Memetics: A Systems Metabiology by Ron Hale-Evans.
Review of Memes: the New Replicators by Damien Sullivan.
Hypertext Publishing and the Evolution of Knowledge by K. Eric Drexler.
Memetics page por Hyper-Weirdness by WWW.
Memes: Introducción nodo en Principia Cybernetica.
Memetics on the Web. Publicaciones brevemente comentadas de Memética.
Memetic Engineering By James Gardner (Wired 4.05 May 1996). About the social and philosophical implications of a meme-centered worldview.
The New Meme by David Brin. An essay about the memetics of critical thinking, science, optimism and tolerance.
Meme, Counter-Meme, article by Mike Godwin in Wired October 1994 (Archived in Hotwired). Cómo un meme se puede usar para combatir otros memes.
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Glosario de Bioingeniería del Conocimiento - Carlos von der Becke.