A Byte about me.
Ok, first a picture, always seems like people want to see that, to put a face to the thoughts and words....either that or they want to make sure you aren't lying to them if you tell them you are 6'4 and a Playgirl model.
and as you can see, I'm neither. Don't say I didn't warn you. Actually I lost the beard a while ago.
I was born and raised on one of the most beautiful places on the planet, Vancouver Island, Canada. That (for now) is in the Province of British Columbia. I work at a medium sized call center as General Manager and Senior Telecom Service Representative which means if it breaks, I fix it. I also help find solutions for peoples telecommunications problems.
I'm 30 something and recently divorced, no kids.
What makes me tick? As I was thinking up content for this page I wondered what I could put on it to fill up space. As I have other pages that highlight my interests (mainly naval aviation) I figured this is where people could get to know me. I also figured this would be a golden opportunity to get some things off my chest.
What guy doesn't want to talk
am a pretty loyal "homer" so that means I follow the NHL's Vancouver
of course means that I love the underdogs. The rallying cry for the
local sports franchises has always seemed to be "wait 'til next year".
I've been a collector of team memorabilia since the team entered the league.
Currently, my favourite movie
is probably There's
Something about Mary. For a show with
no gun-play or car wrecks, it's pretty good. It's warped sense
of humor is right up my alley. Of course I'm a big
fan and enjoyed The Phantom Menace. I also loved Ground
Hog Day, Planes Trains and Automobiles, Animal House, the Blues Brothers.
You know... all the "Classics". I even liked Titanic, though it was
predictable. I just knew that ship was going to sink.
I don't travel alot but my favourite spots to visit have been Disneyland (a place that you enjoy more as you grow older), Whidbey Island, Reno, The Oregon coast, Sacramento and San Francisco. I've always wanted to go to Australia, Maybe Japan one day too.
The Internet
would a home page be without a dissertation on that information super-highway,
the internet. It's a fabulous tool to express your interests to everyone
that cares to find you. Everything is there you could want and conversely,
lot's you don't want. Don't believe everything you hear or read,
just because it's on the net. I have taken "official" IQ tests on
the net and have been told I have an IQ of 153. That means 99.5%
of the world is dumber than me. Sorry, that just ain't so no matter
how much my mother will tell you that it is. This Super-highway has
plenty of potholes and like all good drivers, we learn how to avoid them
by hitting a few first.
What bugs me? Well lot's of things really but here are few that jump out at me this week.
" Daytime Talk shows" Jenny Jones and Sally Jessie, The female equivalent of the WWF and WCW. They both have about the same amount to do with the "real" world. Come on people, it's little more than unorganized arguing. I actually heard one of these day-time referee's describe their show as "thought provoking". I think the whole daytime talk show thing started to go down hill when the grand daddy of them all, Phil Donahue put on a dress for an episode about cross-dressing. From there, the different shows started leap-froging over one another right off the good-taste wagon. I wonder how Jerry Springer would fill a whole show if the chairs he provides his "guests" were bolted to the floor. Now I've only been able to stay awake for one (or two) of Jerry's show's but apparently he has something at the end called the "sober second-thought". To call it a second thought would imply there was an original. It's entertainment and I think most people realize that but many think that this passes as an accurate reflection of society? I saw a sign being held up during a WCW television "event". (I was just changing channels, Honest!), Someone had an interesting variation of the "Austin 3:16" signs that were at one time rampant in the stands....It read "Drunk 24:7" Now that guy had a better grip on reality. He likely had the most sober second thought in the whole auditorium.....or at least the next morning he did when he paused to wonder how he could have spent 25 dollars to watch poster-boys for steroid abuse preen around the "stage" er umm "ring" shouting at one another and hurling chairs....see? it is just like Jerry Springer.
Pro sports......I think I'll save that one for another day but what's with these players that want to be traded to a "contender"? Is there anyone that doesn't want to win? Is there anyone that ever went public with the statement "I'd like to be moved to a team that really doesn't have very high expectations "? Now I know that Mark McGuire hit 70 some-odd more home runs than I did last year and Pavel Bure can skate faster and turn the red light on more often than me but I'm pretty sure I put in longer hours. At last count we were Paying Mr Mac around 100,000 dollars per home run and Pavel Bure about the same per goal....break that salary per at-bat or shift on the ice and then compare that paltry sum to the salary of the average high school teacher. Do I sound jealous? Bitter?.... That's only because I am!!. Ever wonder why they call them "Fantasy Camps?" If I had a boss, I'd go public with a request to be traded to Micro-soft.
Any while I'm at it....what kinda GUY names his company "micro-soft"?
realize that I may be giving away some top-secret madison avenue marketing
scheme away here but I really hope there are far less gullible people out
there than some advertising campaigns seem to be targeting. My current
favourite is "If we can't beat our competitors price, we'll give it to
you for FREE!". I understand that many of these kind of commercials
come on the air at 3am when we are at our mental weakest but are we
to believe that some salesman is going to utter "geee, we'd loose money
beating THAT price so I guess it's all yours for free?"
stupid slogans? Nothing else
is a Volkswagen....that's right!, if it was something other than a Volkswagen,
it wouldn't be called that!