore and come here for a regular few weeks break and flying.

Take Off

My instructor was now ready, I was to excited to take anymore pictures until we got airborne. I was strapped in to the rear seat and told not to touch anything, it seemed any flight instruction was not going to happen, despite my expressing a desire to do so while mentioning I already had a PPL. resigned to a joy ride I sat back and relaxed, we taxied out to the small strip representing  the runway, the throttle opened and in no time at all we were airborne. The sensation was brilliant, with the openness of a hang glider and the knowledge the engine could take us where we wanted to go , I was instantly hooked.

Scud Running

Flying low across the surrounding area, the devastation of the mud slides from the Mount Pinatuba disaster was all to apparent. On occasions the plane swooped low enough it seemed you could put your hands out and catch the tops of long grass growing atop the banks of earth dug from the river.

Derelict Village

The roofs of entire villages popped above the carpet of mud, now solidified. it went on for mile after mile. churches, barns, houses, nothing had escaped. 

Approach To Land

The thrill of flying around in a micro light was only marred by seeing the extent the people living in this area must have suffered and lost. It was time to head back, the landing field appeared in the distance, the main road passed beneath as we turned and lined up on the small field ahead. The planed had no longer than touched down before we were taxiing back to the hangar, an incredible stopping distance. The flight was over, I sid my good byes and it was back to Angelese, find Capt. Virtual who had decided to sleep in and grab lunch.


